Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Many thanks for the vote of confidence, TT.


I tried the antiques angle many years ago. It is a fine line between a "real" piece and an imitation piece. Unfortunately it would be very hard for me to dedicate the time necessary to devote to learning the nuances of this area and to do the travelling necessary to visit the markets, fairs and auctions.

Funnily enough some years ago when the Olympics were being held in London, a friend of mine was doing the security for some of the national teams taking part, at their accommodation venues. I suggested that as he was very senior in the company awarded the contract, we should initiate contact with the likely stars who would shine...

Long story short, he managed to get various items from some of the athletes taking place and sell them for big bucks through sporting memorabilia specialists. He made a large profit on a pair Usain Bolt's running shoes.

Needless to say we don't really speak that often anymore...:laughing7:


That is very ingenuis stuff that ur friend pulled..8-)....he created the collectible himself in a way...once I read in a book on picking antiques and the author put his observation on a certain phenomenon on how things become valuable...he said some shrewd individuals decide to make some ordinary stuff "collectable" just as one thinks of a project...then they go on hoarding it until it disappears...they create scarcity...but still the ordinary stuff is not desired and not in high demand...hence they go on publishing books about it...giving speeches.. Creating clubs...creating discussion forums..etc...now they created the demand as well...but the stuff is nowhere to be found...so now with rarity (as a result of scarcity by hoarding) and demand created by all the initiatives to market it in place... These individuals slowly bring out their hoarded stuff to sell it as valuable collectible...:laughing7:

I understand your priorities regarding the time it demands....what u can try when u are overseas is just to check a couple of old bookshops or general antique shops in your spare leisure time without much effort...so as to check first edition rare English books...this is a safe area as far as fakes are concerned...looking for rare English novels and books in UK and USA could be competitive with many book scouts looking for them...but in non English speaking foreign land u may be lucky as people may not be knowledgeable on their value..like books by Fitzgerald, Hemingway,Agatha Christie etc... They bring tidy fortune if u grab one...8-)

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If it really was "The Trio" that you encountered, SSM, I very much doubt they would have ever used their 'personal' transportation if it meant any possibility of attracting unwanted attention. Perhaps therein lies the genius; whilst the authorities are looking for unknown shipping carrying out surreptitious trips, the Drumboat just waltzed in there and did the business...

I will always remember the wily old pirate talking about Hard Luck - "he is such a chap that one could walk or stroll right past him in the street and never give him a second glance as he blends in so well...", I would say that in itself is an art-form in the world of "treasure-research" as giving it the Billy-Big-Time is what brings unnecessary hassle, attention, envy and bad thoughts to mind.

Once you've got "Mission Completed", you retire to your yacht (Hard Luck not me!) and you carry-on enjoying yourself until the next one...

Oh, and there is nothing to worry about in the sense of getting one 'over' the authorities; working for many years in government, the rules are there to control people and provide power to those in charge. I used to labour under the naivety that they were there to protect the vulnerable and support those in need of assistance. Perhaps I'm getting cynical as I grow older..., my experience has taught me that many will use all the resources at their disposal to get their "result" against those they perceive as not being "worthy". We all have our biases and if we get the opportunity to "settle a score", very few would decline the option..., in my working history, I have come across many colleagues both past and present, that can and will make life difficult for those that have earned their ire even if they really do not have any grounds in basing their opinion(s) on. As the great American ex-president and true statesman Abraham Lincoln once said "To test a person's character, give them power." It is virtually impossible for the "small guy" to ever hope to challenge or argue with authorities/governments if they have a gripe against you.

So if the likes of the infamous Trio are sticking-up and giving a poke in the eye to the elite, power to the people I say!!


Yes, I can see that the Trio might have done just that. The Drumbeat is known for visiting many islands, and is often used for humanitarian endeavors, so minor suspicion involved there. The "contraband" would have been suspected to be on Mal's ship, but there was no proof of anything untoward, so.... And, just in case, the Drumbeat is "retired" and the Ocean's Child becomes the primary personal transportation.

And I heartily agree with your comments about governments, the poke in the eye to the elite, and power to the people!


Very true matey.

