Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

truckinbutch said:
WOW! You have a way of sparking old memories .
Thisun may get pulled pretty fast .
Crane operator for local crane company had the hots for Bob's daughter . She was tending bar at
the local roadhouse .
Larry had just finished dedicating himself to her so much that he vowed he'd "suck her Daddy to be that close to where she came from" and Bob and his buddy Gerald stumbled through the door.
The bar owner said , "Well , there he is , pal . It's your move ."
I picked that time to leave . Don't know how that situation got resolved .
She was a fine lookin gal ,but , naaaaaaaa .........................................
From what I heard....Bob had a Lob, So he Woulda Been Shish Ka Bobbed....Don't Blame yuh on that un...She was like a porcupine.....

Bob and Hughey Were at the Dinner bell one night, They locked the door, Wouldn't let em' in. Bob said "You don't wanna let me in, Then You ain't a Gittin Out" He and Hughey nailed Form boards over the Door. And Left.

poorhunter78 said:
truckinbutch said:
WOW! You have a way of sparking old memories .
Thisun may get pulled pretty fast .
Crane operator for local crane company had the hots for Bob's daughter . She was tending bar at
the local roadhouse .
Larry had just finished dedicating himself to her so much that he vowed he'd "suck her Daddy to be that close to where she came from" and Bob and his buddy Gerald stumbled through the door.
The bar owner said , "Well , there he is , pal . It's your move ."
I picked that time to leave . Don't know how that situation got resolved .
She was a fine lookin gal ,but , naaaaaaaa .........................................
From what I heard....Bob had a Lob, So he Woulda Been Shish Ka Bobbed....Don't Blame yuh on that un...She was like a porcupine.....

Bob and Hughey Were at the Dinner bell one night, They locked the door, Wouldn't let em' in. Bob said "You don't wanna let me in, Then You ain't a Gittin Out" He and Hughey nailed Form boards over the Door. And Left.
Yup . We could start a whole nother thread on Bob and Gerald stories . Hughey just got caught in bad company cause he was a kid .
Thought the pricks were on the outside of a porcupine .....Many of them ..............

Sounds like you West Virginia guys might have seen more combat than a lot of soldiers.

When I came back from overseas, I was stationed at Fort Bragg for a couple of years. One of the guys in my outfit had three scarred up bullet wounds in his chest. He wasn't wearing a combat patch on the shoulder of his shirt though. After I got to know him, I asked him what outfit he was stationed with in Nam. He said he had never been outside the U.S. I said, "Well those are gunshot wounds aren't they?" He answered, "Yeah. My wife gave me this one here, and my mother-in-law gave me these two." That's the first time I ever knew somebody that got shot here in the states. I don't know where his wife was from. :dontknow:


mdog said:
Sounds like you West Virginia guys might have seen more combat than a lot of soldiers.

When I came back from overseas, I was stationed at Fort Bragg for a couple of years. One of the guys in my outfit had three scarred up bullet wounds in his chest. He wasn't wearing a combat patch on the shoulder of his shirt though. After I got to know him, I asked him what outfit he was stationed with in Nam. He said he had never been outside the U.S. I said, "Well those are gunshot wounds aren't they?" He answered, "Yeah. My wife gave me this one here, and my mother-in-law gave me these two." That's the first time I ever knew somebody that got shot here in the states. I don't know where his wife was from. :dontknow:

Buddy , I've been trying to keep a low profile on Don Jose's thread cause there are folks that
have real adventure stories to tell , if they'll just start talking .
As for me : My Daddy was from a fightin family , as was my mother . Bad breedin on both sides .
Daddy coal mined here and then tramp mined in the hardrock of 'the Western Lands' until 1956 . We traipsed with him .
In '56 he brought us back to the family farm I still live on and entered me into public school .
Brand new Eisenhour consolidated school that closed all the one , two , and three room schools in the coal camps and farming communities and enforced integration at the same time .
The poor teachers in this new school met every bus in the morning and took away our knives and guns for the day . They gave them back when we got on the evening busses because they knew we would need them to get home .
Profitable entertainment in the summer was fighting for dimes thrown on the company store steps by
miners waiting to go on shift .
2 cent Coke , Moon Pie for 3 cents , 2 Double-Bubble bubblegums with the Joe Palooka comic wrapped around each piece for a penny .
MAN!!!! You , as a 10yr old , gouge enough eyes and bite enough ears to win about 3 fights and you were set for a WHOLE WEEK ! :laughing7:
You had to fight just to be allowed to live where I grew up . Didn't have to win , ya just had to have enough guts to fight .
Then , when we reached 18 , we went into the mines or went off to war . We left our mark both places for being survivors .

Ask Truckin Butch What happened, Last time he decided to pick a Fight!

poorhunter78 said:
Ask Truckin Butch What happened, Last time he decided to pick a Fight!
Ya had to bring that up , dinya . Was also the last time I lost one , too . This ain't the Butch and Ben thread .
Ennybody else wants to know that story they gotta post one of their own first .
That's what our buddy that has so much affection for pretty little mules started this thread for . :tongue3:

I want to hear truckinbutch's fight story so I quess I'll go again.

A couple years ago, I had to have a colonoscopy and after the "procedure", my wife asked the doctor if he saw any sign of my head when he had the camera up my butt. The doc said that he never actually saw my head but there were some minor signs of brain activity. This is just a lead up to let you know that sometimes I'm not exactly the sharpest tack in the pack.

