Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter


Checking out on a DC -3.webp


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Mr Allen,mI can't begin to thank you enough for your EM. I have often wondered about the remains, The last that I saw of it, it was sittindg Behind the hanger in Phoenix.looking very forlorn, I felt that I was abandoning a friend,.I had learned it's every flight charasteristics.

No, I didn't deep six the DC-3, I am in the front row, third from the left, the runt

In my opinion, Jim and his wife, Nancy, are quie the people..I consider them, and their two daughters Jodie, & Jamie, part of my family



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...RE: 1930 Stearman C3R‏

RE: 1930 Stearman C3R
Joseph Curry 1/17/16
To: Willis Allen

We were using a 10% micture of ddt and diesel. Once when I was grounded while they were repairing my aircraft - I had hit a 3 ' struce tree squarely on my nose spinner, but that is for another day, I was trying to make myself useful, since we were on a pool. As I jumped up on the Left wing walkway I slipped on the Diesel and promptly put my foot trough the fabric, then a little later while helping ? another pilot I noticed that his emergency dump valve was almost ready to dump, so I signaled to the pilot that I was going to fix it, but just as I reached for it, it dumped. Now to get to the dump valve I was about a foot away from the prop, so I had to just stand there while the Diesel unloaded upon me, I didn't dare to move, with that big prop just waiting for me, shesh. I was comepletely soaked when the other pilots al decended upon me and suggested that I leave the area and take a shower I always will wonder whether they were concerned about me or their aircraft. sigh.

The only effect was a temporary case of the shakes for a few days.....

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 1930 Stearman C3R
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 14:01:02 -0800
To: real_tayopa@hotmail.com

At least the chemicals didn't kill you !!


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 16, 2016, at 10:00 PM, Joseph Curry <real_tayopa@hotmail.com> wrote:

Bo;;. my aircraft was a sprayer, and leaked Diesel all of the time from the front seat tank.

I agree with you about the Swickard family

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Subject: 1945 Boeing Stearman PT-17
To: real_tayopa@hotmail.com

This is the last airplane owned & flown by Steve McQueen - the N number was his reform school number

We got the plane several years ago and rebuilt it


I flew it back to IL & Iowa last summer

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I hope that my post did not cast a shadow doubt about your character.
I believe every word that I have ever read from you.!!!

My point was that your character and the way that you tell it make great stories. They will be retold many times by those that read them.

And... each retelling will grow.
You are already are a legend.

That, you cannot undo.

As I have stated before,
Your stories make us feel as if we are there.

Of course... they will be retold.

#/;0)~ (c)

NP said:
Amigo, :coffee2::director::director::violent1: You mean those stories are not true!,thats hard to believe,NP
NP, your "Special" blend of Burro juice seems to have violent after effects ? :violent1: View attachment 1285969

AMIGO'S, Have a goooooooooood O'rish day:leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat::leprechaun-hat:HAVE A BIG GREEN BURRO JUICE ,:occasion14:NP:cat:

Amigo :coffee2:,Really,Jesse James,( JJ), HA HA HA,:dontknow::dontknow::dontknow::lurk::lurk::lurk::lurk::violent1::violent1: Am I missing something here:dontknow:NP:cat:

Amigo, :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Missing something? I don't recall the true NP
talking quite as such... What happened? :laughing7:

Reckon it's entirely possible all that green burro juice,
has taken it's own timely toll on some treasure hunters,
or maybe a few patron storytellers anyway, but, sigh...

I guess they do often water some of the coffee beans... :occasion14:
... :sunny: :fish:


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Amigo's:dontknow: KNOCK,KNOCK,Hello,Anyone home?,:dontknow: Why doesn't poor little :censored::censored::censored:Write any more?:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: NP:cat:

whoa there steady NP! Go easy on the burro juice!

Treasure Stories have be savored like fine wine. It gives you a taste then the flavor kicks in.

Stories in their telling take time....

I have a yarn if your interested?


It's past their bed time, so I will listen Amy. :notworthy:

The following amazing story is about a group on men who in the middle of WW2 salvaged 8 tons of gold. With little or no experience and virtually no equipment other than they improvised, from a shipwreck in the middle of a minefield.

The Niagara story is all too forgotten these days.


Very interesting and thank-you for sharing Amy !

:hello::hello::hello::hello:Nice to see that somone is still kicking on here,please continue ,np:cat:

ain dead yet

And for that we celebrate! In my short time here, you top the list of posters who've so impressed me with their knowledge and adventures.
To read of your life is like reading a Hemingway novel. And to be so forthcoming with the knowledge you have to we the unworthy, is a blessing.
May we all be able to someday experience a little of what you lived.

Your book will be a best seller, and would put Indiana Jones and Dirk Pitt to shame. And with the ones you've listed I wonder about the ones you've yet to tell, I would imagine the limitations of prosecution have long since passed on many of them. I would love to have them all in one book, it would be a treasure in itself.

To you sir I raise a glass, and no, not the sock coffee. :coffee2:


Brad, that was an unusually complimentary post, for which I humbly thank you. But my life has been mostly composed of a form of escapism. I have not lived up to the voluntary servitude which most persons have willingly accepted in forming and supporting their families and adherring to the, at times very boring, 8 - 5 routine. I fortunatey (??) was able to escape, so in a way I am an escapist from routine i am not considered a valued member of society

To these individuals I will dedicate my book, 'if' it ever is finished, I have adapted to too many Mexican routines of the bush. " Manana, manana, siempre hay un Manana"

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there is alwaye a tomorrow."

Clyde Cussler is a member of the Explorer's club and His son is the model for the Legendary Dirk Pitt., both are really nice guys with a good sense of humor.

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Ahh, but tomorrow may never come. Don't wait and leave us hanging. At best we would only have the Reader's Digest version through the posts here.

And I've come to a conclusion on something of your long life and luck. That darned sock coffee, or other variations of it. Given enough of it, and whatever else somewhat filters through, it has given you both.

Kinda like me growing up on a farm, surrounded/exposed to every germ possible, and my wife the city girl.
I'm never sick, yet she is always getting colds. Exposure to all the stuff on a farm built up my system, her lack of, on the other hand did not.

Or it could have been the coffee, I used to sneak sips of cold coffee from my parent's cups as a tiny lad, and still down many a cup every day.

Maybe old Ponce should have been looking for coffee beans instead of some pool of water for the fountain of youth.

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