For every upfront individual/organisation, there is many, many dubious and shady so-and-so's willing to defraud, con, rob, thieve and appropriate the goodies of others. In my limited knowledge and experience in dealing with gold, reputation is something that goes a long way as most transactions are done based on "word of mouth" and recommendation.

As the area of precious metals and gems is so profitable and important to many countries/companies/people, it is very discreet, closed and confidential to those wanting to "get in".

I have a small story for you from here in the UK about how it can and does affect rational thinking and action.

Some years ago and I might have a few details mixed-up but the general gist is absolutely right. A construction company in the UK wanted to raise some funds to expand their portfolio of land, property and rental income. The owner was a somewhat dubious character and wanted credit and borrowing facilities without the rigmarole of going through the correct channels. He claimed that he'd 'bought' a ruby worth about £11,000,000 (approx. $15M) from a South African 'businessman' and had it valued in Italy for its "true worth." The 'gem' was given a fancy name (the 'Star' or something similar) and was included in the balance sheet of the company's accounts to try and underpin its 'assets'. Some greedy financial organisations actually lent to this company simply going on what it claimed it had. Well, inevitably, as any company run by a shyster and chancer usually happens, it went t*ts-up and was found to be insolvent with debts of about £40,000,000 - £50M.

The so-called 'gem' was sold by administrators who wound-up the company, for £8,000...

Sometimes, when one 'sees' the magic words "gold", "gems", "millions" and suchlike, it is easy to become less-guarded and rational.

Sounds more like a big Garnet. They think that the big "Ruby" in the crown of England is a Garnet, but the Queen won't allow them to test it.;)

Well I have seen those over 93% and watched one shoot right handed with a heavy watch on his right wrist. A friend walked up to me and watch him shoot for about 10 minutes. My Friend then said, "I think I'll shoot him for $20."
"Just give me the $20 and you won't be embarrassed."
"What do you mean? He has shot nothing but 'String shots'" (Straight shots from cue to ball to pocket.)
About that time a guy came in and asked to play him Straight Pool. $10 a ball. Can I shoot left handed? Sure.
He then lagged for the break, made it to within 1/8 of an inch and then called the ball on the break.
He then ran 3 racks calling each ball. The other guy never got a shot, he put up his cue and told him "here I'm short $50, be back in a 1/2 hour with it."
That is what I call the upper 7%. His position was so good shooting Right handed with a swinging weight on it that each next shot was less than 3 feet cue to ball to pocket.
I don't know what happened to him, that was in 1969. Killed or something happened to him. He had a backer and was going to go on the Pro Tour. Out of N.O. Better than I was, but I knew that watching him. My friend didn't until he shot the other guy and ran 5 racks of call ball.

Brings back some old memories, my Dad ran a rec center, like ProspectorMikel, I grew up spending summertimes at the place . played pool 8-10 hours
a day.Got my own stick a 13, Dad was a player,taught me English and leave, folks would come in and say, lets play a game? he'd say, rack em'', if you can get by the boy,I'll play you. Usually they'd let the kid break first, my personal record was 7 in row off the break. Never really played for $'s, usually played at the clubs for the brown
stuff (bourbon) or a beer a game. Play 8-10 games, bartender kept track on the chalkboard, just mark em' off as the night progressed. Got the eyesight thing
going on now, hard to play with readers on your nose. !! LOL
Good Times back then, thanks for the memories!


If it really was "The Trio" that you encountered, SSM, I very much doubt they would have ever used their 'personal' transportation if it meant any possibility of attracting unwanted attention. Perhaps therein lies the genius; whilst the authorities are looking for unknown shipping carrying out surreptitious trips, the Drumboat just waltzed in there and did the business...

I will always remember the wily old pirate talking about Hard Luck - "he is such a chap that one could walk or stroll right past him in the street and never give him a second glance as he blends in so well...", I would say that in itself is an art-form in the world of "treasure-research" as giving it the Billy-Big-Time is what brings unnecessary hassle, attention, envy and bad thoughts to mind.

Once you've got "Mission Completed", you retire to your yacht (Hard Luck not me!) and you carry-on enjoying yourself until the next one...