In the fall of 1968, South Vietnam got hit with a pretty good size typhoon. At the time, I was a new guy in the company and the platoon I was in was pulling security for a mortar team on top of a pretty good size mountain. When the typhoon hit we couldn't get any choppers in so we were stuck up there for a couple weeks untill the weather cleared. The NVA knew right where we were, so they would send snipers as close as they could to our perimeter to see if they could get a shot off. We were setting up our own sniper teams around the perimeter, so it was pretty much cat and mouse stuff for a couple of weeks. It was miserable wet weather. Rained all the time. Sometime the rain was coming down so hard, you had to cup your hand over your mouth just to be able to breath. I was on the machine gun team so I pulled guard duty on the machine gun hole with the gunner and the assistant gunner. They put an extra guy on the hole so there were four of us. At night, just to keep warm, the three guys who weren't pulling guard would pool their poncho liners and try to sleep. It was pure misery. One night, while three of us were laying under the ponchos trying to sleep, one of the guys said," I think I got a leach on my leg and it feels like a big one." You don't want to just pull a leach off, so what we all did when we had one hooked on, was give the leach a shot of our insect repellant. It worked pretty good. So the three of us set up, made sure our ponchos were tight so nobody would see the light of our match and then one of the guys lit a match. It was my job to squirt the leach with the bug juice but I couldn't see the damn thing. The leach was on my friends leg so I told him to put the match a little closer to the leach so I could see it. He put the match right next to it and it was pretty good size and full of blood. I gave it a pretty good squirt of the bug juice. I never realized at that point in time that bug juice was flamible. It was almost like a mini flamethrower. The leach dropped off immediately and my buddy jumped up, throwing ponchos everywhere and started hopping around trying to put the fire out. It was raining pretty hard so he didn't really burn too long, it wasn't even a second degree burn. We never drew any enemy fire, but me and the other guy were laughing so damn hard I was afraid our own men were going to frag us just to shut us up. Needless to say, my jungle craft improved to the point where I was no longer considered a threat to my own guys.


mdog ,
Yea , BUDDY! That's what we're talkin about :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Gotta hear more before I reveal one of my most embarassing moments of 'DUMDAZZ' to the whole group .
Continue the mission . ;D

C'mon , people ! If this thread had a campfire going and alcohol was being served folks would be holding up their hands for the next turn to tell their story .
How we gonna get Don Jose to impart more of his crusty wisdom on us if we don't give him what he wants ? :tongue3:


..................DON JOSE, WHERE ARE YOU??????


:coffee2: :coffee2:


mdog great story. Got a good laugh out of the one. ;D

My first go around in the military was in the navy. I did not know what I was getting myself into .They worked the brakes off of us and under way we stood long boring bridge watches and worked 12 -16 hour days.
I was a Bosons mate 3rd class or deck ape some called us. I was on the bridge watch manning the helm .It was about 5pm and there was a dirt bag standing watch beside me.His uniform was a mess and he always had bad breath ,lazy .The whole dirt bag package. He was on the leehelm which were the port and starbard throttles.We followed the commands from the conning officer on our course and speed.
We had been on the same course for a long time and everything was mundane. The dirt bag next to me had a big hole in his back pocket with a bunch of threads hanging down his arse where his can of chew stayed . I told him man,that looks like crap let me get my lighter and burn those threads off. He said OK and I shot him with a quick flame . With in about 2 seconds his whole left check was on fire and I was swatting with all my might to extinguish the flames.
What seemed like days really only took about 15 seconds or so and his behind was still smoking but the fire was out. The next thing I know I lost all steering .They were running a drill on transferring steering to the aft of the ship and I was still flustered from putting out the burning dungarees. Then the conning officer said I Smell smoke!! Look for smoking wires .He was about to sound the alarm when I told him about setting the lee Helmsman on fire. He was so shook up he said Carry on with the drill!!! He was not happy. As for me ,got a good laugh when I relized I was not going to captains mass.

humm names -- RANGO -- JOHNNY RANGO

Don Jose de la Mancha--------Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp.


Sitting by the fire. :coffee2:

Another fishing story

Many years ago, i was fishing with a friends dad, let's go out to the strip pits he said, yeah they been closed down for a
year or so since they went on strike, right. Just a matter of pulling up to the gate and walking on in. no problem right?
Here we go, after about an hour or so of catching fish every cast it seemed like, I here this voice behind me, watchoo boy's doin'??
next sound is the pump action of shotgun. You boy's is trespassing are you scabs sneaking in here to work the mines?. 2 of them drag
us up the bank, tie our hands behind our backs, throw us into the back of a pickup and take us up to mineshack.shot gun trained on us the whole time.
Long flight of stairs, gently prodded along with the shotgun to the dimly lit room with 1 desk no chairs and the man with the cigar. The interrogation begins,
after what seemed like an hour, being accused of being strikebreakers, scabs and everything else, they finally take us back to gate,
without our fishing gear or stinger. They gently prod us across the gate and are told to get out and stay out.A chance encounter with a law enforcement official soon afterwards,
we were reunited with our fishing tackle the next day minus the stringer and told not to go back.


Funny story birdman. A Navy man like yourself must have some good pictures to go with his stories. Most treasurehunters I know like ancient and historic places.

Weekender, I've never been kidnapped before. That must have been a gut turner.

This is the first thread I look at in the morning and the last one I look at before I go to bed.All you guys are telling some good stories. :hello2:

I feel the pucker , Weekender . Even the most innocent things can get ya killed , sometimes .
Who's next around the fire ?

There was a guy named Gwen that was on my ship .Every single time we got underway to go to sea he would throw up. It never failed even in calm seas. Gwen was Vietnamese and come to find out him and his family fled Vietnam in 1975 in a sinking fishing boat that was severely overloaded and when ever he got under way it triggered those memories and caused him sickness. I asked him,why in the heck did you join the navy after that experience? He said...Collage money. I have not talked to him in 14 years but I am sure he is well educated by now.

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