Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Sorry to hear about he cancer Mikel.......as our esteemed Don Jose said so wisely, conventional medicine offers nothing but death, usually with more pain and sooner......there are many effective alternative treatments out there for cancers.......may not get all but way, way better and more effective than anything conventional medicine offers...
Some good clinics in northern Mexico for cancer (and other medical problems) also....
Prayer and trust in Jesus is of course the most important thing.....
Vaya con Dios......Feliz Navidad todo

Thank you, Doc.
I am a firm believer in alternative medicine, especially when conventional medicine offers little or no hope!

Several years ago my pain specialist discovered that my liver enzymes were suddenly off the .
He had an ultrasound done on it and found several cysts. Fatty intrusions, he called them. He advised me to lose some weight.
In the following weeks, I changed the things that seemed to make since to me... Smaller portions, less sugar in my coffee, and stop drinking soft drinks.


After many attempts to change, I tried lemon water.
To my surprise, I suddenly found myself feeling better, and shedding pounds
(77 pounds ) over the next six months. The lemon water was the biggest change, so I studied on it and found that it changes the Ph of the body. Which repaired my liver.

Since the discovery of my brother in law's cancer, Jose has been busy, in the background, gathering information and links to alternative meds ( cures, not just treatments!). First group was about "Ce", a Ph altering cure! I forwarded it onward. While discussing it with Jose, I mentioned the lemon water, which surprised Jose because he was already working on the research for it.

I checked the links before forwarding them, so that I could speak about it with authority, relating my own success from the wonderful properties of the wonderful lemon!
Many thanks to my friend, the ever so humble
Don Jose.

I spoke to my Dad, earlier today and he told me that the oncologist's report is even worse than the original report. Sadly, he said fifteen to forty five days.
I pray that they have already started, at the very least, the lemon treatment.

I know that he is a Born Again Christian. Whatever the outcome is, I know that he is in The Lord's hands.

Thank you all for the prayers and
God bless each of you.


It is out of our hands now Mikel, I sincerely hope that they tried it. It is still not too late.

Ya know, they say that if you have most of your needs taken by a small pension or whatever,, you sorta lose a certan bit of "do it right now|" in my case that is so true. that is evident with Tayopa and the book, it seems that i will live forever, there is no hurry, soooo ----- however MY ever faithful wife is starting to pick on me, she harps on "do it for us" money ??? but in retrospect I have had a sorta spiritual help, It has been as if a Jesuit was guiding me step by step, Whenever I had been stoped due to lack of money, somehow it was made available, clues and inforarion also, just enough to take the next step, no more. It has been a strange relationship, if it could be called one. I feel as if someone else had found Tayopa, and I wasn't qualified to claim discovery, in many ways it was too easy. Why I kept pestering Roy, oro blanco. my confident and associate.

However my new Years resoloutions include finishing the darn book., come what may, and to forget perfection in writing style, just type it out and let the chips fall where they may.:tongue3::coffee2::coffee2:

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Ya know, they say that if you have most of your needs taken by a small pension or whatever,, you sorta lose a certan bit of "do it right now|" in my case that is so true. that is evident with Tayopa and the book, it seems that i will live forever, there is no hurry, soooo ----- however MY ever faithful wife is starting to pick on me, she harps on "do it for us" money ??? but in retrospect I have had a sorta spiritual help, It has been as if a Jesuit was guiding me step by step, Whenever I had been stoped due to lack of money, somehow it was made available, clues and inforarion also, just enough to take the next step, no more. It has been a strange relationship, if it could be called one. I feel as if someone else had found Tayopa, and I wasn't qualified to claim discovery, in many ways it was too easy. Why I kept pestering Roy, oro blanco. my confident and associate.

However my new Years resoloutions include finishing the darn book., come what may, and to forget perfection in writing style, just type it out and let the chips fall where they may.:tongue3::coffee2::coffee2:

BRAVO!!! Not to worry about your writing style, Don Jose. Campfire tales are just fine..... Coffee with oirish to celebrate?



PS: Apologies to Mackaydon, I prefer my coffee with Irish Creme, and my Kahlua with vodka. But that is just me.


