minelab equinox testers?

I've seen many times on T-Net about detectors that have "Paid" for themselves. You know fella's, I have never thought of any detector I've owned in that way, this has always been a great hobby and "time out" for me, and a different or "better" detector was simply another tool (a bigger, better, cooler tool) to mess around with. Cost? You buy what you can afford, no matter what it is. I do not think anybody who "metal detects" is going to skip paying bills or forgo eating in order to buy ANY detector.....

Truth there for sure. My fun is worth way more than all the $ I have put into this hobby.

And if one was motivated, s/he could start out with an intro machine, get well into the black with it, sell it and upgrade and repeat the process. If you are good enough (and most anyone is if they are motivated, imo), you could pay for a GPZ if you wanted one. Regardless of your status on the financial totem pole. Opportunities are there in this great country- you just have to have the know how and drive.

Its probably all about production line glitches now than detector bugs (Jeff Herschbach didn’t seem to be having any problems with the detector itself, you can check out his finds. In fact, he has sold off all of his other vlf detectors in favor of the Equinox). Not surprising. That’s why I avoid pre-paid-in-full preorders, always too much uncertainty as to the actual release date, and they are NEVER released early. I will gladly let others provide the guaranteed 6-month+ interest free loans to the dealers for the privilege of being first in line for a toy. Lol.

Yah I read all, most, okay of a lot of his posts in the "Fan" forum. He is definitely impressed. Fingers crossed on just being a production issue. I guess if software issues only, users will be able to install newest version themselves like Deus? Had Deus since Version 1 and Version 4 is surely better, so I love the idea of EQ or any machine to be user updated. Are any videos or field test available testing the other 2 coils?

Its probably all about production line glitches now than detector bugs (Jeff Herschbach didn’t seem to be having any problems with the detector itself, you can check out his finds. In fact, he has sold off all of his other vlf detectors in favor of the Equinox). Not surprising. That’s why I avoid pre-paid-in-full preorders, always too much uncertainty as to the actual release date, and they are NEVER released early. I will gladly let others provide the guaranteed 6-month+ interest free loans to the dealers for the privilege of being first in line for a toy. Lol.

I think you mean Steve Herschbach.

Yeah, duh. Dunno where that came from. Maybe I was focusing too hard on getting his last name spelled right. Not good at names. I guess I’ll never be a good salesman. Lol.

I think you mean Steve Herschbach.

I think you mean Steve Hesababy. As in- He is a baby.

I just responded to his comments over there, and logically called him out on his behaviors and responses. Example- he referred to everyone over here with "Let the know nothings over there discuss there know nothingness with each other".

True to a 5 year old mentality- he banned me and probably deleted my posts to protect his own perceived precious reputation.

BTW Stevie- how about 'discuss *their* know nothingness'. Amusing to try to put people down and not use the right words. ;)

He probably deleted the posts to secure his own manhood- but if not, go ahead and read over there- amusing psychological case.

I think you mean Steve Hesababy. As in- He is a baby.

I just responded to his comments over there, and logically called him out on his behaviors and responses. Example- he referred to everyone over here with "Let the know nothings over there discuss there know nothingness with each other".

True to a 5 year old mentality- he banned me and probably deleted my posts to protect his own perceived precious reputation.

BTW Stevie- how about 'discuss *their* know nothingness'. Amusing to try to put people down and not use the right words. ;)

He probably deleted the posts to secure his own manhood- but if not, go ahead and read over there- amusing psychological case.

So you attacked the owner and head admin of another forum get banned then come back here and attack him and his manhood here.

Do not bring drama from another forum here.

Steve is also a respected member here as well so do not attack him here again.

Consider this a warning.

Back to RW's post. Lots of things can go wrong about any product rollout. Anything from not getting a certain part from a distributor, to lack of people who can assemble something properly, to bad solder joints, to, well you name it. They'll be done when they are done. They are a little late to be working out "bugs". In that case, in place of "bug", think "dud". I think they are smarter than letting out a bunch of buggy machines. However, my Impala had a recall due to faulty ignition switch. Even the big companies sometimes don't get it right, however, I don't remember a huge recall of metal detectors by any manufacturer. Which I am glad for.

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Please keep this thread on it's original purpose.

Quite right. Let's get this back on track. Soooo...other than the Romulan guy above, any other testers out there...there....there....there...there. Not a lot. Just a lost Go Pro, some beach trash, 21 cents, and excessive wind noise and shaky camera work at some unidentifiable but cold looking European beach. Probably going to have to wait until release time, hopefully, in a few weeks before the real test videos start pouring out.

Enough of the hype, let's have some real life adventures. When are they due in people's hands, first full week of February? Should be a lot of reports then.

Enough of the hype, let's have some real life adventures. When are they due in people's hands, first full week of February? Should be a lot of reports then.

Coils still not available for pre-order, not even a dealer price point I don't think. If I get an EQ, I want it ALL.

Coils still not available for pre-order, not even a dealer price point I don't think. If I get an EQ, I want it ALL.

Same here, I've been wanting to see a package deal including all the coils and options.

I am torn between getting an Equinox 800 or going for a CTX. I am giving my grandson my V3i and that will give me an excuse to buy either the Equinox or CTX

I have 3 detectors that have paid for themselves but never looked it as if I had to find enough so they would pay for themselves. I do it as a hobby and I used the excuse that if I found enough clad or jewelry to cover the cost I could buy another detector. For me it's more about the challenge of learning a new detector to get the max out of it. Anyone that has been detecting very long and started out with what some of us call an entry level detector know that even the inexpensive detectors will surprise you what you dig when you learn what they tell you.. Sound baby sound

By the way my new Equinox 800 is on the truck.. Where the heck is the truck

Lucky grandson the v3i is a decent machine.

I am torn between getting an Equinox 800 or going for a CTX. I am giving my grandson my V3i and that will give me an excuse to buy either the Equinox or CTX

I saw an Equinox on Ebay today.

I am torn between getting an Equinox 800 or going for a CTX

I’d say wait and see what happens in the next 6 months then.

The nox *may* have an edge on other detectors in the hot soil.

That being said, if you understand what it is telling you- the screen on the ctx is very useful, especially in avoiding trash.

I own a CTX 3030 and V3I and several others I prefer the V3I over the CTX but was looking at equinox 800 as well, but I am waiting to see how it will compare to the CTX.

what is the battery voltage of the 800? I didn't see that in the specs. what devices can be used to convert and recharge? Please excuse my ignorance as i am new to this. If it can be used while charging why couldn't it be powered by an external battery of same voltage, maybe strapped to a belt like we use when flounder gigging? Seems like an external backup battery would be useful. just sayin... am still impatiently waiting for my 800 to come in...

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