Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

A whole month? :o Well I don't really keep track of my Compadre's deposit date, just saw it anounced on TNet's forum page under today's birthdays.

Thanks for the dance though mi Amiga:headbang:

I can't forget, since we are both Libras. Perhaps the old scoundrel is trying to double up on birthdays to score more coffee additives. :dontknow:

And you're welcome, my pleasure. :notworthy:

Gracias Marius, no gric dancing girls ? ya still have a chance, I am a Libra actually,:occasion14:


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gosh dit, was that you dancing no wonder men like girrrls. !!!

A lot of good people come out of October. My Father, and Father in law were both from October, so is my Wife, and Grand Daughter.

I came up with the funniest thought... Could Tayopa actually be a little silver mine in the mining area of Quito??? Wouldn't it be something if: The Perfil Map, The Molina Map, The Tayopa Map, and the Peralta Stones all lead to the same mining area??? The lost area of Quito... And the platinum mines that the King of Spain ordered closed before platinum became a valuable metal? What if the peligroza had something to do with the dangerous forms of platinum??? Who can say for certain??? I guess we may never know...

I wonder where the female waitress at Centerfolds in Sacramento CA got her platinum ore from in the 90's??? And I wonder who signed the dollar bill that she was given Pliny1620r???Oh well... I wonder if the person who gave her such a tip knew what he had when he gave it to her as a tip??? There are some things in life that we may never know the answers to... hehehe

corozone, want a psychological profile of your Grand daughter ? Send me the day and if possible the hour..

Ok Don Jose

Only one dance , because you are a little boy in your fourth childhood !


corozone, want a psychological profile of your Grand daughter ? Send me the day and if possible the hour..

Compadre, que paso? if you were really psychic you would know the day, and even the hour.:laughing7: Never the less I thank you, I would rather see her gifts unfold over time.


I have some of the funniest ideas...Shoot...It makes perfect sense in reasoning that all of the maps are all different depictions of the same mining area...Especially if nobody has been able to find neither of any of the sites in question...Hmm...Who knows???Maybe one day someone will find the area in question and be able to enlighten us on the matter...Until then...I guess that we will all remain in the dark and continue to be a bunch of mushrooms...Ya'll know the old saying about mushrooms don't ya????About being kept in the dark and being feed a bunch of B.S....I guess I may be eternally cursed with the thought...Have I been there???I guess we may never know...I doubt that I'll ever be able to return to said location...Even if the price were right...I doubt I'd ever be able to return to Reno as well...As if I gave away a paragon diamond at a chicken ranch...Life is silly at times...We never know what life will throw at us...I guess we are all destined to learn from our mistakes...I have made so many mistakes in my short lifetime and I believe I have learned very little...Oh well...Maybe one day I may learn a lesson or two...Or maybe even three...I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Not Psychic, corozone, but calculating the modifications on the fetus by the position of the heavenly bodies at that time. Their influence is vastly underrated, yet they keep the heavens accurately in place.

Give me the date and hour of someone else to prove to you that I am in the ball park.
Results wiil be confidential if desired.

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Well ya'll...It seems as if this place has not really changed all that much and I doubt that any of ya'lls input will help me with my quest...So, I think that I'll be taking my leave from this place for a while...Maybe I should go find me another spot where I can spread my fertilizer...hahaha...Oh well...Anyhow...Good luck unto ya'll in figuring out IF any of my posts are factual or IF all of them are nothing more than total B.S. I really do believe that I have some of ya'll believing that I really do have a little platinum hole in the wall somewhere in North America...Hell...I might even have some of ya'll believing that I actually gave away a paragon diamond in Reno so long ago...To this day I still wonder IF I did...Who can say for certain other than the person whom I gave it to???After all he should know if it were diamond or not...At the time he told me he was studying at the Mackay School of Mines in Reno I believe...hehehe...Who can say for certain???I wonder if he has found another one???I wonder if all of those giant gopher holes that I saw on Google Earth a few years ago have anything to do with my little Tia Juana???Life is really funny at times...It is filled with so many questions and even more answers to those questions...It is up to us to find the answers to the questions which are presented to us...That is the tough part...I guess you can say the answers to many questions are where we find them...And yes there are times we even find some of the answers at the bottom of a bottle...Or two...Or even three...Maybe one day My Father will be willing to let me return to prospecting...And who knows???Maybe one day My Father will let me return to my little hole in the wall platinum mine or even to Reno...Even if I have to continue to have to wait and see...Hell...Wouldn't it be funny if I discover a diamond mine which might rival The Premier No. 2 mine...And wouldn't it be even funnier if it produces an even larger diamond than my little Tia Juana???I guess only time will tell...hehehe...rofl...:occasion14::notworthy::hello:

