Ah an office in my pocket how much has the world has changed. A memory stick has the answer.
All night as slept in my cabin I tossed and turned trying to remember the name..... then I remembered the memory stick.
The story centers around two vessels. The Sakkarah was in route from Valparaiso (Chile) to Hamburg with a cargo of gold and silver, ran aground N of Guamblin Island, Chile, no casualties.
The German SS Isis came to the rescue of the stranded Sakkarah and Isis continued the journey with the gold transferred from the Sakkarah to the Isis. The Isis was on the way back in the Strait of Magellan and sank in fact near where the Polar Mist went down 107 years later. Yet there is confusing on her exact location as admiralty charts put the vessel many miles away. And confusion over the name of vessel. both just outside the eastern mouth of the strait of Magellan.
An 1902 paper claimed the Isis had been carrying treasure when it was lost.Wrecked in the Strait of Magellan with a cargo of gold and silver worth 150,000 books recovered from the SS Sakkara lost the previous month in the region. The gold cargo when the ship was lost worth 150 thousand British Pounds. In 1902 gold values gold was worth 3.13 British Pounds per ounce. Today's value give or take in today's fluctuating gold price could be worth more than 62 million dollars.
Here is a picture of the ships below.
To confuse things the ship Isis must of been very unlucky with that name as it was its first voyage with that name. The ship had changed hands and was called Isis, but before that voyage she was called kosmos. Most pictures of her are by the name of Kosmos.
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The other ship below is Sakkarah sailing through the straits of Magellan. Its ironic had another name also called "Se Mohr Sa"
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Perhaps this is why they say its superstitious and its unlucky to change a ships name?