Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Don Jose......surely you need a newer and faster computer to complete the book we have all been waiting for........

I am sure that Jose is facing the same problem that I have been battling for some time.
When his story began, this newest tech stuff didn't exist in the public world.
Stories that take a lifetime to accumulate do not transfer easily from one computer to another.

I was in my late forties when mine started, and now I am in my sixties.

Jose started much earlier and has crossed many technological boundaries.

It takes much more effort than most folks realize just to keep moving forward.


When Don Jose began his book, computers did not exist.......enough of the excuses for both of you....we expect daily updates and progress......we all stand ready to aid and assist also.......PorspectorMikel, have you designed your book cover yet?

When Don Jose began his book, computers did not exist.......enough of the excuses for both of you....we expect daily updates and progress......we all stand ready to aid and assist also.......PorspectorMikel, have you designed your book cover yet?

Doc-d, i agree with your sentiments as well, but I'm willing to settle for weekly updates (daily progress of course). Daily updates might give them another excuse not to work on the books....and, as you said, I am ready and willing to assist to the best of my abilities.


Okay guys and gals, let me Try to make sure all info is on the table, to the best of my abilities...
If I miss anything, weekender has a better memory than do I, and has made some very important discoveries.

Much of them have already been posted and discussed and some with very little discussion?!?

Now, one copy is out of my possession and in Jose's hands to read and call my attention to anything that does not make sense; due to me being the only person to read it and it is not possible for me to notice gaps in the story as it sounds right to me because I lived it.
Secondly; Jose is reading it to see if it is a page turner or something that he would not wish to be associated with.

If it is good, in his opinion, ( This is the main reason that he is the first to read it. ) he offered, some two years ago to write a letter of introduction to the story. That is a great honor, in my eyes and heart. I have asked him to be brutally honest with me.

He had to open my file in his older computer (my fault!) and now it is down, with much of his own book trapped therein. So now he is doubly taxed on his progress


Weekender and I were to return to the site, with an enormous agenda that may become a load that weekender may not wish to be burdened with.

I have asked him to be my backup plan "B", in case I become unable to return to the site, or unable to re-write the ending to include the information that we have found since I thought the story was complete ( there is a lot), I owe him a great deal of credit for the new ending!

We had high hopes that the empty vault had been emptied by internal hydraulic pressure, and that we would find some proof by metal detecting down hill from it. That hasn't worked out yet.

We were unable to go last weekend, due to health issues on my part.
We will go back ASAP.

And finally, there is the issue of foot dragging, that is my fault! My feet tend to drag even when I'm trying to run... If anyone ever sees me running, try to keep up! Because I can't imagine being scared enough of anything that that would enable me to run, so try to keep up!


When Don Jose began his book, computers did not exist.......enough of the excuses for both of you....we expect daily updates and progress......we all stand ready to aid and assist also.......PorspectorMikel, have you designed your book cover yet?

I missed your last question.

Yes. I have made several different designs and have attached the best version of each, "In my humble opinion" on the file.

When I look at Jose's covers, I feel very humbled, and want to start over again.

My table of contents will probably become void once I start filling in the gaps that are yet to be discovered.

As far as things that I have been doing that most folks are unaware of, I have met with about a dozen somewhat local authors, some new to writing books and some have several books published, some nonfiction and some mixed. I am trying to learn from them, what to do and what not to do in order to get published and make good on all of my promise for autographed copies.

My story is the call to draw my next breath on many occasions. Second to reading my Bible, there is the publishing of this book....

Wake up. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1488578910.654877.webp
Make coffee.
Read my Bible!
Check Treasure-net.
Work to forward the book.
Spoil my grandchildren.
Try to be a good neighbor toward all.


I missed your last question.

Yes. I have made several different designs and have attached the best version of each, "In my humble opinion" on the file.

When I look at Jose's covers, I feel very humbled, and want to start over again.

My table of contents will probably become void once I start filling in the gaps that are yet to be discovered.

As far as things that I have been doing that most folks are unaware of, I have met with about a dozen somewhat local authors, some new to writing books and some have several books published, some nonfiction and some mixed. I am trying to learn from them, what to do and what not to do in order to get published and make good on all of my promise for autographed copies.

My story is the call to draw my next breath on many occasions. Second to reading my Bible, there is the publishing of this book....

Wake up. View attachment 1422057
Make coffee.
Read my Bible!
Check Treasure-net.
Work to forward the book.
Spoil my grandchildren.
Try to be a good neighbor toward all.


