This morning I took my first coffee out to the patio, it was a bit cool. but as I sat there in the semidarknes I noticed the cement patch surrounded by flowers where My Pooper lay in eternal sleep.
They say if a man has a special relationship with a woman or a dog he is blessed. I am trice blessed on both.On my Bert, as I have mentioned, and on 'Pooper' my dog equally.,
I origionally found her in a gunny sack under the Jeep. She was a mixture of an Alsatian (German shepard) and a short haired golden Retriever, however she had the longish head of the Gerrman Shepard.
She was exceptoionally intelligent. We could cummunicate ! She had a vocabulary of some 50 commands in Spanish, English, or hand signals equally
'One of her favorite games was to accompany me when I went to the Mercado in the morning, which was some blocks from my home. On the return I would put her on hold on the last block, if there was no traffic. She would watch me with her ears half way up until I turned the corner about a 1/2 block away, then she would get anxious. After I had turned the corner I would peek out, catch her eye then signal her to come, this she did at full speed then just as she was about to be with me she would launch herself in a ferocious leap and connect wth me-- ever have a 70 lb doggie hit you at full speed ? --she would bowl me over and we would end up on the street with ferocious growls, flashing white teeth while we would wrestle on the ground, to the delight of any onlookers.
She eventally would lie there with her tongue half way out and to one side, her eyes full of contentment. I would get up, dust off, and continue home where she would curl up in her corner and patiently wait for her scrambled eggs and a piece of ham.
Old Valenzuello, who had a hardware store a block away, always said that she was smarter than half of the town.
She was a wonderful dog, and I still miss her. The night that she died in my arms, they, for some reson ,played "Do you miss me tonight " on the radio, and I sure did sniff. still do.
Bert loved her also.