Tonight there was a thunder and lightning display, sort reminded me of the lonely beaches on the west coast of Mexico. My partner, Dunc, and I, would lie in our skeeter net bedding and watch the surf come alive with phosforescence, from small life forms. They would be similar to sheet lightening, sometimes so brght that one didn't neeed a flashlight.
The light would start at one end off e breaking wave and travel to the other.
It was a different world then, no roads on the west coast, only foot and mule travel, a far cry from today when we have a modern devded highway now, running down the west coast, towns have sprung up where we spent lonely nights.. Mexico is no longer a third world, country, I am sorry to see it go, but I have very plesant memoriies of it when it was, espcially in the back country, exploring deep, lonely, ,canyons,looking for lost mines, etc. just my mule and I, sometimes passing a week or more without meeting any one.. Occaisionally encountering a lonely bandido, willing to forgo his proffesion in order to have a campfire session
Now a says the organized narso gangs hae taken over wirh trucks and aircraft sigh.