Oh, and there is nothing to worry about in the sense of getting one 'over' the authorities; working for many years in government, the rules are there to control people and provide power to those in charge. I used to labour under the naivety that they were there to protect the vulnerable and support those in need of assistance. Perhaps I'm getting cynical as I grow older..., my experience has taught me that many will use all the resources at their disposal to get their "result" against those they perceive as not being "worthy". We all have our biases and if we get the opportunity to "settle a score", very few would decline the option..., in my working history, I have come across many colleagues both past and present, that can and will make life difficult for those that have earned their ire even if they really do not have any grounds in basing their opinion(s) on. As the great American ex-president and true statesman Abraham Lincoln once said "To test a person's character, give them power." It is virtually impossible for the "small guy" to ever hope to challenge or argue with authorities/governments if they have a gripe against you.

So if the likes of the infamous Trio are sticking-up and giving a poke in the eye to the elite, power to the people I say!!


Perhaps it refreshing to all of us chained to wheel of the daily grind to feel that there is some absolute ballsy individuals out there....that pulled one over on the big guys..... just as some of us fantasize to do, including myself.

The exasperated investigator who grilled me said he had interviewed "other" people who had alleged connections to the people I had come across. They all defended them to the hilt as the same as I did. Never having anything to incriminate them. Truth was I had nothing to give anyway only innuendo. The investigator claimed even some very high ranking officials in government and military are red faced in denial it never happened or the unauthorized use of military aircraft and assets. It seems who ever they were they made everyone in some little ways involved themselves dancing to their tune in some part of the evolving story. But yet never letting them privy to what was going on behind the scenes.

Now many are baffled in the role they played themselves? And some fearing embarrassment or accusations from their political rivals or even legal action. But of what? Although as far as I am concerned I know of only one crime of the fake identities used charter a vessel. because the people in question have not been identified. No charges can be laid. Other than that there is no proof of anything, only innuendos. And if it was actually a much Crime bigger crime was involved then perhaps those in the know who had assisted could be deemed accessory to such a Crime. So for many in clarifying their connection to the alleged events may indeed force some to incriminate themselves.. But most intriguing of all there was no official proof of any breach of UNESCO protocols or any laws..... or any discovery of treasure?

So it seems for all concerned even myself its more convenient to say it never happened....They don't exist and never did.

And if this alleged Trio you speak of actually exists then I leave the final word to them and that damned riddle?

When is a treasure not a treasure?


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Yeah, "House Rules" will drive you crazy if you don't ask first. That is why the game I love best is Snooker. Smaller balls, smaller deeper pockets and 2 sizes of Bridges. 8 foot by 14 feet. first shot each turn is to make a Red, then shoot any numbered ball on the table, then again a red. when all reds are gone, you shoot rotation. Scratch or hit the wrong ball -7 points. Best game ever I played, I won, -21 to -40. LOL If you can't make a ball, leave the cue where he can't hit a red. If a numbered ball drops with reds still on the table it is spotted again. Hard game but fun, not for money of course, for me. Learned it in Malta with Her Magesty's Fourth Royal Flushenieers (I know the spelling is off) . They were Welshmen. I learned that if asked "what are you drink'n?" And you say "Bourbon" They then say, "Whiskey?". If you say yes, anything brown will come your way. They drink Beer/Stout/Ale/Guinness/Black&Tan, but NOT Whiskey. LOL

Probably the Royal Fusiliers but after a few sherbets, the Boyos from the Valleys did sound like the 'Flushenieers'...strange lot them folk...:laughing7:


That is very ingenuis stuff that ur friend pulled..8-)....he created the collectible himself in a way...once I read in a book on picking antiques and the author put his observation on a certain phenomenon on how things become valuable...he said some shrewd individuals decide to make some ordinary stuff "collectable" just as one thinks of a project...then they go on hoarding it until it disappears...they create scarcity...but still the ordinary stuff is not desired and not in high demand...hence they go on publishing books about it...giving speeches.. Creating clubs...creating discussion forums..etc...now they created the demand as well...but the stuff is nowhere to be found...so now with rarity (as a result of scarcity by hoarding) and demand created by all the initiatives to market it in place... These individuals slowly bring out their hoarded stuff to sell it as valuable collectible...:laughing7:

I understand your priorities regarding the time it demands....what u can try when u are overseas is just to check a couple of old bookshops or general antique shops in your spare leisure time without much effort...so as to check first edition rare English books...this is a safe area as far as fakes are concerned...looking for rare English novels and books in UK and USA could be competitive with many book scouts looking for them...but in non English speaking foreign land u may be lucky as people may not be knowledgeable on their value..like books by Fitzgerald, Hemingway,Agatha Christie etc... They bring tidy fortune if u grab one...8-)


Would you believe me if I said I came very close to securing some "interesting" items from an old mansion/palace they call a "Haveli" in India?

