Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

I can't say it any better than what has already been stated. I have found and made many new friends. I also learned far more than I could have dreamed of from the many great people here. This is an incredible site with incredible people with so many different backgrounds, yet united in a common cause. I do blame Don Jose for my joining and getting hooked on this site.
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all of you.



Guys and gals, I gave Jose the week off from writing and working on the book.
Guilt free.
So, if need be, I'll do twice as much writing on my book this week as I did last week, to balance the scales.



Guys and gals, I gave Jose the week off from writing and working on the book.
Guilt free.
So, if need be, I'll do twice as much writing on my book this week as I did last week, to balance the scales.



PROSPECTORMIKEL you didn't fall for that sob story from Don Jose again did ya ? He has had 51 weeks off this year and now you gave him another free pass ? Only Santa has that much time off........... no, he can't be, can he ? That would mean that those aren't actually reindeer ? Flying Burros ? Nah, now I know I have to switch to de-caf.

This week is guilt free.
Just a little Christmas cheer.
After all Christmas comes but once a year!


Guys and gals, I gave Jose the week off from writing and working on the book.
Guilt free.
So, if need be, I'll do twice as much writing on my book this week as I did last week, to balance the scales.



I apologize for not remembering what your book will be about. know I've read about it here probably several times before , though if you wouldn't mind, please refresh my memory. Was it about something specific in the treasure hunting realm? Metal detecting? None of the above? Either way, once completed, please let us know where/when we can purchase this book!

All the best to you-

I apologize for not remembering what your book will be about. know I've read about it here probably several times before , though if you wouldn't mind, please refresh my memory. Was it about something specific in the treasure hunting realm? Metal detecting? None of the above? Either way, once completed, please let us know where/when we can purchase this book!

All the best to you-

J.A., it's getting to the point that it takes more time to explain the holdups than it should take to type the last pages of the book itself.
I've been writing about the search for an old mine in the ozarks that is marked with Spanish signs and symbols.

I've been jumping thru hoops for six months to get a contract signed with land owners.

One landowner has refused to sign until all of their agenda is addressed.

I'm going to make one final trip up there, after hunting season is over, to document everything that I can.

For now, I wait. I go thru all the steps in my head until I fall asleep most nights.

No contract just makes it harder and slower for me.

The story is true, the people are real, the signs and symbols are real.

I will let everyone here know when it is published.


View attachment 1252170View attachment 1252171Heck Simon, I can quote an em from ORO in 2006 where he was working on his book, today ????? Lil cup is for you :laughing7::laughing7:

If I could talk YOU into a little visit to perhaps see Mt Rushmore, and lend a hand in trying to recover the files from a dead PC, you could have the very first copy. That was complete, in first draft so needed editing, but otherwise done, and now has been sitting in a dead computer for some time now. I don't have much hope of recovering it, but it was a hard lesson to learn NOT to trust digital copies of anything. What is your excuse? :tongue3:

More coffee, and NP, we have got to talk you into getting yourself some real coffee, no more donkey excretions! :laughing7: Just think of what that donkey drippings makes your breath like, if no other reason comes to mind! :notworthy:


I had to go out and pry a 200 pound man hole cover up and put a brick in the opening to stop runoff out of my door.
My wife was afraid I'd get into trouble. I was thinking that the city council was going to get an ear full for doing crappy work.
Mission successful.

City cops are going to get an ear full about some idiot has been waking folks to sell him drugs or take him to make a beer turn in the middle of the night.

I heard the Texas bad land's got snow yesterday.

Has any one seen the three hour series on national geographic channel? It's called
It's about the murder of Glenn Felts..

He had a Bar and restaurant called LaKvia in Terlingua in the big bend area.
Glenn was my cousin, his mom was a big part of my early life.

The show has been difficult to watch, but I have learned a lot about that type of life and his influence on the town of Terlingua Texas.
I'm glad that I could watch what I could, but it was a challenge.

Just wondering if any one else saw it...

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Just a suggestion for NP.
Perhaps a little burrow milk as creamer to ease off a little at a time.





I see you're back with us Crow ! Glad to see you survived the Holiday. Now down to business and tell us a story to bring in the New Year ?
View attachment 1252235

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oro asked a simple question ------ What is your excuse? --- regarding a book Don't have one accept that I am lazy and have adapted to the legendary Mexican customs. Also it is not within my make=-up to write in the first person blushing. beside there is nothing especial to say. Incidentally, there are businesses that specialize in broken cuumpetor's filess

"Dead file systems? ---->
http://harddrivedatarecovery.org/ for ecample.

dece t  size coffee.webp dece t  size coffee.webp Decent cuo of coffee.

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oro asked a simple question ------ What is your excuse? --- regarding a book Don't have one accept that I am lazy and have adapted to the legendary Mexican customs. Also it is not within my make=-up to write in the first person blushing. beside there is nothing especial to say. Incidentally, there are businesses that specialize in broken cuumpetor's filess

"Dead file systems? ---->
http://harddrivedatarecovery.org/ for ecample.

View attachment 1252323 View attachment 1252323 Decent cuo of coffee.

What is my RUSH to do this recovery, exposing copyrighted research to be stolen, when really all of this is your attempt to divert attention away from YOUR book that SO many here have been waiting for so patiently. That MSS I have has nothing to do with treasure anyway, while YOURS is really focused on it. I have plenty on my plate, the dead PC is in storage, when/if I get time to get to it, I will give it one more try. Or are you really working on a different book, so that Tayopa is on a back burner? Hmm? :tongue3:

Lazy Compadre? Maybe this will pick you up.

You have my sock coffee? But no, not lazy, have PLENTY of things demanding my time every day, and for some time to come. Very much off topic however.

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