As I was sitting here with the prospect of having a Christmas Eve dinner, I found myself thinking of the millions of others that will probably never know what it feels like to have a full tummy on this or any other occaision, or even a warm, safe, secure place to sleep, when i found myself is retrospect back in the vicinity of McAllen, Texas in the 50's. a blue northener had blown in and it WAS cold. I was still in the Border Patrol and was patrolling in one of the small farming communities ro the East, it was on Christmas Eve.,
I spotted two people in an irrigated field, half frozen, and decided that a full meal in the warm local jail was preferable, so decided to take them in, in, so As I approached them, they made no effort to run or hide, those days it merely meant that they would be back in the US in a day or so. as I got closer I understood why, they were a very elderly man and wife half frozen, knee deep in icy irrigation water, stooped over, they could hardly straighten up..
After establishing that they were illegale, I took them to the land owner and forced him to pay them up to date __ He was famous for working the wets by only semi - feeding them, then turniing them over to the BP in order to not have to pay them anything, we had gotten wise to his method of doing business. Then I took them both to a doctor, and to a resturant for a hot Christmas meal before booking them -- It would surprise you how many old time BP did that, meanwhile talking gruffly about the damned illegals.
Anyway they ended up in a nice warm place, had their cloths washed and were given more warm meals before shipping them back to Mexico, from which they probably returned quickly -- in those days there was no cartel running the illegal business making the passage dangerous.. The US public hadn't reached the stage where they were supporting the Narcos.financially.
Any way I felt that I had done my little part.
However I felt a bit depressed thinking about the world, and it's inequalities, but soon forgot them, as most of do do, and continued playing with my Dove. We still haven't learned to vocally cuminicate, only use taps for food etc.she still tries to help me type