An old, formerly grand and beautiful, building was being torn down to make way for regeneration in an old part old the capital. In times gone by when the landed gentry and aristocracy of that country was making statements of intent in erecting their abodes, they would absolutely cram them with the finest, most detailed and luxurious items existing. When they lost their power and subsequently their wealth, most buildings were literally left to rot...

Anyway, from one particular Haveli, there had been a 'secret' room discovered where all manner of items had been stored. These items were taken by the builders and sold in the local markets (bazaars) for next to nothing. All the traders saw was 'weird' paintings, furniture, foreign books and journals,and decorative items. I'm sure as one can be under such circumstances that there surely was a bargain or two to be most definitely had. Now I will not bullshit anyone that I would have paid "over the odds" or "done the right thing" whatever that may be, but by acting as a savvy 'local', it would have been my aim to secure any purchases with the going rate in mind or otherwise, you'd be treated as a easy, silly, naive, more many than sense Johnny Foreigner. You can't have any pretences or idealistic notions when doing hard-headed business in such environments.


Yes, I can see that the Trio might have done just that. The Drumbeat is known for visiting many islands, and is often used for humanitarian endeavors, so minor suspicion involved there. The "contraband" would have been suspected to be on Mal's ship, but there was no proof of anything untoward, so.... And, just in case, the Drumbeat is "retired" and the Ocean's Child becomes the primary personal transportation.

And I heartily agree with your comments about governments, the poke in the eye to the elite, and power to the people!

Short finger,

I will always recall the old Crow-Meister saying - "It is up to the relevant authorities to detail any assumption of wrongdoing" or words to that effect.

And, of course, just because one wishes to be discreet, private, low-key and cryptic about one's projects, there is absolutely nothing wrong unlawful about that..., just a lil mischievous...:dontknow:


Perhaps it refreshing to all of us chained to wheel of the daily grind to feel that there is some absolute ballsy individuals out there....that pulled one over on the big guys..... just as some of us fantasize to do, including myself.

The exasperated investigator who grilled me said he had interviewed "other" people who had alleged connections to the people I had come across. They all defended them to the hilt as the same as I did. Never having anything to incriminate them. Truth was I had nothing to give anyway only innuendo. The investigator claimed even some very high ranking officials in government and military are red faced in denial it never happened or the unauthorized use of military aircraft and assets. It seems who ever they were they made everyone in some little ways involved themselves dancing to their tune in some part of the evolving story. But yet never letting them privy to what was going on behind the scenes.

Now many are baffled in the role they played themselves? And some fearing embarrassment or accusations from their political rivals or even legal action. But of what? Although as far as I am concerned I know of only one crime of the fake identities used charter a vessel. because the people in question have not been identified. No charges can be laid. Other than that there is no proof of anything, only innuendos. And if it was actually a much Crime bigger crime was involved then perhaps those in the know who had assisted could be deemed accessory to such a Crime. So for many in clarifying their connection to the alleged events may indeed force some to incriminate themselves.. But most intriguing of all there was no official proof of any breach of UNESCO protocols or any laws..... or any discovery of treasure?

So it seems for all concerned even myself its more convenient to say it never happened....They don't exist and never did.

And if this alleged Trio you speak of actually exists then I leave the final word to them and that damned riddle?

When is a treasure not a treasure?



Perhaps the Trio really are nothing more than a chimera...:thumbsup:

"Crow" is probably some bored housewife from small town Macclesfield in England making-up lovely entertaining stories to keep folks entertained, who specialises in incontinence clothing for the elderly...

"Kanacki" is the nom de guerre of a frustrated fisherman from Sri Lanka who owns a paddling boat and rarely catches anything of value...?

