Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Will give it try AU, thanks incidentally, how do I get your favorite thing in TN to recover my password ??

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tis me my grick friend with the delightful grick dancing girls Since I couldn't remember my pass word for hotmail which had my password for treasure net stored i had to enter as Real 'of' Tayopa instead of Real 'de' Tayopa/ neww

Simple, no ? my grick friend. Incidentally I had my password also saved in TN ??

Welcome back Don Jose ! For a moment I believed was a Don Jose from Nigeria .

When all of these secret reset fixes, are posted I'm going to screenshot all of them in order, so I may be able to fix my tower comp.
it needs formatting, but I can't find the disc set to reload it, and it doesn't have a partition with the program built in.

That doesn't mean that I can remember how to actually repair it.


Real, check PM'S under/for new sign up here.

If you had windows save your password for the site and didn't write it down, if it doesn't make it, then you need to start guessing or ask the administrators if they can recover it for you.

Joe my wife has a book that she write all of our passwords in. That way if she goes before me, I can still pay bills on line. Also my passwords and hers for EMail accounts, ect. Hope she never looses the book. LOL

Jose. Maybe this will jog your memory...

It was you that posed for the photo, right?


I get plenty of that magic liquid. But my wife says I stink from it

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Hola, I'll have you know that my computer prob has / had a positive point in my life. Whereas before it was up,to the computer, leave computer to eat, back ti the compute til dinner, except for a trip or so to the bathroom. nothing more - i never realized what a horrible shape that I was getting into, under the new regime it's up at 5.----- and then for a cool wobbly walk for a whole block then back to the computer,], Would you call that computeritis ?

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I'm going to turn mine off for a few days. Maybe I'll get to one block per day....
I bet I don't make it a mile from home before I call someone to get me!


I have a solution for both. I only use a phone so I can stay on the go. It's a computer a camera and a lot more. I don't use it while driving a car but a tractor maybe. The only problem is when I lose my signal. You can just speak to it and it types. You just need to make sure what it types. That part can get you in trouble. I layed in bed for a half a year with an infection in my spine. My muscles went quick. Once I got over it I never wanted to stay in one place long. You don't move it you will lose it. So you can't hunt treasure from a couch or chair. But you can't stop telling those good stories either. So balance it and we all reap the bounty. So get healthy my friends. It make a cold one taste better after a little exercise.

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My friend. If you click forgot password on tnet they should send you an email to your accout. I think you said it was hotmail. So if you go to signin.com and hit forgot password they should direct you to a secrete questions page you put in when you first opened the account.
If you still are not able to get in. You may have to contact hotmail and they will have to go through all the identity check stuff.
Hope it helps mate

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Just remember, if they ask what year you were born. Don't use Roman Numerals!!


:laughing7:If you are ferring to me Mac, == shadup :laughing7::coffee2::coffee2::laughing7:

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Marticus , my friend, but what if you had changed inet servers in the meantime ? I tried that but they did not recognize the new em address, and I could no longer acess the old one, so, Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Grascous for the sugestion.

As I was sitting here half asleep, I was transported back some 70 years to the start of the Guadalcanal campaign. I believe it was the second week when they transported me and a crew to one of the small islands off of the canal to install an aniaircraft po sition, We had hardly landed and were waitng for equipment and supplies, when suddenly the ship took off leavng us tranded with no food, equipent or arms. The local French planter offere us his copra shed to sleep in on the second day - beat sleeping on the ground, Later he had his crew slaughter a large turtle that his men had caught, s0 turtle meat and coconuts were our diet until the ship retuned a week later. It seems that the Japanese had destroyed some of our cruisers in a battle off of Savo and they were scrambling to save what was left of our fleet === seems that we were very expendable. We would have been sitting ducks if the Japanese had followed up.

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Jose, the chicken/egg issue...

According to Herbert Spencer, the five manifestations of the known and unknown universe are summed up in these; time, force, action, space and matter.
The works of a scientist.

I think he plagiarized an earlier work, that explains and goes on to state that the chicken came first.

Note the order is the same in both accounts.

Genesis 1: 1.


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