Has anyone heard from the trio lately??
They crossed my mind the other day, when I heard a tale about a man that was lost at sea and managed to survive several years alone on an island, before spotting a ship and firing off his only flair.
He met the rescue boat at the beach, ready to leave. The crew asked about others, and the man said " No."
The crew pressed him to explain the huts that were above the beach.
He explained that, one is where he lived, and one is where he where he went to church.
When they asked about the third hut, he said "That's where I used to go to church."
I don't know exactly why that made me think of the trio....?
saw an old picture about last real Revoloution of the Yaqui in the early 1900's and it brought back memories of the five years that I le with them. It was fairly accurate as far as the Yaqui are concerned. It had the black man as it's hero, but not with the nirds. it featured Jim brown as the negro, and Rachael Welch,, who was used more for her oversized -- er acting abiility.
Nevertheless it was an acceptable, Incidentally, they did not hang the Yaqui from Telephone poles, but telegraph poles. ''the telegraph poles were smaller and did not allow for a quick death,but only by strangulation They formed a fence with dead Yaqui bodies.
the ones that survived were shipped as virtual slaves to the hemp fields in the Yucatan from which practically none returned alive.
I can tell you of things that happened while i lived with them in the 50's.
saw an old picture about last real Revolution of the Yaqui in the early 1900's and it brought back memories of the five years that I le with them. It was fairly accurate as far as the Yaqui are concerned. It had the black man as it's hero, but not with the nirds. it featured Jim brown as the negro, and Rachael Welch,, who was used more for her oversized -- er acting abiility.
Nevertheless it was acceptable, Incidentally, they did not hang the Yaqui from Telephone poles, but telegraph poles. ''the telegraph poles were smaller and did not allow for a quick death,but only by strangulation They formed a fence with dead Yaqui bodies.
the ones that survived were shipped as virtual slaves to the hemp fields in the Yucatan from which practically none returned alive.
I can tell you of things that happened while i lived with them in the 50's.
No John it was not Tayopa.
Wait a minute.....
Rachael Welch could act?!?
The picture was '100 rifles, Jim Brown, Rachel Welsh" enjoy john
Marius, where did you learn English ? You have a better command of it than many Americans, my spanish is more like "me
tarzan, you jane'
stories, not story.