Metal Detectiing TN. cave / Anybody done this?

Did I miss if the cave had a large over hang or opening with shelter over it?

I don't believe it does in the manner you mean... but I could be wrong. Now during the horrible floods here in 2010 a large landslide occurred just above the cave entrance which moved a few tons of earth and trees downhill over and past the cave entrance. Most debris is 20-30 feet downhill from entrance. The picture posted below does not reflect how it looks now... far from it. There is a slow, steady stream of water that flows across and above over the entrance at all times. There is a LARGE slab of rock that has fallen and/or broken off eons ago which lays near the entrance but it has been there since 1994 when I found the cave.


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Did I miss if the cave had a large over hang or opening with shelter over it?


Yes, the cave has an overhang over it but it may have been larger at one time! Also it is not very high as a guy of my size 6' 1", has to keep his' head tilited over, otherwise the little formation nodules on the ceiling will poke you in the head! It is quite apparent that Native American Indians and possibly others used the cave in the past as there are large shallow bowl shapes due to crumbling from heat on the ceiling of the overhang as well as blackening. Due to the smaller but still large overhang over the other cave entrance, if it is a cave, which is cracked and tilted forward, it is apparent that this portion will eventually cave in sometime in the future. Also, due to this, it could compromise the overhang over the main cave entrance more so than the damage from the devastating flood and mudslide that occurred in 2010.


If you all can bear with me, I will have the new pictures edited and posted as soon as possible! Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I started a new Thread in the "Treasure Marks/Signs" forum asking for help in decipering the etchings.


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I would think you would have better luck finding something by detecting and screening outside the entrance to the cave. I would think most activity would have taken place outside the cave entrance and it would have been used for shelter or to sleep in during poor weather. Did you ever find anything detecting outside the entrance?

As promised, I have uploaded the pictures that Brad took today! The pictures have been edited to darken them a little as they were too bright, to enlarge them and the sharpen the images. The first set were taken from a left angle looking at the dried Mud Wall with the etchings and the second set were taken from a right angle. There are some more pictures taken straight on at the dried Mud Wall and etchings and I will try to get them posted later. I've been having trouble with Photobucket and with TNnet's image uploader!


Pics taken from a left angle and they run from left to right
Cave Pic#1 070313.jpgCave Pic#2 070313.jpgCave Pic#3 070313.jpgCave Pic#4 070313.jpgCave Pic#5 070313.jpg

Pics taken from a right angle from right to left
Cave Pic#6 070313.jpgCave Pic#7 070313.jpgCave Pic#8 070313.jpgCave Pic#9 070313.jpgCave Pic#10 070313.jpg


I can't make them all out with the pictures, but I think it's safe to say they're not naturally occurring. If nothing else comes out of this adventure, these markings, alone, are a great find.


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As you all already know, Brad had been back into the cave two weeks prior to June 30th and since someone had entered the cave between that time and when Brad, his daughter and myself entered the cave on June 30th, we ask that if anyone is able to decipher some or all of the etching's meanings, that you personally PM Brad (Limitool) or myself, Frank (huntsman53) of your findings. It is possible that a member(s) or lurker(s) of the TNnet forums, may be reading many of the Thread and posts and gaining information with which they are able to find another member's location and discovery and trespass on such. I hope that this is not the case but there have been several instances where it is quite possible that this has happened and certain specific information needs to be kept in confidence by use of PM'ing members! Steps are being taken to try to find out who these individual are and since they trespassed not only upon Brad's discovery, they also trespassed on privately owned land and hopefully will be dealt with.



I would think you would have better luck finding something by detecting and screening outside the entrance to the cave. I would think most activity would have taken place outside the cave entrance and it would have been used for shelter or to sleep in during poor weather. Did you ever find anything detecting outside the entrance?

No we have not MD'd outside the entrance. We did MD from inside cave right up to where the ground water runs out over cave entrance. But using a MD all around outside of cave entrance we haven't. And it's not as easy as you might think it might be. Before the landslide of 2010 it wouldn't have been hard to do and I always wanted to (didn't have good one). But, now there is so much debris covering what needs to be MD'd. The slide really screwed up the appearance and access coming up the ridge and buried any artifacts, fossils or ??? that led up to the cave entrance. You used to be able to follow the spring water path from the ridge bottom right up to the cave entrance. It was solid rock mostly and you could just see where the water and rock were altered so the water would pool for cleaning themselves or possibly food. This was where we spied some old fossils large and small. Now its just appears like an army training course. It's a shame. Maybe late winter this year I'll try and stand at same spot and get a photo to show a before / after appearance.... Brad

I can't make them all out with the pictures, but I think it's safe to say they're not naturally occurring. If nothing else comes out of this adventure, these markings, alone, are a great find.


TCK.... Yea, I always though this mud block was so cool also.... don't know who carved it into it's square edges and then etched / drew on it.... but I'm hoping we can capture enough clearly so someone can make something out. I don't believe the photos I got yesterday and Frank worked on are as "good" as the one's we captured on Sunday with his better camera. If you haven't see page #8 of this thread. But I admit I have NOT stared at them yet... I may have to try again (but NOT today) I'm still in the recovery mode (Frank knows about this). I still wonder what may be around the mound.