"Hard Luck" is a Japanese manga character created by the visions of a 11 year old who wishes to become chapeler that deals in bespoke headwear...?


They are doing what many of us dream of and are as real as sky...!


"When is a treasure not a treasure"?

Oh what an enigma...




Would you believe me if I said I came very close to securing some "interesting" items from an old mansion/palace they call a "Haveli" in India?

An old, formerly grand and beautiful, building was being torn down to make way for regeneration in an old part old the capital. In times gone by when the landed gentry and aristocracy of that country was making statements of intent in erecting their abodes, they would absolutely cram them with the finest, most detailed and luxurious items existing. When they lost their power and subsequently their wealth, most buildings were literally left to rot...

Anyway, from one particular Haveli, there had been a 'secret' room discovered where all manner of items had been stored. These items were taken by the builders and sold in the local markets (bazaars) for next to nothing. All the traders saw was 'weird' paintings, furniture, foreign books and journals,and decorative items. I'm sure as one can be under such circumstances that there surely was a bargain or two to be most definitely had. Now I will not bullshit anyone that I would have paid "over the odds" or "done the right thing" whatever that may be, but by acting as a savvy 'local', it would have been my aim to secure any purchases with the going rate in mind or otherwise, you'd be treated as a easy, silly, naive, more many than sense Johnny Foreigner. You can't have any pretences or idealistic notions when doing hard-headed business in such environments.


IPUK...I am sure those "weird" paintings could have been something valuable ...it is amazing where such treasures turn up..

Well today folks, I shall relate a true story that started from the 'glory' days of Britain's colonial empire then stretched up until the 1980s (when I was a wee lad), and the disappearance of a truly vast treasure from the vaults of a former maharajah from a state in northern India which is still a flashpoint in the world between two nuclear-armed neighbours.

In the middle of the 19th century when Britain was consolidating its power and grip on India, there was a huge state in the north that produced the best sapphires from its mines in the world. The state was a crossroads and was part of the old Silk Road. It was/is strategic and has always been considered a melting pot of cultures, religions and schools of philosophy.
The ferenghi (British) acquired the state through subterfuge (yes, even the prim and proper Brits weren't averse to using duplicity to achieve its aims!) and subsequently 'sold' the state to local equally duplicitous self-styled 'raja'. This raja aimed to start his own dynasty and impose his rule on this vast and diverse area.

All went well and for near enough a century, finances, power and influence was achieved. The royal treasury by this time had grown to include several trunks of gold coins, amazingly crafted and jewel encrusted swords, daggers, aigrettes, vessels and jewellery. There was also numerous priceless sapphires of a hue not found anywhere else on earth...

By 1947, Blighty knew the sun was setting on its "Jewel in the Crown" and it was necessary to grant independence and let the people govern themselves. A problem arose in this particular state; the vast majority of its citizens wanted to accede to one newly created nation whereas the ruler wanted to keep his independence. For a time Princey thought he'd take part in a game of diplomatic chess and play one set off against the other and try and maintain his state's neutrality. Well one side got frustrated in this deadlock and as so often happens, conflated politics with religion and incited local tribes to invade this state with the hope of forcing its rule. Princey had his own private army but it was no match for the ferocious and zealous tribals who had been a thorn in the side since the days of Alexander the Great, and the princey found himself in a quandary. He tried appealing for assistance to the Britishers but they demurred and said that it was now an "Indian" administration and, therefore, they could not intercede in sovereign issues. Princey knew that if he "invited" the Injuns to support him, they'd incorporate his state into the newly created country of India.

Princey had a mountainous state where communications were not easy and logistical issues even more troublesome. Before he knew it, the tribals were at the gates of his palace and he had to flee to protect his and his family's lives...

Now it was one thing to get out themselves but he also had the real issue of the Royal treasury which, of course, he deemed his personal property. Should he try and take the humongous trunks of pure ostentatious wealth and risk their lives or make a break and leave the treasure in a 'secure' location...?

Well, personal safety won the day and Princey made a sharpish exit with his family, some retainers and a portion of the wealth for immediate expenses. The vast bulk of the treasure was trusted to his personal secretary whose family had been serving Princey's family for the preceding 100 years since the creation of the state. The secretary was of a different religion and would not be targeted by the religious bigots of the invading tribes and his ancestors had lived in the area since time immemorial. Secretary vowed to carry out his duty with honour, dignity and loyalty until the return of Princey...

