Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

gentlemen, I don't think that I;ll make it this time, in case I don't it has been enjoyable in knowing you, you made a brigt spot in my life.

gentlemen, I don't think that I;ll make it this time, in case I don't it has been enjoyable in knowing you, you made a brigt spot in my life.

What do you mean by that DJ???
Are you personally not feeling well?

You’ve been through so much in one lifetime that most people will never go through in 10, I truly hope you’re not giving in so easily (unless there’s something more going on that I’m unaware of)!!
I know that you’ve just lost your beloved Tiger but, though I’d never been fortunate enough to meet either of you, I’m willing to bet that she’d want you to not only carry on till the end,,but do so with more strength & vigor than ever before (just an opinion).

Hang in there my friend!
You & your stories have been the bright spot in OUR lives for many years now!!

And for the record, though I may be all the way up in Michigan, if there’s anything that I can possibly do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know!!

As always, I wish you all the best-

gentlemen, I don't think that I;ll make it this time, in case I don't it has been enjoyable in knowing you, you made a brigt spot in my life.

Pero hombre mi General, esto si que cala. Sad to hear you giving up hope, it is up to our good Lord to decide when our time is up. Yes I too have gotten many good laughs, great education, inspiration, hope, bad coffee, and much more, but I am still praying for more good times to come. I know there is still some green under that bark, so don't just give up on us.



Don Jose,'
You'll push through this as you have all your life.
Hang in there; we're all with you.

Don Jose, you PROMISED all of us a seat at your 150th Birthday !
As everyone has said, you ARE tough and we are here with, and for you !

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gentlemen, I don't think that I;ll make it this time, in case I don't it has been enjoyable in knowing you, you made a brigt spot in my life.

It is you that made a bright spot in our lives, to speak for everyone.

I hope you are mistaken and that ornery Oirish in you refuses to give up. You still have a lot to do amigo, heck we are almost back to the starting square in some respects so don't leave us yet!

If you can not make it, know that it has been a true honor to have known you and to have been your friend. We will meet again.

Elegantly said Oro, and we all are hoping it's just premature. :notworthy::coffee2::notworthy:

Jose, I agree with all of the previous comments, whole heartedly!

But, the Lord has been good and true to you, just as good for all of us for letting us see your world.

And I will tell you the same thing that I told my mother.

She has walked with our lord every day, so I told her that, if one day He should say that you’re closer to his home than back to her’s... Look back only to wave and keep going.

I’m pretty sure that we will all see her in the morning.

You have inspired so many, brothers and sisters here to pursue their dreams, myself included, I’m working on chapter 24 ,which will close out the book and I want to get that first one off the presses into your hands, before you choose to keep walking.

I am honored, humbled and grateful,
To be sitting in the circle around your campfire [emoji91].

Stay thirsty, my amigo.


Don Jose, I am not as eloquent as the many others who have replied to your post. If it is in fact your time, please know that you will be missed, and I'm sure you will soon be reunited with your Tigre and the dove. It has been a pleasure and an honor to know you. If it is, in fact, NOT your time (as we all hope), then we will eagerly await your return to these pages.


gentlemen, I don't think that I;ll make it this time, in case I don't it has been enjoyable in knowing you, you made a brigt spot in my life.

Should your bride and self be by on mules or donkeys ...You are welcome to my places.
Regardless ,should gold and silver laden looking hoof tracks , or light saintly imprints of the Mrs. (not sure about yours yet...) be found when your friends are on a scout ,we'll wonder how you are and as ever wish you the best ;with our thanks for your tales of adventure and life.

Should I squeak in through the gate somehow ,I'll look for you as mentioned before... and your audience, and coffee, in the library. If you are not still prolonging your second honeymoon dance still... In which case ,maybe eventually we'll meet full well.

Ventura! Not the same named city...but a toast to you and your bride and future "fortune" of new adventures.

Don Joseph

Stay with us ! Please , don't break my heart . We still have many things to say and you still have many things to see . You have not thought to stop here , your targets are more afar . You are a warrior .

Your Grick friend

Don Jose,

If you've lost your will to live, it's your choice to make. All your friends & acquaintances can do,
is try to encourage you. You truly have been one of the most interesting Treasures, I've never
had the pleasure to meet. But remember some of the tight spots you've been in, & maybe you
really wondered if you would live through them, & possibly just narrowly escaped death then.

You've much family, & many friends that have enjoyed you tremendously. If indeed you leave
this life's consciousness & present dimension, I hope that you remember to put in a good word
for all of us, that you've entertained & tolerated, since we'll be at a great loss, & you'll be free.
Sincerely hoping you get another second wind, & that the Lord renews your strength again...

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that post was the result of my trying the sleepy pills, thy were nothing but super tranquilizers ond goored uyp my thinking, I apol
I do wish to thank all of you well wishers, thamk you
I will post again as soon as I am free of their effects, promis.e

Hey Don Jose, I've been on this forum for a long time now, and down through the years I feel I have gotten to know you better. We have shared many stories, laughs, and information. Many of your experiences are still fresh in my mind as I ponder the future. I can feel your pain, so if you need to reach out to someone on here, I'm available. I don't visit here as much as I used to, but try to visit as often as I can. You have truly inspired me to learn, investigate and establish a protocol for, not only treasure hunting, but other endeavors as well. Life sometimes kicks us when we are down and makes it hard to go on, but I know you re a strong willed person and are able to overcome obstacles other can't even imagine. Your journey is not complete. Heck, your book is not yet finished. Good Luck. rockhound


that post was the result of my trying the sleepy pills, thy were nothing but super tranquilizers ond goored uyp my thinking, I apol
I do wish to thank all of you well wishers, thamk you
I will post again as soon as I am free of their effects, promis.e

The sleepy pills are depressants,so that may explain the post. We are all glad to see you back. Please keep in contact, and we are all waiting to see your posts, and are all worried about you. I plan to dance at your 150th birthday. That will give me 50 some years to learn how to dance. Heck, if you can make it, so can I. After all, I'm much younger.....just a baby, as i recall you saying.



that post was the result of my trying the sleepy pills, thy were nothing but super tranquilizers ond goored uyp my thinking, I apol
I do wish to thank all of you well wishers, thamk you
I will post again as soon as I am free of their effects, promis.e

Oh ,you ain't clutching your chest and checking out? Ahh well.
Back to insulting you again then.:angel12:

See Senor Don Jose, you are surrounded by well wishers and friends ! Obviously, you have touched their life.
Here , we will send this nurse to watch over you. nurse.gif

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I posted Karma on another thread awhile back and it made a few people chuckle. Hopefully, some of these will crack a smile from you as well. You are still Human correcto ? Keep posting away Senor Don Jose el superhombre .

Don Jose:

I have a great deal to learn from you. This thread has well over 400 pages and almost half a million views in less than a decade. That is a remarkable record - telling me, for one, that others wish to learn from you, as well.

Don't I recall rumors of a book you were working on? Perhaps you did speak about it too often and not continue to write it often enough. Rest assured I would very much like to read it. Please don't follow the example of the great Clarence King!

We all must go - in good time. But your time isn't good now.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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