Well, Mikel, it seems that you are making progress. Thanks for the update, it is good to hear. I can only imagine how difficult it is to write the story, especially with no final conclusion, but the only way is to keep after it, which you are doing. As our Australian friends are prone to say, "Good on ya!"

So, now an update from Don Jose? or just another "phooey" for Shortfinger?


Down here in a bakwoods town we just do not have computer patrs readily available.the nearest scource is oner 95 miles away, and the specialst comes from therthroughout the week, depending upon his ptential work load..As for writing, a huge fault is in knowing the full story and filing subconsciouly in the gaps mentally , instead of typing them out/gaps through

Okay folks, I'm gonna offer some hard learned advice.... For free!

I have gone back on this, and a few other threads from our core group of regulars, and noticed a few things.

First off, Jose and I are not the only ones here that have a tale to tell.

A few have posted lots of interesting tales and/or advice. Many have multiple small adventures that could be good sellers.

The ball is on the ground... Get into the game! Pick the ball up and make a run for the end zone!

Look at your stats on your threads, count your ( likes ) and your ( views ).
They might surprise you, as to how popular your tales are. I hit the ( like ) button usually on everything I read, unless I disagree and don't have time to state my case, or just strongly disagree and don't want to stir the pot in the wrong direction. I think most folks do some version of that M. O. , so look 'em up. If you can see that lots of folks are not making their mark on your posts, consider them as readers... There are lots of folks that find you by accident just googling
"Treasure something" and they get hooked on your advice or humor or whatever it is that you do well!

You have an audience that is not captive. Those are future clients for someone else if you don't try.

Grab the ball and go!

You already probably have better equipment than me and Jose, so start with up to date software and save it on a separate drive so that you don't rush thru in hopes of avoiding the pitfalls that he and I have fallen into.

Jose tried to get me to understand that he was battling things like lost memories, locked up software and lost papers and sorting overloads.

I heard him and didn't jump to a better boat soon enough... I was a little scared and didn't believe in my own abilities. Now the work of melding my old ending into the new era that Weekender is helping to build...
My book ending could be his beginning, and what a story that could be! Seriously...

Folks you know who you are. Start typing, just like you tell the rest of us that walk the same trails in our minds.

Your keyboard will have your back with spell check and grammar hints and all kinds of things. If you miss a memory, it will let you stitch it in without making a mark.

Just do it!

Have a friend read it to watch for potholes that you may not see because you lived the dream...

Poop happens, that's what the backspace and delete button are for.

If nothing else happens,

What greater treasure can one hope for, than to send your message to the future.

I'll get off my soapbox, and some of you can step off of Jose's fingers. His plate is kinda full and he is working on it.

Love your fellow addicts to this wonderful plague that we call
Treasure hunting.


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I have to admit I have been procrastinating on finishing, not one, but two books I started some time back. One is a fictional book based on a western style theme. The other one is a true life adventure book capturing the stories and recollections of a rockhound(myself). like some of you I am not getting any younger and don't know how many more good years I have to compose my stories for future generations to read. Still, I have been waiting for others to publish theirs first. I have to be in the mood and mind of spirit to write, it seems. Certain events will spark that creative side of me, but it don't last forever. I seem to lose interest almost as fast as I get it sometimes. I suppose I just have too many interests to devote quality time to any one venture, but I will try to find the spark to send my spirit soaring into another chapter or two shortly. Good Luck rockhound

Did I just hear the first stone move in a rockslide?

Anybody else want to kick a rock over and encourage a movement?




Jose, I would never have seen that, about the bear.

For YOU to find it "interesting", means more to me than words can tell.

I do hope that you are brutal on the second go thru. I need a critic even more than I need an editor.

Thank you for all of your effort. I am in your debt.


Jose. I'm taking the same route that you did in going to an antique computer, to open my book, but before I can do that...... I must format and restore it.

I know that I may lose any or all in the process, just because it was eaten by a virus many years ago, so what ever I loose will just be the price of seeing my book and working on it...
Such is life.

But, before it is gone, I made some screenshots from its weak screen to share, I hope.


Sorry for all of the blue... But


Where is IPUK and his Friday evening yarns these days? ???

Jose. I'm taking the same route that you did in going to an antique computer, to open my book, but before I can do that...... I must format and restore it.

