Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hey guys. Got another story to share. Be a bit open minded.
So me, my father a family friend and his son we were on a camping prospecting trip to Nundle. Near Tamworth NSW.
So here we are having a few days and nights down on the creek sluicing and panning finding some nice colour and some beaut gem stones. The day wares on and we all retire back to the camp. Have a few beers a bit of dinner then just chilling out by the camp fire. When bret the family friend draws our attention to a strange red ball on the top of a mountain top. So we all start looking scratching our heads going whats that. Then it moves. For a few minutes it bounces around and zips all around the mountain tops just above the ridge. Then it comes to a rest about one of the peaks. Then just stopping like standing still it slowly decends. But disapearing behind the mountain till it was gone.
No idea what it was. But we never saw it again. And i still havnt seen anything like that to this day.

The most impressive thing of nature that I have ever seen was when I was 18 and we were driving across the panhandle of Texas. It was close to sunset and the town to the north had the lights on as the sky was dark with clouds above it. Now when I see a lightening bolt come down I start counting for how far away it is. I watched a bolt of lightning come down and stay on the ground for 7 seconds! It danced around with lots of fingers at the bottom, when it finally went back up, over 1/2 to 3/4's of the town was dark. Took out all kinds of transformers in the town. I have never seen a bolt last that long before or since. That impressed me more than going through a hurricane at sea on a destroyer, or watching a sun go nova at night in the Med on board the same ship.
I have walked through a ventura (?) where a canyon closed down to 15 feet wide with walls that went up over 200 feet and seen where rocks had bounced off the walls at 50-80 up. Not the kind of place to go through when it rains. And that was one of the landmarks a guy forgot to tell us about. ;) Had to ask him if he ever had to walk in the water and he said, "Oh yeah we had too." "Why?" "Because the walls where so high and so close together, we had to walk in the water." I still can't believe that someone could forget a landmark like that. LOL
How many time do you have to walk through water in Arizona? ;)

Morning AU, so you were a swabby eh ? How about some sawbby stories ? Keep em clean :laughing7: :coffee2::coffee2:,

As for walking in water, yep, in Tucson, and once when I was working at Kits' peak the arroyos were full, and no rain within sight ???

The mule trail between Chinapas and San Bernardo is like that, in places you can reach out from your mule and touch both walls with logs and misc caught many ft above you. I had almost forgotten about that until you reminded me AU. It was a place where you didn't linger too long in.

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Just want to add to the thread.

Carry a stun gun with ya and you have all the anti-venom you need.

The Juice can be Tequila in a snort canister.

One of my Grandsons almost got bit by a brown recluse the just the other day. I never thought of the shock treatment for it. Along the lines of strange occurrence's. We had one on the Mississippi once in the 70's. Went down to a scenic view for the purpose of watching for UFO's as my Dad told me a story once about how him and his buddies, well, the whole town actually, had followed a UFO to the Mississippi and saw the UFO follow the river towards St Louis. We went there not expecting to see anything. It was an over cast night so no stars were present.

We were listening to Dr Demento on the radio when I looked up and saw the largest UFO object in the world!

I yelled:"Look, LOOK!!".
One of my passengers was a UFO Fanatic and almost crushed my fiancé getting out of the back seat to see it!

It was the Mother Ship coming in for a landing right on top of us!! It was glowing white and had the shape of a Saucer growing steadily larger as it came in not making a sound. Just as it was about to land a small breeze floated in and the clouds parted revealing a rather large white Silvery Moon!

We laughed our arse off!!

Later, I noticed a small dim light bobbing and weaving down below us following the Mississippi. Thinking it was a small plane I decided to play a trick. I showed everyone the small light and said: "Watch This!".

As the light and craft came into view it was right in front of headlights. I was driving a 69 Lincoln Coupe. I had already put the lights on bright and waited until the craft was right in front of the headlights then turned on my high beams to reveal a shiny silver disc!! The Disc had multi colored lights surrounding it in panels and disappeared in a noiseless flash!!

We all piled out of the car again to go see where it had gone searching the area below us along the river when I decided to look straight up above us and there it was!

It was checking us out! I yelled: " Bring that damn thing down here we want a ride!!"

After a few minutes the object or saucer started glowing brighter and brighter then all of sudden with out any noise of an engine just a whoosh from the air as it sped off into outer space disappearing into the stars and became one of them that fast!!

Years later I was telling the story to a UFO person with MUFON and he said: "you witnessed a mother craft and a drone ship"? I said no. He said hell yes you did!

I said what are you talking about?

He said the craft going through the clouds was the Mother Ship! I said how? He said it was Cloaked!!

I said oooohhhhh!!