Mr Princey fled to the top hotel in Mumbai (then "Bombay") and gathered his thoughts in 5* luxury. As anticipated, the India government annexed his state and this actually led to war with its equally new neighbour. Now Princey was in an utter quandary; as his state no longer 'existed' so didn't 'his' wealth- it was part of the revenue of India and as soon as Princey tried to reclaim any of it, the government would soon commandeer it. He reflected on his predicament and dreamed of the opulent treasure now seemingly out of his grasp...

The wealth and huge incomes of most former princeys was being taken over by the Socialist Indian government and replaced by privy purses regarded as "pittances" when considering what had been taken away. Years passed but the situation grew still more hostile in Princey's former state and a new war was brewing between the Indians and the Chinese in the early 1960s. Princey saw an opportunity to try and 'win' some influence with the Indian government and made a huge financial contribution to the country's military expenditure in the hope that he'd be able to reclaim the majority of his now idle treasury. Well before a single shot had been fired, Princey breathed his last and passed away, frustrated in never having reclaimed what he felt was his...

The family of Princey continued to try and win back what they felt was there's but it was in vain. Actually when I say "family" I mean Princey's fourth wife as he was fond of the old rumpy-pumpy and didn't have a 'conventional' family in any sense of the word, In fact, Princey had been set-up and blackmailed by some not so nice people - again those naughty British! - in the 1920s, and was 'caught' with a 'married' white lady in a Paris hotel and paid a huge amount of "hush" money but it came out and there was a trial and huge amount of scandal and titillation in the press at the time and one of the blackmailer's was later involved in the Sacambaya Treasure story!

The Princey had one son from his fourth marriage but he didn't want nothing to do with his father's battle and actually joined the Indian government.

The treasure...?

Well all ambled along in India as is the case sometimes, until the 1980s...

Then, all of a sudden, a wizened old man came forward with a remarkable story...

He detailed how his former rajah master had entrusted him with a great duty and he was now in constant fear as he had no male heirs to take his place as watchman and he was therefore extremely concerned as to what would happen to the enormous treasure he was responsible for...

Well, as sometimes happened (and still does) corrupt local and national officials and politicians got wind of this huge hoard that was kept in the most nondescript of rundown buildings and couldn't believe that a single old chaps had the keys to it...



Perhaps the Trio really are nothing more than a chimera...:thumbsup:

"Crow" is probably some bored housewife from small town Macclesfield in England making-up lovely entertaining stories to keep folks entertained, who specialises in incontinence clothing for the elderly...

"Kanacki" is the nom de guerre of a frustrated fisherman from Sri Lanka who owns a paddling boat and rarely catches anything of value...?

"Hard Luck" is a Japanese manga character created by the visions of a 11 year old who wishes to become chapeler that deals in bespoke headwear...?


They are doing what many of us dream of and are as real as sky...!


"When is a treasure not a treasure"?

Oh what an enigma...



Say it isn't so!?!

Leave us( and by that, I mean ME...)
With something to believe in...

Their cryptic glimpses into that seeded underbelly of their unseen world, keep so many of us waiting for their return.

Even the innuendo that they might return to civilization keeps us on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next cliff hanger. It's Saturday morning sitting in front of an old black and white TV with someone outside twisting the antenna to get the best picture...... Only to make out shadows and hear the tails unfold.

Nothing got done on those Saturday mornings, till noon.....



Brings back some old memories, my Dad ran a rec center, like ProspectorMikel, I grew up spending summertimes at the place . played pool 8-10 hours
a day.Got my own stick a 13, Dad was a player,taught me English and leave, folks would come in and say, lets play a game? he'd say, rack em'', if you can get by the boy,I'll play you. Usually they'd let the kid break first, my personal record was 7 in row off the break. Never really played for $'s, usually played at the clubs for the brown
stuff (bourbon) or a beer a game. Play 8-10 games, bartender kept track on the chalkboard, just mark em' off as the night progressed. Got the eyesight thing
going on now, hard to play with readers on your nose. !! LOL
Good Times back then, thanks for the memories!


