Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

This morning I took my first coffee out to the patio, it was a bit cool. but as I sat there in the semidarknes I noticed the cement patch surrounded by flowers where My Pooper lay in eternal sleep.

They say if a man has a special relationship with a woman or a dog he is blessed. I am trice blessed on both.On my Bert, as I have mentioned, and on 'Pooper' my dog equally.,

I origionally found her in a gunny sack under the Jeep. She was a mixture of an Alsatian (German shepard) and a short haired golden Retriever, however she had the longish head of the Gerrman Shepard.

She was exceptoionally intelligent. We could cummunicate ! She had a vocabulary of some 50 commands in Spanish, English, or hand signals equally

'One of her favorite games was to accompany me when I went to the Mercado in the morning, which was some blocks from my home. On the return I would put her on hold on the last block, if there was no traffic. She would watch me with her ears half way up until I turned the corner about a 1/2 block away, then she would get anxious. After I had turned the corner I would peek out, catch her eye then signal her to come, this she did at full speed then just as she was about to be with me she would launch herself in a ferocious leap and connect wth me-- ever have a 70 lb doggie hit you at full speed ? --she would bowl me over and we would end up on the street with ferocious growls, flashing white teeth while we would wrestle on the ground, to the delight of any onlookers.

She eventally would lie there with her tongue half way out and to one side, her eyes full of contentment. I would get up, dust off, and continue home where she would curl up in her corner and patiently wait for her scrambled eggs and a piece of ham.

Old Valenzuello, who had a hardware store a block away, always said that she was smarter than half of the town. :laughing7:

She was a wonderful dog, and I still miss her. The night that she died in my arms, they, for some reson ,played "Do you miss me tonight " on the radio, and I sure did sniff. still do.

Bert loved her also.

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*sigh* They take some of you with them when they go - it's hard ...

of all people, you know Loke. with your pretty Aussie.
Yes I know ... incidentally, a border-collie, not aussie (but you are excused)
When I was weeding she used to come up to me and lick my cheek - when I'm weeding these days, I can still feel her kiss on my cheek ... somehow she never left ...

They never do actually Loke. I still see my poop out of the cornner of my eye.

When my 127lbs. half Doberman/half collie dog Bonham (after Zeppelin drummer John Bonham) died, he passed in the morning and after dropping him at a pet crematorium, both my wife and I saw him out of the corner of our eyes over the next few days. It was one of the strangest, yet best experiences of my life. When he was alive, he always used to sit on his doggie bed which was directly next to my side of our bed and lay his huge head on my arm, signaling that it was time for me to pet him; the day he died, that night I swear I felt him do that twice and woke up to it! He would always end up sleeping on the cool hardwood flooring in the corner of our bedroom; the night he died, I woke up to my wife's beagle and our cat silently staring in the prone position into that corner as if something were there.... They didn't move for what seemed like an eternity. Little did I know until days later that my wife was awoken that same night to hearing him sneeze (he had a very distinct LOUD sneeze) and also saw our other dog and the cat immediately get up and stare into that corner!

I'd have made fun of people who told stories like this before my buddy died, but now I'm a believer.

All the best-

Simon - yes, I have seen that one before, and it always brings tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat.
JAA, I agree, they never leave, you can always feel their presence *sigh*

I'm sorry guys, it has nothing to do with Tayopa, just ... there is some comfort in sharing memories ...

Justin said: I'd have made fun of people who told stories like this before my buddy died, but now I'm a believer.
I agree, and only when I feel among friends do I open up as not everyone understands.
When the vet shaved the ankle of Simon in order to give him the injection, I kept that hair and placed it in a locket and everyday, no matter what I do or where I go, I put that locket in my pocket and take it with me. Simon went everywhere with me before, and I know he still goes with me, but that locket is a daily reminder to me that he is here. That was 6 years ago next month. My son had to have his German Shepherd put asleep almost 6 months later for Degenerative Mylopathy, ( this was what my vet thought Simon had, but wasn't ). My son and I had taken his "girl Sierra to a university about an hour away to have her pass there because she had spent so much time there in therapy and felt comfortable there. On our way home my son was in tears asking if he had done the right thing. I assured him it was the right thing and on numerous times his "girl" would come to me and tell me she was ready but my son couldn't see it. On our drive home, I told my son that I just had a vision, and it was of Simon " waiting" for Sierra to cross over. A few moments later, I saw them both. True story.
I too am sorry Don Jose for my off topic, but again, with friends, it feels right.

