hola, part two
well things sorta settled down for a few days, but there was a sort of restlenes, the men were sort of milling aron, the work effectively came to a halt.. I notified the main office and they offered to send up a plane, but in no way could we abandon the foreman, or his daughters. I found out later they were waiting for their "KIller Indian to come. Part of his fee ws one of the twins.
yA call to the State police in Culican produced nothing, " they replied that the area in quetion was in dispute with Durango, so they were effectivly powerless, the same for Durango, we were effectively on our own .
I checked out our our resources, we were baricaded in the almacen, which was backed into a cut on the hill.
they could merely sit up there and shoot the roof full of holes. The one safe place would be under the assay table. [I was a 4 inch slab of concrete anchored in the bed rock.
whan I suggestes to Bert that she hide there she prompedly exclaimed " no way, Jose, if you go i will go also".
So I looked at our resources and noticed a carton of Torvex,a substitute for dinamite, so I commenced cutting short lengths of fuze ligting and timing it to the exlosion of the primer.
Then I atttached them to small pieces of Torvex, which gave a satisfying boom, all witnessed by a fascinated audiencs, peraps a hundred meters away. My final preparation was to tie three pieces of Torvex together with a 6 ft cord to each , so that it cldn't be picked up in the time of the lighting of the ignition of the cord and the explosion, My watching audience were showing signs of discomfort by now.
There it sat for a few days until the Indian arrived on his mule. They promptly went into a huddle and from the arm waving I asumed that they wre discussing my defensive tactic. In any event In a few hours the Indian left in disgust after a few hours, so I saved the two twins from a fate worse than death
Two days later we finally let the foreman out of the house, and as we were drinking coffee, someone took a shot at us from abut 200 meters, the bullet went between us, I knew instantly what it was from my war experiences, , so I waved to the unknown sniper to let him know that I knew that if he had wanted to actually hit one of us, he could have. I then got up and suggested that we finish the coffee in the house.
however The aftermath of this was the men developed great repect for me because I backed one of our men,to the last and never gave us any more trouble - I found that the foreman had been correct.