Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

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There is a simple test to see if your wife or dog loves you more. Lock them both in the trunk of your car for an hour. Guess which one is happy to see you when you open the lid?

on the map dowsing of Tayopa, it was surprisng on how many were exactly on spot. Kinda makes you wonder Admitedly most of the so called map dowsers are no good, but you cannot deny that some are fantastic I am impressed. :coffee2::coffee2:

Surely, by now all you lack is finishng...

#/80)~ (c)

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Don Jose, my short story is done. Still editing and acknowledgments to add.

And finish the cover and title changed.

Thanks to many here

#/;0)~ (c)

speak for yerself, Mikel,:icon_thumright::laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:l ya plagarist , mine ain't As for El senor Loke --- !!

Hmmmm.... Me thinks you are overdue a visit.... smiley angel whistling.gif

indian with scalp.webp

As I sit here in front of the computer with the warm breeze blowing gently across the desk watching the news on cuba, I was reminded once again of my brief entry into the world of Mercenary life - which fortunately I turned down.----

I remembered sitting in the plaza olgeing the Gals walking hand in hand with their girlffriends, followed by their Duenas, I was aroused out of my sordid thoughts by the appproach of a well dressed, Obvious Latino, of indeterminate nationality. It quicky became obvious that I was the subject of his attention,So I straightened up and prepared for his disruption of my erotic thoughts,

He inuired if I was senor Jose , to which I acknowleged, then afer a few moments, casually ased if i was interested in Sr Castro's efforts to rid Cuba of it's present dictator , Sr Batista. I professed ignorance of this castro, so he commenced telling me of the virtues of this Castro, how he forgo the life of a Cuban Elitist to fight for the peasants and live in the Jungle under the constant threat of discovery and death by this dictator.How his love for Cuba was such a driving force cf it.

Aftr a 1/2 hour I signaled for two coffeeies, hoping to cut his oratory short, but alas, I had never met a feverant patriot before. Well after perhaps a1/2 hour of this he finally cae to the point. He was a recruiter for this Castro and was interested in me because he had found out that I was a qualified commercial, multi-engine, sea plane pilot,

He finally came to the point, 'would I be interested in this Castro and the plight of the Cuban people'?

Of course he appealed to my dormant ideas of chivalry and freeing up the poor oppressed people of Cuba. He knew that he had me hooked .

Upon questioning he mentioned that I would hold a commision In Castros air force with a magnificent salary, of course this practicaly clinched the deal.

Upon further question he assured me that he had a nice positon for my firend Reece, a maching gunner wiith the Marines in Korea, so with romantic thoughts, I bid him godbye for a nights mullinng over his propoal, Reece was in favor of it - I guess that Korea hadn't cooled off his sense of Gallantry yet. like me.

We talked about this glorious adventure into the life of a Mercenary long into the night and came up with some questions for the recruiter and retired to a night of dreams involving rescueing Lovelly, grateful, Cuban damsels from the clutches of the foul dictator.

He promptedly showed up as promised, so we comenced with our Questions.
where would we be based and how was the chow? He said at a secret base in the Yucatan of Mexico.Further questioning produced the enlightment that the magnificent salaries would only be applicable while we were in Cuban waters, same for the food.

Further questioning in regards to our US citizenship only brought an evasive statement, so we asked him for another day, to which He reluctedly agreed. This gave me the opportunity to contact the American Consul in Hermosillo who only gave further elusive answers. He carefully said that we would lose it by the swearing in to Castro, but that they were looking away because for some reason they wanted to replace Batista.

This wasn't good enough so when we next met him we asked him about the conditions of this training camp. His guarded responses gave us an even further negative attitude so we begged off..

He was very adamant that we couldn't, but we simply pointed out, that we hadn't signed any papers etc. He then made hints that we now knew too much and he wouldn't give very much for our survival chances, but then I mentioned that we had, as a precautionary measure, taken out a contract on his life with some guys in Sinaloa, that if anything happend to either of us ---, so he quietly slipped away, along with my romantic mercenary dreams.

Reece went to Guadaljara where he eventually married a furniture makers daughter and never managed to be a Mercenary either


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speak for yerself, Mikel,:icon_thumright::laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2:l ya plagarist , mine, ain't as for El senor Loke --- !!

Amigo Jose.
My little story only covers 13 years.
Yours covers a lifetime of high adventures.

How old is your computer?...
I have a reason for asking..

#/;0)~ (c)

perhaps 12 - 15 yars old Mikel, but highly modified. I have a couple of lap tops, one of vintage age, but the main one is a desk top Mikel..

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How did we NOT see that coming ?

Mr. Don Jose, I have been following that dowsing thread and it is interesting. My dad believed in it, but I have never tried it. I have a question though, can they do it with a hand drawn map or does it need to be an actual picture ?
Coffee Buzz1.gif This guy is nervous as he heard NP was here and may have spiked the coffee with his version, and so he is nervous.

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