Hello SSM,
Trust me, trying to do business in India is enough to give one not only a headache, but send pain down into the parts of the anatomy even Hippocrates didn't know existed...
Indian bureaucracy is an absolute nightmare and it would seem, its sole intention is to prolong even the simplest of tasks to unimaginable lengths. Saying that, since the 1990s, they have attempted to overhaul and reduce the red-tape one encounters but some folk there, simply see putting barriers in your way as a duty.
You ask:
"Any type of venture takes preference?"
I am sure in myself that I have the confidence to "take-on" land based searches and know that my strongest skills lie in organising, preparing and establishing links..., if there is any interest in digging/mining for gold, buying and selling it, searching for some long-lost hoard be it in a jungle, desert or even in a metropolis conurbation, I am willing to take a look-see...
For me, even though the actual work in searching and finding something is usually a great experience, I am of the thought that it would enhance it greatly if there was an end product. I have had failures and silly mistakes made by not fully considering all angles of projects, but it all adds to the knowledge bank and you can use it for future reference.