mdog said:
Sounds like you West Virginia guys might have seen more combat than a lot of soldiers.
When I came back from overseas, I was stationed at Fort Bragg for a couple of years. One of the guys in my outfit had three scarred up bullet wounds in his chest. He wasn't wearing a combat patch on the shoulder of his shirt though. After I got to know him, I asked him what outfit he was stationed with in Nam. He said he had never been outside the U.S. I said, "Well those are gunshot wounds aren't they?" He answered, "Yeah. My wife gave me this one here, and my mother-in-law gave me these two." That's the first time I ever knew somebody that got shot here in the states. I don't know where his wife was from.
Buddy , I've been trying to keep a low profile on Don Jose's thread cause there are folks that
have real adventure stories to tell , if they'll just start talking .
As for me : My Daddy was from a fightin family , as was my mother . Bad breedin on both sides .
Daddy coal mined here and then tramp mined in the hardrock of 'the Western Lands' until 1956 . We traipsed with him .
In '56 he brought us back to the family farm I still live on and entered me into public school .
Brand new Eisenhour consolidated school that closed all the one , two , and three room schools in the coal camps and farming communities and enforced integration at the same time .
The poor teachers in this new school met every bus in the morning and took away our knives and guns for the day . They gave them back when we got on the evening busses because they knew we would need them to get home .
Profitable entertainment in the summer was fighting for dimes thrown on the company store steps by
miners waiting to go on shift .
2 cent Coke , Moon Pie for 3 cents , 2 Double-Bubble bubblegums with the Joe Palooka comic wrapped around each piece for a penny .
MAN!!!! You , as a 10yr old , gouge enough eyes and bite enough ears to win about 3 fights and you were set for a WHOLE WEEK !

You had to fight just to be allowed to live where I grew up . Didn't have to win , ya just had to have enough guts to fight .
Then , when we reached 18 , we went into the mines or went off to war . We left our mark both places for being survivors .