The End

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OK Service stories. Our ship pulled into Bandol, France just before Bastille Day in '66. They had a small carnival that had a shooting gallery. 5 shots for one Franc or for 5 Francs you could shoot to win a bottle of wine. I tried it for one Franc and found out the sights were not offset. So I paid 5 Francs, shot 5 clay pipe bowls and got a magnum of some cheap white wine. One of the other guys came up and I told him about the sights, so he won a bottle of wine. Then we started shooting for 1 Franc and shot the stems of the pipes we had shot the bowls off. Then trimmed them again and then a final time. The range was not 10 feet from us and we were kneeling on the ground and resting on the bench to shoot. As other guys came by and saw us drinking from the bottles, they asked where we got them. "Give us 5 francs!" At that time it was about 5 Francs to the dollar. We would then, one or the other of us, shoot 5 pipe bowls and they would get a bottle of wine. The towns people would also ask us to shoot for them, but they were after the smaller red bottles of wine. We were on "Port and Starboard Liberty", so it was 2 nights before we got back there and the shooting galley was closed. Guess we ran him out of wine. LOL .22 pump rifles with shooting galley shorts and not 10 feet range. I guess the French didn't shoot rifles much back then. The stems were about 1/4 inch thick and we didn't miss them either, but when shooting for the wine we shot the bowls, as that was not "playing around". He didn't mind us shooting the stems, but did never looked happy when we were shooting for the wine. 5 Francs for the bottle of wine and then 4 francs for shooting the stems 4 times on 5 clay pipes.

This is a piece of solid silver ore, while I can't swear that it came from Tayopa itself, it certainly came from down below Tayopa on the arroyo

Solid silver nuggett form the arroyo.webp

Did you find it laying on the ground or did you have to dig it out?

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It looks like it's been worked on.

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g'd afternoon Bob. no it hasn't been worked except by the arroyo action grinding away on it. It doesn't take long for the water,and solid materiel, sand ,grinds it fairly smooth:coffee2::coffee2: your thinking rates cuppa coffee

Yes, I found it in the surface rocks visually.

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Nice to hear everybody's stories.......
I wish I could remember more of mine.....about the only time I do is with old friends who recount stories from years past; some of which I can recall in part, sometimes not at all......guess a few too many head injuries from a wild life has consequences......
And then there are some remembered but for various reasons cannot be shared or spoken of........

Those are the best ones, especially after a few cracks from hitting your head on those rocks that look like you are going to miss them about a dozen times or so.
My last outing left more knots on my head than I had fingers to rub with...

I have no idea what stories I told or repeated.


This has almost nothing to do with campfire stories, except spiders.
I'll tell ya right up front that I don't care much for them.

Last night, my son Jake was helping install antenna and electronics on a mountain top in Utah. One of his buddies was on the roof of one of buildings and he decided to go live on Facebook.

He was surrounded by tens of thousands of spiders all over the towers and buildings. He held a wrench up next to a few of them.

The bodies were about thumb size and leg spans about silver dollar size.

As the microwave towers kicked in and out they react with activity. At one point he said something radiation and spider bites and I kinda blocked him out for a moment.

I wonder how I'm gonna sleep tonight.


Dang it! I'm already scratching!ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1471490687.915266.webp,

Here is a sample, and a small one at that.

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Those are the small ones? I would hate to see the big ones. I can handle snakes but a spider will make me hurt myself

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When I wrote " small", I meant the number of spiders.

All of the spiders were about the same size... Just short of tarantulas.


And snakes have the same effect on me as spiders... They can make me hurt myself if they outnumber me!

Reminds me of another story my brother gave me when we were looking for "Drunkards Walk". I asked if he had gone to the end of the ravine and he said, "Almost." "Almost?" "Yeah, I got almost to the end of the ravine and there was a spider web like 5-6 feet across and in the center was one of those Black and Gold Orb Spiders. Biggest I have ever seen almost 8 inches across from front legs to back and it was "Bouncing" in the center of the web as I looked at it." "I turned around and left it to him." Me, "No Problem, I would have left it alone also."

I remember this being taught differently when I was in school.



Tonight there was a thunder and lightning display, sort reminded me of the lonely beaches on the west coast of Mexico. My partner, Dunc, and I, would lie in our skeeter net bedding and watch the surf come alive with phosforescence, from small life forms. They would be similar to sheet lightening, sometimes so brght that one didn't neeed a flashlight.

The light would start at one end off e breaking wave and travel to the other.

It was a different world then, no roads on the west coast, only foot and mule travel, a far cry from today when we have a modern devded highway now, running down the west coast, towns have sprung up where we spent lonely nights.. Mexico is no longer a third world, country, I am sorry to see it go, but I have very plesant memoriies of it when it was, espcially in the back country, exploring deep, lonely, ,canyons,looking for lost mines, etc. just my mule and I, sometimes passing a week or more without meeting any one.. Occaisionally encountering a lonely bandido, willing to forgo his proffesion in order to have a campfire session

Now a says the organized narso gangs hae taken over wirh trucks and aircraft sigh.

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