Why do I kinda feel as if The Blindblowman, who used to write about the fact that he was "100% positive he'd found Tayopa & could prove it", is back here on Tnet, writing crazily again?
Haven't we been through all of this before....someone else claiming they've seen it, got it, own it, or are currently staring right at it??

Unless there's verifiable proof to go along with whatever tale is being told, let's leave the Tayopa yarns to our man Don Jose who ACTUALLY has it!!

Speaking of which...how's it going with Tayopa DJ? Any new & exciting info to share (hopefully)?

Thank you in advance.
All the best-

Hey Don Jose ! Are you still kicking ?


Why do I kinda feel as if The Blindblowman, who used to write about the fact that he was "100% positive he'd found Tayopa & could prove it", is back here on Tnet, writing crazily again?
Haven't we been through all of this before....someone else claiming they've seen it, got it, own it, or are currently staring right at it??

Unless there's verifiable proof to go along with whatever tale is being told, let's leave the Tayopa yarns to our man Don Jose who ACTUALLY has it!!

Speaking of which...how's it going with Tayopa DJ? Any new & exciting info to share (hopefully)?

Thank you in advance.
All the best-

Close. Ed T, not Blind Bowman, but close....


hola, part two

well things sorta settled down for a few days, but there was a sort of restlenes, the men were sort of milling aron, the work effectively came to a halt.. I notified the main office and they offered to send up a plane, but in no way could we abandon the foreman, or his daughters. I found out later they were waiting for their "KIller Indian to come. Part of his fee ws one of the twins.
yA call to the State police in Culican produced nothing, " they replied that the area in quetion was in dispute with Durango, so they were effectivly powerless, the same for Durango, we were effectively on our own .

I checked out our our resources, we were baricaded in the almacen, which was backed into a cut on the hill.

they could merely sit up there and shoot the roof full of holes. The one safe place would be under the assay table. [I was a 4 inch slab of concrete anchored in the bed rock.

whan I suggestes to Bert that she hide there she prompedly exclaimed " no way, Jose, if you go i will go also".

So I looked at our resources and noticed a carton of Torvex,a substitute for dinamite, so I commenced cutting short lengths of fuze ligting and timing it to the exlosion of the primer.

Then I atttached them to small pieces of Torvex, which gave a satisfying boom, all witnessed by a fascinated audiencs, peraps a hundred meters away. My final preparation was to tie three pieces of Torvex together with a 6 ft cord to each , so that it cldn't be picked up in the time of the lighting of the ignition of the cord and the explosion, My watching audience were showing signs of discomfort by now.

There it sat for a few days until the Indian arrived on his mule. They promptly went into a huddle and from the arm waving I asumed that they wre discussing my defensive tactic. In any event In a few hours the Indian left in disgust after a few hours, so I saved the two twins from a fate worse than death

Two days later we finally let the foreman out of the house, and as we were drinking coffee, someone took a shot at us from abut 200 meters, the bullet went between us, I knew instantly what it was from my war experiences, , so I waved to the unknown sniper to let him know that I knew that if he had wanted to actually hit one of us, he could have. I then got up and suggested that we finish the coffee in the house.

however The aftermath of this was the men developed great repect for me because I backed one of our men,to the last and never gave us any more trouble - I found that the foreman had been correct.

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