Ya know, they say that if you have most of your needs taken by a small pension or whatever,, you sorta lose a certan bit of "do it right now|" in my case that is so true. that is evident with Tayopa and the book, it seems that i will live forever, there :no hurry, soooo ----- however MY ever faithful wife is starting to pick on me, she harps on "do it for us" money ??? but in retrospect I have had a sorta spiritual help, It has been as if a Jesuit was guiding me step by step, Whenever I had been stoped due to lack of money, somehow it was made available, clues and inforarion also, just enough to take the next step, no more. It has been a strange relationship, if it could be called one. I feel as if someone else had found Tayopa, and I wasn't qualified to claim discovery, in many ways it was too easy. Why I kept pestering Roy, oro blanco. my confident and associate.

However my new Years resoloutions include finishing the darn book., come what may, and to forget perfection in writing style, just type it out and let the chips fall where they may.:tongue3::coffee2::coffee2:[/QUOTE Amigo:coffee2::hello: Amigo Don, you dont need no New Years resolution, and forget about the 70 grick Virgins you think is waiting for you in heaven,your still on this stupid planet with the rest of us :alien::alien::alien: the best you will get right now to help you is a bus load of HARE KRISHNA'S from LAX to help finish this book.:notworthy::hello:NP:cat:

Prospector Mike, It may not be too late so here are two of my cancer remedies from my extensive research library. One is to take a piece of bread, toast it black, then eat it. Another is too take flax seeds, grind into a powder like consistency then disperse in yogurt, then eat it. Another thing that will help is to take a tablespoon of colloidal silver, twice daily. Do not use a metal spoon, as it will interfere with the silver ions. hopefully all these things will help, and also prayers. The very best thing for cancer is to buy a plasm ball. These are a simulation of Tesla's coil. Plasma will destroy cancer cells, but you need to touch the glass globe for it to work well and get the largest one you can find on Amazon. Good luck. rockhound

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RH, hadn''t heard of the toast technique, but The flax seed is from Dr Budwing, the coloidial silver by itself, both have had excellent results, gracias.

Thank you Rockhound.
His time is short, and I hope he has already started, at the least, the lemons as Jose and I had explored the need to change the body's Ph, to an alkaline state.
Jose has been very helpful to me in the past few weeks, finding links to send to him.

Jose said it best, even if he took advantage of all of the offered help,
"It is out of our hands."

Thanks to all of you, my Tnet family.

It's time to turn to Jose's book work.
Jose, just be you. Your memories will become our memories. Someone else can dot the i and cross the t 's.


Mikel, here is the chart of the PH's From Dr Beddoe, Reams practioner.



Made it this time. That's a lot of info, bright and bold!

Thank you Jose.


For anyone that is thinking of backing up to a nice warm fire... Here is one to back away from.

Shake the hand of any firefighter that you know, just in case he or she ever has to contend with a beast like this one.

A car knocked a high pressure natural gas line and the firefighters contained it for nine hours before the line finally lost enough pressure to let it die out.

This photo shows flames twenty to forty feet high and fifty to ninety feet across a parking lot.



Any news Mikel ??

Nothing yet. I talked to my dad, yesterday, and he said that he has not heard from them in two days.

I would love too hear good news from them about trying or better still that they are using the information that you passed thru me to them.

I will be sure to let you know if there is a change, hopefully for the better.


Marry Christmas to all . May God give you health and satisfied all your wishes .

My wife is going to make me fix the only desert I can safely fix. 20 Minute Lemon Meringue pie.
3 Eggs separated
The 3 Egg Yolks with one can Bordens Eagle Brand Sweet Condensed Milk, and 1/4 to 1/3 cup of real Lemon juice.
Mix it up and put into a Graham Cracker Pie Crust.
Put into a cold oven and turn it on to 375F

While that is cooking take the 3 Egg Whites and 3 Table Spoons of sugar and 3 drops (or more) of Vanilla Extract and beat until stiff.
The Oven will have been at 375 for a while now so slide the pie out, put the Meringue on it and put it back in until it turns brown.
Take it out and put it in the Fridge. Yummy You can start with a 1/3 cup and make it tarter with more lemon juice the next time if you want.
Warning !! It will ruin it for the ones at the Dinners. Those are gelatin, this is a custard.

Gracias Marius, al mismo a usted, does that include Grick dancing girls .:tongue3:

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