Weekender, some times I think you and I might be the same person.
Just raised in slightly different times.

Except, my game was Fooseball!
Folks came from different counties to try to Try to take me and my best partner off the top podium. We were seldom dethroned.


Let me change topics a second. About Gold and investments.... Back in the 80's when my brother and I were going out yearly looking for caches I was working in San Antonio and he in El Paso. My boss at the time was the director of Tech Support. He came up to me and said, " You always know the price of gold. Let me know when I should buy some."
I watched the price of gold so I would know how much money we would have if we found one of the ones we were looking for back then. I watched the price go from $420 down to $320 and looked for him. He was out of town for some meeting with customers and I sweated and watched it drop to $280 and Oz.
On that day he came back into the Dept and I went up to him and told him, "What ever you doing, stop and go buy your gold today, right now!"
He left and I didn't see him again for almost 2 weeks, by that time it was back up to $380 and climbing again. I went right up to him and asked, "Did you buy the gold when I told you to?" "Yes I did."
I thought, "thank God!"
I got a really good price on this gold necklace."
I thought he was going to buy Oz.s, not jewelry. LOL Well I tried to make him money, but he missed the chance.

Well today folks, I shall relate a true story that started from the 'glory' days of Britain's colonial empire then stretched up until the 1980s (when I was a wee lad), and the disappearance of a truly vast treasure from the vaults of a former maharajah from a state in northern India which is still a flashpoint in the world between two nuclear-armed neighbours.

In the middle of the 19th century when Britain was consolidating its power and grip on India, there was a huge state in the north that produced the best sapphires from its mines in the world. The state was a crossroads and was part of the old Silk Road. It was/is strategic and has always been considered a melting pot of cultures, religions and schools of philosophy.
The ferenghi (British) acquired the state through subterfuge (yes, even the prim and proper Brits weren't averse to using duplicity to achieve its aims!) and subsequently 'sold' the state to local equally duplicitous self-styled 'raja'. This raja aimed to start his own dynasty and impose his rule on this vast and diverse area.

All went well and for near enough a century, finances, power and influence was achieved. The royal treasury by this time had grown to include several trunks of gold coins, amazingly crafted and jewel encrusted swords, daggers, aigrettes, vessels and jewellery. There was also numerous priceless sapphires of a hue not found anywhere else on earth...

By 1947, Blighty knew the sun was setting on its "Jewel in the Crown" and it was necessary to grant independence and let the people govern themselves. A problem arose in this particular state; the vast majority of its citizens wanted to accede to one newly created nation whereas the ruler wanted to keep his independence. For a time Princey thought he'd take part in a game of diplomatic chess and play one set off against the other and try and maintain his state's neutrality. Well one side got frustrated in this deadlock and as so often happens, conflated politics with religion and incited local tribes to invade this state with the hope of forcing its rule. Princey had his own private army but it was no match for the ferocious and zealous tribals who had been a thorn in the side since the days of Alexander the Great, and the princey found himself in a quandary. He tried appealing for assistance to the Britishers but they demurred and said that it was now an "Indian" administration and, therefore, they could not intercede in sovereign issues. Princey knew that if he "invited" the Injuns to support him, they'd incorporate his state into the newly created country of India.

Princey had a mountainous state where communications were not easy and logistical issues even more troublesome. Before he knew it, the tribals were at the gates of his palace and he had to flee to protect his and his family's lives...

Now it was one thing to get out themselves but he also had the real issue of the Royal treasury which, of course, he deemed his personal property. Should he try and take the humongous trunks of pure ostentatious wealth and risk their lives or make a break and leave the treasure in a 'secure' location...?

Well, personal safety won the day and Princey made a sharpish exit with his family, some retainers and a portion of the wealth for immediate expenses. The vast bulk of the treasure was trusted to his personal secretary whose family had been serving Princey's family for the preceding 100 years since the creation of the state. The secretary was of a different religion and would not be targeted by the religious bigots of the invading tribes and his ancestors had lived in the area since time immemorial. Secretary vowed to carry out his duty with honour, dignity and loyalty until the return of Princey...