Thanks Frank for cleaning up the photos. Very good job. I haven't yet gone over them slowly but will today. I really want to get a quality video taken from the entrance back to the mound. I'm working on this... This would help EVERYBODY get a better handle on this environment. And getting a good video of the mound might help also. "We" need to LIGHT UP the area around this etched mound and then get some more pics then. I'm thinking on this project also but you know the work it would take to do this????!!!!!!

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As promised, I have uploaded more of the pictures that Brad took yesterday! These are pretty much straight on close-ups of the etchings and a few portions are missing but other pictures of the etchings can be seen on the other Thread "Metal Detecting TN. Cave / Anybody done this?". I will try to give the layout of each picture.


This pic is of the upper right portion of the left part of the dried mud wall (left of crack or cut) above and to the right of the tree, ridge line, creek system or roads etching.
Cave Pic#11 070313.jpg

This pic is of the lower right portion of the left part of the dried mud wall (left of the crack or cut) to the right of the tree, ridge line, creek system or roads etching.
Cave Pic#12 070313.jpg

This pic is of the upper left portion of the right part of the dried mud wall (right of the crack or cut) above what looks like an initial "H" etching.
Cave Pic#13 070313.jpg

This pic is of the lower left portion of the right part of the dried mud wall (right of the crack or cut) mainly below what looks like an initial "H" etching.
Cave Pic#14 070313.jpg

This pic is of somewhere in the upper right part of the dried mud wall (right of the crack or cut), I believe above both what appear to be "L" and "R" etchings.
Cave Pic#15 070313.jpg

This pic is of the center portion of the right part of the dried mud wall (right of the crack or cut) below what looks like an initial "L" etching.
Cave Pic#16 070313.jpg


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Sounds like after getting some R&R you need to break out the shovels, leaf blowers, chainsaws and other implements of destruction and cleanup outside the cave entrance. Maybe a backhoe and dump truck too. Brad you know the wife has been nagging you to clean that up for a long time.


Sounds like after getting some R&R you need to break out the shovels, leaf blowers, chainsaws and other implements of destruction and cleanup outside the cave entrance. Maybe a backhoe and dump truck too. Brad you know the wife has been nagging you to clean that up for a long time.


I'll get right on that guy.... HOLD YOUR BREATH. I'll let you know when...? FRANK, PLEASE help me out PARTNER on this one.... Backhoe, dump truck & wife nagging "about that".... the wife is easier to buy into on this comment (But that backhoe and dump truck... obviously I haven't made myself clear about this environment to you. ADVISE: Start from page 1 and work your way to page 10... slowly... Have a good 4th Clay.... Later, Brad

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Yeah I remember but just think of how much easier it would be to get up there after you got done with the backhoe! When you get done I'll bring in the cement truck so we can start pouring for the steps and the ramp for the handicap. I'll make it wide enough for the quad. Just make sure nobody's watching! Lol!

Happy 4th of July!!!

You might be able to push your way throug the middle of the hollow with a D-10 Bulldozer but you will not get a truck or backhoe in there. The ridge sides are too steep for most everything except a few dumb humans and mountain goats!


So folks, I did a little more editing of the pictures to see if I could get some more etching details to show up! I have included the 1st edited pic below along with a sketch I made in Paint of what I believe I see. Don't laugh at my doodling as I can't manipulate my PC's mouse like some folks can and I have Carpal Tunnel syndrome in both hands to make matters worse. See if you agree with my' sketchings and/or see something that needs to be taken out or added that you see. The sketch is of the etchings to the left of the crack.

Sorry for the extra file, I tried to upload a larger sketch file but it doesn't seem much bigger and TNnet's software won't allow me to remove the old file!


Cave Pic#17 070313.jpg Left Etchings in Cave (1268x911).jpg


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The picture cleaned up well, I see an 'H', 'W' and 'R'. Could be initials. Take some water with you and pour it on, it mat enhance the images, and other stuff. Think book of secrets. Just an idea.

The picture cleaned up well, I see an 'H', 'W' and 'R'. Could be initials. Take some water with you and pour it on, it mat enhance the images, and other stuff. Think book of secrets. Just an idea.

Hey jarocki... Thanks for looking... If there initials (and very well could be) I see an "H", "L", and "R" on the right part of mound (if there initials). I'm trying to think of a way to take a power supply back to light up area and video the darn thing in it's entire surroundings. Maybe use a black light wand and photo also. There's PLENTY of water around right there but I hesitate to pour water on it in fear I'll loose any etching that's almost gone. Maybe lightly spray around base later to remove blackish material...? Later.... Brad


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Although I have not gotten around to the other sketches yet, I though it best to post the pics that I edited last night. I am thinking that it might be better to make more copies of the pictures and try doing the sketching over top one of them instead of trying freehand with Paint.


Cave Pic#18 070313.jpg Cave Pic#19 070313.jpg

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