Bronze Member
I've seen many times on T-Net about detectors that have "Paid" for themselves. You know fella's, I have never thought of any detector I've owned in that way, this has always been a great hobby and "time out" for me, and a different or "better" detector was simply another tool (a bigger, better, cooler tool) to mess around with. Cost? You buy what you can afford, no matter what it is. I do not think anybody who "metal detects" is going to skip paying bills or forgo eating in order to buy ANY detector.....
Truth there for sure. My fun is worth way more than all the $ I have put into this hobby.
And if one was motivated, s/he could start out with an intro machine, get well into the black with it, sell it and upgrade and repeat the process. If you are good enough (and most anyone is if they are motivated, imo), you could pay for a GPZ if you wanted one. Regardless of your status on the financial totem pole. Opportunities are there in this great country- you just have to have the know how and drive.