Some laws are just totally ridiculous.
We have very vague definitions in this hobby when it comes to the don't disturb the lawn, don't take anything historically significant...and on and on...
Yes, it is twisted logic.
Get a traffic ticket...not only do they write you up for not having your registration signed, but also for driving the vehicle without signed registration, and somewhere in there, for good measure, they'll write you a third ticket for something you never heard of. How specific they can be be...when they want to be. Three tickets for one infraction!
No archie is going to wander aimlessly through our state forests, hoping to stumble across some unrecorded, unknown, long lost lumbering camp or mining town that's disintegrated into oblivion. Pennsylvania forests have a way of regenerating and taking everything with it.
The only time you'll see an archie somewhere like that is when they plan on developing the area with roads or shopping malls. Then they only want to make sure your not disturbing some lost Indian burial mound or village.
Pennsylvania can define the laws of state games lands a lot better than they do,. They can put in inclusions and prohibitions...just like any other laws they have that are very specific...such as traffic tickets.
The commission, like any other government entity, is just a bunch of bloated, overpaid, bureaucrats that have no foresight. They just want to be greedy and controlling...."this land is mine and I'll do what I want" attitude.
Maybe since the game commission wants exclusive rights to "their" land, hunters shouldn't be allowed on public lands paid by us taxpayers. That's fair.
I know hunters pay taxes too, but I don't care. I want my piece of the pie. If you got your private lands...I want mine too. And I pay a whole lot more taxes than what a hunting license costs. And I'm not talking just owning my own home...I'm talking thousands of acres...I want my own personal play area where I can detect my heart out.
How's that for logic!
Seriously, how many hundreds of thousands or millions of acres are off limits to me? I can't swing a metal detector, one slow foot at a time? How much damage can that do? How much ground could I possibly cover in a lifetime?
At one one owned Pennsylvania's woods. The land used by hunters was given to them...they didn't buy it. The license you buy pays for the management of it to maintain a healthy wildlife population. You're not paying on a mortgage.
Like anything else, hunting had to be regulated. Assign them specific areas to hunt, specific times to hunt, and make them pay for it. So now Th'ers are banned from activities because they think they own it.
What crap!!!
If they don't want me to detect state game lands...they better build a big fence around them and make sure they lock the back door. That's where I'll be entering.
There's something wrong with the law when you can take what is public and with a draw of a pen, draw circles and arrows and paragraphs, then say this is now only for a certain population to use. I don't agree with it and never will and I certainly am not going to abide by it. I think that's called civil disobedience.
How ridiculous was that battle between the Game Commission and the Turnpike Commission over land rights and usage when they wanted to build more turnpike through an area that was gamelands. They went to court! Two Pennsylvania commissions suing each other!
I don't have much faith in government anymore, especially when it comes down to those silly laws that just strangle us from flying kites and metal detecting. And I certainly don't have the tolerance for it any more. You cannot strip my rights away with a swipe of a pen. That paper and ink mean nothing to me....I was born with rights and I'll die with rights. And by golly...I'll fight for my rights.
How's that saying go? "They can take my gun when they pry it from my dead, bloody hands"?
"I'm sorry son, we aren't allowed to fly kites anymore. It's illegal now."
How sad......and even sadder we let it happen. Must have been a good TV show on that night they voted to ban kite flying in a park so nobody showed up to stop it.
I know this is getting long but I want to tell you one more little story.
I was involved in community politics and organizing for quite a few years. I even spent my own money fighting unjust laws in court they were trying to pass.
Those meetings, for years as they developed and connived their seedy little plans, maybe a half dozen people went to those meetings. The mayor fought hard against the plans of those trying to ruin our community...and ultimately failed with a veto attempt to overrule the laws.
It cost every resident in the community thousands of dollars in legal fees, thousands more in fees and construction costs, and now have a huge monthly fee to pay for user services they never had before. Taxes began to skyrocket.
The ONLY time we had a standing room only meeting was when they decided to cut a discount out they had offered to homeowners which amounted to a few hundred dollars in savings. A drop in the bucket compared to the thousands they ultimately paid. was only because of us handful that attended the meeting getting the word out to everyone what was going on.
IF...IF people had attended the meetings..they would have known the lies we caught them in, they would have witnessed first hand the deceit, they would have seen our documentations and proof that everything the local government was doing was illegal. But they chose to be ignorant and closed their eyes.
It's peoples apathy that allowed this and the government counts on this. You can apply this to any of the laws that get passed that affect our basic rights as people of this country and this state.
No one wants to be bothered to get involved. You reap what you sow.
I frankly got fed up with everyones apathy. I no longer want to fight for someone that's going to sit at home and watch TV while I spend my time and money trying to preserve our way of living.
Granted, no one knew back in the day how controlling and exclusive the Game commission would become. They snuck through rules and regulations without public knowledge. Are we to accept that? ( Remember the Boston Tea Party?) And even then...where was it published once it was passed to inform us nonhunters of the rules we can't do this or that. And why would even the average citizen think there would be such an absurd law or give it a second thought that maybe picking up spent rifle shells could land them in jail with fines? After all, aren't we the average citizen?
They say ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Show me one person that knows every single law by heart. I could probably fill my house with all the laws there are. And if that's the case, why aren't they teaching us every law in school so we know not to detect in gamelands?
I've seen enough gameland signs that welcome hunters to enjoy it and give them some rules to abide by. I don't see a "NO METAL DETECTING" sign.
Pennsylvania was a public land...until they created a Commission....a simple stroke of a pen took our rights away. I don't disagree you have to have some laws to keep from raping and destroying our pristine forests...I DO disagree with the absurd.