Calabash Digger
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- #21
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If these guys can do field test videos in Germany why aren't the US guys posting any ? I guess I need to simmer down it will be here when it gets here. lol
If these guys can do field test videos in Germany why aren't the US guys posting any ? I guess I need to simmer down it will be here when it gets here. lol
Is this gonna be the Deus killer?
Building on what 'scoop said ....As a result, I will get an EQUINOX as my beach/water machine and to be used elsewhere where multi-frequency operation provides an advantage. The DEUS will likely remain my everyday Grab and Go machine and when I want to keep a low profile. ...
I want to see what it does in iron.
I can't wait to get my hands on one and start putting it through its paces. I want to see what others results are from around the country too. I dont hit salt beaches often enough so I will be looking for beach reviews (although I have already read one that is very promising). I think it will make the perfect companion for anyone with an FBS machine. One for deep high conductors, one for heavy iron and mid - low conductors.
I hope it wakes up my lake beaches for more gold!
I was hoping the EQ would be a deep machine. Kind of a let down. I keep watching youtube vids of people digging deep holes and uncovering tiny silvers. Wonder if these vids are tampered
Just to carry on with what Jason said, I am not sure what made you think it won't be "deep." I actually expect -- due to the improved handling of ground mineralization -- it to be a VERY deep machine. If that 1 cm gold coin that was dug by Gordon Heritage (as shown on Minelab's web page) was anywhere near the bottom of the 10" deep hole he said he dug to retrieve it, that's impressively deep for that target, in my books...
All i know is Klingon..