Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Don't sell yourself short there Oro, I'll bet more than half those members are big time smokers as well as McDonald Charter members. :icon_thumright:
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:director::argue:Yes, Amigo's, they have drank too much sock:coffee2:,they should not charge anyone anything ,especially real explorers,who do they think they are anyway?,:dontknow:If they would have some nice hot burro juice:coffee2:there heads would be on straight . NP:cat:

now back to normalcy. Oro de Naranjal/Tayopa, I can't account for the hacienda, but on the Western side of the sierra de obscuro are the remains of a large, unknown Hacienda.in a barranca, with oranges. Only a few miles / Kilometrs away/ Perhaps, just perhaps ?

Where do you think the Joan of Arc is located ???

In Arc ? Sorry me amigo, I could not resist it. :laughing7:

NP, you really need to get out more. They now have actual coffee for internal consumption in stores. Burro Juice.gif

" Anyone for the Explorers club dinner at the Waldorf Astoria ? You can be my guest, I can't go, but you pay and go---- am broke, not rich as Oro de Tayopa suggests "
We could take up a collection and send Don Jose to New York City and while he is there, head to Tayopa and plunder it just like the old days ?
Thumbs up from Chuck Norris.webp

Simon 1,Amigo, If you were ever stuck in the desert mnts without water for a week,due to an accidental water loss,and no hope for water in site, and you had plenty of coffee,but no water,you could pray for rain all you want,but,I will be drinking all the boiled burro juice:coffee2:I can,andmy burro will be drinking all the not peralta boiled juice it can get, if you and your burro are in a strange place,do not turn your burro loose thinking it will lead you to water, It would be the last mistake you ever make. Ice burro juice :coffee2:Is great in the summer.:laughing7:NP:cat:
PS. the explorers club is a great org.but,the least they could do is get our Amigo to their dinner.:dontknow:

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sheesh, did you see the price for the no.one table seating ?? 40,000 dollrs, outtta my class. But then they finance many jr explorers programs. This is how they raise money.

I bet that it's a big table, too.
Maybe fifty or so...

#/80) : ~

Real Amigo,:coffee2:If It was meant to be,It would happen, If not, don't let it throw you off your adventure, your goals are more important,not theres.
In your life you have climbed too many hills to get to your treasure mountain,take full advantage of that quest, I see it happening for you.timing is
everything,concetrate Amigo.:occasion14: NP:cat:

Simon 1,Amigo, If you were ever stuck in the desert mnts without water for a week,due to an accidental water loss,and no hope for water in site, and you had plenty of coffee,but no water,you could pray for rain all you want,but,I will be drinking all the boiled burro juice:coffee2:I can,andmy burro will be drinking all the not peralta boiled juice it can get, if you and your burro are in a strange place,do not turn your burro loose thinking it will lead you to water, It would be the last mistake you ever make. Ice burro juice :coffee2:Is great in the summer.:laughing7:NP:cat:
PS. the explorers club is a great org.but,the least they could do is get our Amigo to their dinner.:dontknow:

On the Burro Juice, you may have a point. But only if I was stranded and ONLY if nobody saw me.
And I agree on the Explorer's Club, for all that these guys have done for humanity and exploration, they could have picked up the tab. I would like to go, but for me to secure a license showing me to be of legal drinking age, (21), would probably cost me more than even the "Nose Bleed" section.
Maybe next year you will be the "Guest of Honor" Don Jose, AFTER you find Tayopa entrance, help Oro locate el Naranjal, AND finish that book.
He says his book is finished.webp

Simon, you know how long it takes to get Jose down from that tree, when you spook him like that.

Last time, it took two days of slipping him decaf to get him down...

And we aren't going to do that again.( wink wink)


Best way to get Real de Tayopa to finish that book of his, is to try to talk him OUT of it! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

That may be what I need.
Maybe that's what I should have done with my landowners, rather than try to give them 80% shares, maybe I should have demanded 80% for myself.

More of the school of hard knocks....


Gentlemen: Here is the general geological condions up at Tayopa - no. Taypt's location isn't shown, you'll have to get Oro to shw you that .:laughing7:

!st pcture is the circular faulting from the intrusion, also at the bottom of no. 2 picture. 2nd is the N-S faulting that no ! caused, 3 rd is my postulationon what happened

.jpgintrusive faulting.webp FN S aults paralell to the  crestof the mt range.webp postulation.webp

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Simon, 'NO' coffee for you. Yuo'll have to do with NP's burro juiice.:occasion14::laughing7:

Thanks for that offer, but I am working on my own blend as we speak. He amigo, I just found a selfie you took back int the early 60's. Those sacks say coffee, but look bulky like ORE samples ?Don Jose and his treasure 2.webp

It is possible that the Lost Dutchman mine is one of those 17 named mines of Tayopa as well, perhaps it was the Remedios or Virgin?

Usually with lost mines, the area where most treasure hunters have been searching, is the right area. Most of the treasure hunters hunting for El Naranjal look in Sinaloa and Durango. Lost mines are scattered all over Mexico and the US (and Canada and South America too) it is not a case that all of them are "funneled" into one spot.

The way I see it, why not go ahead and start mining this Naranjal of Don Jose' and see what the ore looks like? Perhaps the ore will help tilt the balance for his argument? Or perhaps he won't give a flying crap because he will be so rich? :laughing7:

Actually Shortfinger amigo your post sounds a bit like more 'shoe-fitting' to try to make it fit. Could be, possibly, could be &c. Also I would point out that there are no Jesuits or Franciscans or Dominicans or any other priestly Order involved in the story of El Naranjal, just a wealthy landowner. Of course there was a small chapel at the hacienda, likely for his workers and family, but the mine was not among the Jesuits numerous holdings as far as I could determine. There is no mention of it by Nentvig for instance, yet he does mention Teopira and other mines closely associated with the Jesuits.

NO donkey excretions, coffee?

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

Well, if you say one of them could be the LDM, maybe so. I won’t be looking in that area for the LDM. Interestingly enough, no one (except for several hundred people who claim to have absolutely found the LDM but can’t produce any ore from it) has been able to find the LDM where it is supposed to be, either.:tongue3:

My contention is that, during the time frame of El Naranjal, the Tayopa region WAS in Durango (see previous map), ergo, the Tayopa region could be the correct location. In fact, “Tayopa in Durango?” was a thread you yourself started a couple of years ago!

I mentioned the Jesuits only in passing, because they were able to find several mines in the region (and, pretty much every region they went to, from what I can tell), but I am reasonably sure that they were never associated with El Naranjal. And, if they did happen to locate and work the claim during the early years, it would not have been called El Naranjal. :dontknow:

So, to sum up, we have a mineralized area, that was (historically during the correct time frame) in Durango, with orange trees, not too far from a ruined hacienda, with several other mines nearby….No shoe fitting there, that I can see. It slips on quite easily. :icon_thumright:

However, I do have to agree with you, the best way to get some answers is to start mining, and see what the ore looks like. So, if the ore is an unusual orangish hue, will you admit to the possibility? :occasion14:

My biggest hesitation for recommending this course of action is, no matter what happens, find it or not, El Naranjal or not, there will need to be another couple of chapters added to the Tayopa book…..which will then need to be revised…..etc, etc, etc.:BangHead:

More coffee? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:


Ya got it on the book short finger.:laughing7::laughing7::coffee2::coffee2: Err.ah, Oro, by any chance was thr holder of Naranjo a coadjutor for the Jesuits?? :coffee2:, Coffee for you also.

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