Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Someday someone will go through the Arizona Republic Arch or in the Library and look at the headlines in 1948 when the guy went up to Massacure Grounds with a WWII Mine Detector and found the 2 trenches, one 50 feet and the other 70 feet long one inch down with 8 inch diameter leather bags with processed gold ore, all gold. I remember reading it when I lived in Florence in late '63. My brother and I talked about it and it turns out he read it in 1948 (I was only 3 then). For a long time I thought he read it when I did, when it was "Filler" about 3 pages back from the headline story about the 2 guys from Hawaii that went looking for the LDM. One shot his boyhood best friend over a 2 Lb. nugget of Fool's Gold and they were bringing him back from Hawaii. It was not the source of Waltz's gold as he would have been so rich he could have gone back to Germany. In 1948 it was valued at $26,000,000! Because of Treasure Trove Tax at 50%, he had $13,000,000 that he had to pay Income tax on at the then max rate of 98%. He only got to keep $260,000. Then he had to pay Arizona Incone tax on the rest. I learned the lesson then , "You can have the money or you can have the Fame, but not both".

AU i decline the fame, only the satisfaction to have solved Part of the Jesuit history in the Americas, as for money I have yet to receive any money from Tayopa, but in the event that I can receive, by careful work, is a 50 % split winh he gov't.( Mex)

Here they would try for 100% as historical atrifacts, even though it is a mine. LOL

same here,AU but you can shoot for the orher as long as the other is still hidden..

Has anyone heard from the trio lately??
They crossed my mind the other day, when I heard a tale about a man that was lost at sea and managed to survive several years alone on an island, before spotting a ship and firing off his only flair.
He met the rescue boat at the beach, ready to leave. The crew asked about others, and the man said " No."

The crew pressed him to explain the huts that were above the beach.

He explained that, one is where he lived, and one is where he where he went to church.

When they asked about the third hut, he said "That's where I used to go to church."


I don't know exactly why that made me think of the trio....?

I have been puzzled by a ring that I saw on Tnet yesterday...It was a gold ring with an 8 pointed ship's wheel, a cross and two crescent moons...I really don't know why I was perplexed by it...But I was...So...I started doing a little research...And the research leads me to believe that it was/is a Jesuit ring for some strange reason...And one thing led to another and I did another search...Here is the search that I did... https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1...0i22i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i21k1.0.qCCCb7_Qo8o One of the stories that I read on the page has a very interesting story about The Virgin Mary and the Virgin de Guadalupe...

Anyhow...In the story it mentions that the Spanish conquered the Muslims in the year 1492 I believe... Here is a link to the story... https://onepeterfive.com/the-two-guadalupes-mary-and-the-crescent-moon/ ...I wonder if the Muslims already knew of the New world and the Spanish gained the knowledge of it from the Muslims??? Which leads to the picture of the Virgin and The Lady of Guadalupe standing on a crescent moon...Sounds kind of farfetched...

And what does this have to do with Tayopa???Well...I believe that it has been called Real of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Tayopa...Well...I'll just stop here and let ya'll think about it...

Have I found one of the 3 Tayopas???

I do believe so...lol

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Has anyone heard from the trio lately??
They crossed my mind the other day, when I heard a tale about a man that was lost at sea and managed to survive several years alone on an island, before spotting a ship and firing off his only flair.
He met the rescue boat at the beach, ready to leave. The crew asked about others, and the man said " No."

The crew pressed him to explain the huts that were above the beach.

He explained that, one is where he lived, and one is where he where he went to church.

When they asked about the third hut, he said "That's where I used to go to church."


I don't know exactly why that made me think of the trio....?

Heard from Crow a couple of weeks ago. Apparently they have something going on, and are still incommunicado. He said all was well, but they were unable to communicate. He was in Australia, living the good life.


Sounds promising!
Good to know that they are okay.


saw an old picture about last real Revolution of the Yaqui in the early 1900's and it brought back memories of the five years that I le with them. It was fairly accurate as far as the Yaqui are concerned. It had the black man as it's hero, but not with the nirds. it featured Jim brown as the negro, and Rachael Welch,, who was used more for her oversized -- er acting abiility.

Nevertheless it was acceptable, Incidentally, they did not hang the Yaqui from Telephone poles, but telegraph poles. ''the telegraph poles were smaller and did not allow for a quick death,but only by strangulation They formed a fence with dead Yaqui bodies.

the ones that survived were shipped as virtual slaves to the hemp fields in the Yucatan from which practically none returned alive.

I can tell you of things that happened while i lived with them in the 50's.

No John it was not Tayopa.

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saw an old picture about last real Revoloution of the Yaqui in the early 1900's and it brought back memories of the five years that I le with them. It was fairly accurate as far as the Yaqui are concerned. It had the black man as it's hero, but not with the nirds. it featured Jim brown as the negro, and Rachael Welch,, who was used more for her oversized -- er acting abiility.

Nevertheless it was an acceptable, Incidentally, they did not hang the Yaqui from Telephone poles, but telegraph poles. ''the telegraph poles were smaller and did not allow for a quick death,but only by strangulation They formed a fence with dead Yaqui bodies.

the ones that survived were shipped as virtual slaves to the hemp fields in the Yucatan from which practically none returned alive.

I can tell you of things that happened while i lived with them in the 50's.

Now you're talking my language, Jefe. :icon_thumright:

Please DO! :notworthy:

:coffee2: :coffee2:

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Marius, where did you learn English ? You have a better command of it than many Americans, my spanish is more like "me
tarzan, you jane'

saw an old picture about last real Revolution of the Yaqui in the early 1900's and it brought back memories of the five years that I le with them. It was fairly accurate as far as the Yaqui are concerned. It had the black man as it's hero, but not with the nirds. it featured Jim brown as the negro, and Rachael Welch,, who was used more for her oversized -- er acting abiility.

Nevertheless it was acceptable, Incidentally, they did not hang the Yaqui from Telephone poles, but telegraph poles. ''the telegraph poles were smaller and did not allow for a quick death,but only by strangulation They formed a fence with dead Yaqui bodies.

the ones that survived were shipped as virtual slaves to the hemp fields in the Yucatan from which practically none returned alive.

I can tell you of things that happened while i lived with them in the 50's.

No John it was not Tayopa.

Wait a minute.....
Rachael Welch could act?!?

Pffft....she juggled, so what. On with the story......:BangHead:

The picture was '100 rifles, Jim Brown, Rachel Welsh" enjoy john


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The picture was '100 rifles, Jim Brown, Rachel Welsh" enjoy john

I'm sure that I probably saw it back in the 70's Don Jose...I was a Western movie nut back then...And a young boy who thought Raquel was God's gift to young boys...lol

I don't really remember it though...I was trying to watch "The Treasure of The Sierra Madre" a few weeks ago...But I kept on getting a run a round on youtube...Back in the day one could watch it on youtube...I wonder what happened...

Oh well...Life will go on...

Marius, where did you learn English ? You have a better command of it than many Americans, my spanish is more like "me
tarzan, you jane'

Six years at school long time ago and five years here on TNet , refreshing and adding to my knowledge .

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