I know that I may lose any or all in the process, just because it was eaten by a virus many years ago, so what ever I loose will just be the price of seeing my book and working on it...
Such is life.

But, before it is gone, I made some screenshots from its weak screen to share, I hope.

View attachment 1424193,
View attachment 1424198,
View attachment 1424202,
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View attachment 1424209,

Sorry for all of the blue... But


Reminds me of Morenci, Az. But there it was Copper, like the "Purple Pit" in Bisbee, Az.

Hola friends. I've just returned from Mexico with a tale to tell. Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of senor Don Jose. One day I stumbled upon a post by an intelligent, articulate, interesting, and good natured fella who claimed that he found this most famous lost mine called Tayopa. This gentleman had an answer to every challenge and convinced everyone. A lost mine? Are you kidding me? I must admit that I was inspired by this real American Hero and his amazing tales.
Anyways, while in Mexico I had the good fortune to inquire about some things interesting to me. As luck would have it I found myself in the mountains riding a Burro. The wife and I had ridden atvs in the morning and were taking a burro ride back up so we could Zipline back down. I decided to name my burro princess after my wife because she was beautiful and didn't mind me any, going and doing what she wanted. Well while riding princess I found myself day dreaming about how life must have been a long time ago. That made me think about Don Jose.
It had been mentioned that we were close to an old silver mine, so naturally I asked if it was Tayopa. Well, our guide Pancho reverted back to his native language as he was excited. He went on awhile and since I don't know Spanish except some dirty words, I had the bright idea to mention senor Don Jose. This had the affect I had hoped for. Pancho's eyes got really big, and he started twitching and shaking. As the spittle started to fly, and I started to recognize some words it was obvious that our compadre is something of a living legend in this great land. In fact Pancho scared the hell out of my wife as he followed us on all the Ziplines yammering all the way. After we were safely down the mountain getting ready to leave he kept making a choking motion towards me with his hands. The wife took this as a menacing gesture, but I'm guessing it was probably some show of respect that we didn't understand as I had asked about the man who tilts windmills.
Several days later we took a taxi into town and came upon an old gentleman selling silver trinkets. My wife wanted to buy a bracelet​, but as he was an older gent, I hoped he might know some Don Jose stories I hadn't heard before. I nonchalantly inquired about Mr. Jose and Tayopa while looking through his inventory. This gentleman took a step backwards, giving me a nervous look, so I assumed he misunderstood what was asked. I asked again while looking him squarely in the eyes and while giving him my most intimidating look hoping he would associate me with the senor. This time I know he got it, as he took several more steps back while whirling in circles, no doubt emulating a tilted windmill. He was almost yelling in Spanish drawing a small crowd no doubt intent on hearing more about the living legend. Almost immediately my wife indicated I should wait down the way a bit, as I had upset him. As i was walking away I caught the phrase loco Blanco Diablo, and knew I was missing out on a story about the senor that probably hadn't been told for many, many years. Obviously she was wrong, as he was just excited that someone finally asked him to tell Don Jose stories, and she selfishly just wanted to buy a bracelet. She was grumpy after finally rejoining me and claimed that she had to offer to pay double for a bracelet to calm the gentleman down and to get him to actually deal with her. Again I knew she had misread the situation. I calmly explained he only wanted enough to pay for a bracelet and Don Jose's newest book.
The rest of the trip was somewhat uneventful as I was threatened not to talk about the senor. No exceptions. I was heartbroken to say the least, but happy wife, happy life. Early on during our vacation I did however learn if you order Mexican water you will be brought tequila every time. This might have led to why my wife claim's some of my Mexico trip recollections​ aren't exactly the way she remembers them. Who can say which is right and which is wrong. I Know​ I can't.
Seriously though, I hope all is well with you Don Jose, and I love to read the stories you so kindly share. I am truly in awe of your life.

Hola senor Bigshot, they must have been pulling your leg As for jose, I believe that chemale, the mail corrier, has him beat, once I heard him talking to his string of burros and I swear he didn't repeat himself once in about 1/2 hr. I have been away on Mikels business and reviving Tayopa Keep up the great work on telling everyone just how great I am , which is true. :tongue3::coffee2::coffee2:

Seriously it has been fun at times and I appreciate your response to my lil anecdotes

Oh Jose, don't let me get in the way of your personal success.

At the same time, I am grateful for all of your efforts in my behalf.

I could not live with myself if Tayopa should fail on my account...


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