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Thank you kind friend. :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2::angel7:

The worst part for me - I was the main culprit ...
We had been out for dinner and coming home the dogs (we had two) were ever so excited (they had been left outside - hey, this is rural TX) - running along my truck, snapping at each other. My border-collie must have come under the wheel (I was driving ever so slowly). She never whimpered or anything, just ran to the door. I noticed blood on her - and found that skin had been tore off her leg, then half the skin off her back had been torn off as well. :-(
Drove straight to a vet clinic - where they really gave her no hope, so she was put down while I had her in my lap ... Nearly killed me that did. I will never forgive myself for that - I should've been just idling along *sigh* And the strange thing is - whenever I kneel down (and this was 5 years ago) - primarily when I'm weeding - I can still feel her coming up beside me and giving me that li'l wet kiss on my cheek ... Gawd I miss her so much ...

I am so sorry Loke, and I can feel the pain. When my Simon was put asleep the vet mis-diagnosed the injury and somehow I felt he was wrong, but seeing Simon lay there in pain made it so difficult.
Thanks again Don Jose for this time.

Loke, ya now have to take care of my Oro / Beth, I am leaving them in your care :laughing7::laughing7: I'm geting too damn old - almost 93 --they will have to continue what I started,

I pity those that have never had a close relationship with their doggie.

I just remembered another episode. We, were coming down from the mine and as we were passing thrugh a small illage stoped at a grocery store for some cold drinks..

Pooper , as usual, wandered about investigating. Shortly a large male doggie ran out of a yard and bit her on the shoulder.

She then made a beeline to the store, circled me three times, then lay down and pushed her shoulder up at me to see. I bought a small of alcohol and cleaned the bite as well as I could, then simulated filling a hypodermic needle, whereupon she humpted her hip up for the injection. I carried it trough,finished the ficticious injection then patted her that it was allright,

She then jumped up, gave me a kiss from my chin to eyebrows, ran out of the door, looked up the male dog and proceeded to beat the :censored: out of him, then retired to the jeep. where she sat like a Queen dowager. They still talk about the half human dog at that village

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Loke, ya now have to take care of my Oro / Beth, I am leaving them in your care :laughing7::laughing7: I'm geting too damn old - almost 93 --they will have to continue what I started,
*chuckles* Hey - you have to remember who's the 'ole man' in that li'l threesome! Most probably it will be them having to look after me!

yep, I have many fond memeories of Old china.While slurping my coffee I was remembering that iin 47 Peking was a male paradise, A comly gal of about 12 --20's went for $25 - 50 dollars. She was effectively your slave who would never run away, to do so would bring disgrace upon her family..besides with you she could at least eat.

A very nice one ran between 100 and 300 dollars, a Queen to 500.

Sigh I was always broke buying heavy brocaided silk etc,

I can remember the bell boy in the wagon Lits Hotel in Peking, on the now known as the Tinian square, laying out my uniforms and asking me If I preferred a blond, Brunett, or?? perhas i would prefer a young fat boy (blushing) I remember I thanked him and suggeted I would find my own, which I eventually did., She was Tony Brovchenko, a white Russian and a
night club singer and damn pretty. If they hadn't made it so damn difficult - racial purity I guess -- I would have married her, Then there was Lupe, in Tsingtao,and Mragarita in the Phillipines and, and ----.-

Ah yes, I have many fond memories of Old China, must spike my coffee with Chinese Vodka

I spent days in h the forbidden city with no one around and on.

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L:oke, that reminds me, how are you getting along with his man eaters?? Still have all of your fingers ??
*chuckles* Their man-eaters have accepted me fully - I'm glad to say, otherwise there most definitely would've been a problem. So yes, all fingers intact! They even come up to me for a li'l scratch-behind-the-ears!

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