Mr Princey fled to the top hotel in Mumbai (then "Bombay") and gathered his thoughts in 5* luxury. As anticipated, the India government annexed his state and this actually led to war with its equally new neighbour. Now Princey was in an utter quandary; as his state no longer 'existed' so didn't 'his' wealth- it was part of the revenue of India and as soon as Princey tried to reclaim any of it, the government would soon commandeer it. He reflected on his predicament and dreamed of the opulent treasure now seemingly out of his grasp...

The wealth and huge incomes of most former princeys was being taken over by the Socialist Indian government and replaced by privy purses regarded as "pittances" when considering what had been taken away. Years passed but the situation grew still more hostile in Princey's former state and a new war was brewing between the Indians and the Chinese in the early 1960s. Princey saw an opportunity to try and 'win' some influence with the Indian government and made a huge financial contribution to the country's military expenditure in the hope that he'd be able to reclaim the majority of his now idle treasury. Well before a single shot had been fired, Princey breathed his last and passed away, frustrated in never having reclaimed what he felt was his...

The family of Princey continued to try and win back what they felt was there's but it was in vain. Actually when I say "family" I mean Princey's fourth wife as he was fond of the old rumpy-pumpy and didn't have a 'conventional' family in any sense of the word, In fact, Princey had been set-up and blackmailed by some not so nice people - again those naughty British! - in the 1920s, and was 'caught' with a 'married' white lady in a Paris hotel and paid a huge amount of "hush" money but it came out and there was a trial and huge amount of scandal and titillation in the press at the time and one of the blackmailer's was later involved in the Sacambaya Treasure story!

The Princey had one son from his fourth marriage but he didn't want nothing to do with his father's battle and actually joined the Indian government.

The treasure...?

Well all ambled along in India as is the case sometimes, until the 1980s...

Then, all of a sudden, a wizened old man came forward with a remarkable story...

He detailed how his former rajah master had entrusted him with a great duty and he was now in constant fear as he had no male heirs to take his place as watchman and he was therefore extremely concerned as to what would happen to the enormous treasure he was responsible for...

Well, as sometimes happened (and still does) corrupt local and national officials and politicians got wind of this huge hoard that was kept in the most nondescript of rundown buildings and couldn't believe that a single old chaps had the keys to it...


Thanks IPUK for the weekly lively yarn:icon_thumright:..today I read it while waiting for a haircut... The secretary should have been careful and should not have allowed the treasure to fall into the hands of the corrupt officials.... At least he should have secretly passed the info to a group of charity homes that feed the poor and needy...
Once again this shows the potential one could have for TH in India...


Perhaps the Trio really are nothing more than a chimera...:thumbsup:

"Crow" is probably some bored housewife from small town Macclesfield in England making-up lovely entertaining stories to keep folks entertained, who specialises in incontinence clothing for the elderly...

"Kanacki" is the nom de guerre of a frustrated fisherman from Sri Lanka who owns a paddling boat and rarely catches anything of value...?

"Hard Luck" is a Japanese manga character created by the visions of a 11 year old who wishes to become chapeler that deals in bespoke headwear...?


They are doing what many of us dream of and are as real as sky...!


"When is a treasure not a treasure"?

Oh what an enigma...



They seek them here , they seek them there...they seek them everywhere...8-)

Ladies ^ gentlemen. You may hae noticed that I suddenly have effectively stopped posting daily, well my main computer had developed a glich and is stell unusable so I am using a very vintage hp lap top, shesh is it slow and lacks most of the add one ports, bear with me .:tongue3::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Ladies ^ gentlemen. You may hae noticed that I suddenly have effectively stopped posting daily, well my main computer had developed a glich and is stell unusable so I am using a very vintage hp lap top, shesh is it slow and lacks most of the add one ports, bear with me .:tongue3::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Wish you were close enough for me to work on it for you. Is it hardware or software? Will it turn on and allow you to get into the Bios? If so does it see the hard drive? If it will come up into Windows, can you download and run Malwarebytes from www.malwarebytes.org, the free version. Very, very good for anti virus, adware, and tracking software and you can get it free. They want you to buy it, but you don't have to. The free version only runs when you run it. If Hardware and you know what is going wrong, I have older parts here at the house.\ that I can ship to you if you PM me an address.

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