(?) MD ing in the Pa. game lands

CuDdLeS17981 said:
jeff of pa said:
Including someone elses pile of Trash.

SNAP, When the hubby and I go, whether it be to MD or just for a walk,especially when the nieces are with,we take a garbage bag to pick up trash while we enjoy the walk,ect.. Thought we were teaching the kids some great practices.. WOW.

I was Trying To find Who "Snap" was but couldn't
see him (Her) above :P so I'll reply. :P

Yep all it takes is a Gung Ho Officer & you'd be charged with Theft
on Game Lands ;)

jeff of pa said:
CuDdLeS17981 said:
jeff of pa said:
Including someone elses pile of Trash.

SNAP, When the hubby and I go, whether it be to MD or just for a walk,especially when the nieces are with,we take a garbage bag to pick up trash while we enjoy the walk,ect.. Thought we were teaching the kids some great practices.. WOW.

I was Trying To find Who "Snap" was but couldn't
see him (Her) above :P so I'll reply. :P

Yep all it takes is a Gung Ho Officer & you'd be charged with Theft
on Game Lands ;)

Thats silly, no one has ever been cited for picking up trash.

Duke737 said:
jeff of pa said:
CuDdLeS17981 said:
jeff of pa said:
Including someone elses pile of Trash.

SNAP, When the hubby and I go, whether it be to MD or just for a walk,especially when the nieces are with,we take a garbage bag to pick up trash while we enjoy the walk,ect.. Thought we were teaching the kids some great practices.. WOW.

I was Trying To find Who "Snap" was but couldn't
see him (Her) above :P so I'll reply. :P

Yep all it takes is a Gung Ho Officer & you'd be charged with Theft
on Game Lands ;)

Thats silly, no one has ever been cited for picking up trash.

Ahhhh, Yes they Have.

It was in an early issue of one of the Teasure Mags.
A couple decided to Load up a pile of trash dumped on
Game lands. They were Caught & Arrested.

Was a Whole article on it.

Sorry Too long ago, to remember issue
it was at least 20 years I'd guess.
late 80's early 90's

jeff of pa said:
Duke737 said:
jeff of pa said:
CuDdLeS17981 said:
jeff of pa said:
Including someone elses pile of Trash.

SNAP, When the hubby and I go, whether it be to MD or just for a walk,especially when the nieces are with,we take a garbage bag to pick up trash while we enjoy the walk,ect.. Thought we were teaching the kids some great practices.. WOW.

I was Trying To find Who "Snap" was but couldn't
see him (Her) above :P so I'll reply. :P

Yep all it takes is a Gung Ho Officer & you'd be charged with Theft
on Game Lands ;)

Thats silly, no one has ever been cited for picking up trash.

Ahhhh, Yes they Have.

It was in an early issue of one of the Teasure Mags.
A couple decided to Load up a pile of trash dumped on
Game lands. They were Caught & Arrested.

Was a Whole article on it.

Sorry Too long ago, to remember issue
it was at least 20 years I'd guess.
late 80's early 90's

Sorry dont buy it.
Groups and individuals have clean ups on the SGL all the time.

Yes with Permit.

I wouldn't B.S. on this
it happend.

I never Followed up To see if Charges were later dropped
or if they even tried to Fight it. But They were Arrested.

OK all you guys and gals out there how about some one drafts up a petition and then we pass it out to all the people in here and we sighn it and then we can copy it and we all can send copies to out state reps and the GOV and any others who might have a say in this matter. we can bitch till hades freezes over and get nothing done but cold butts or we can lobby and petition and hope it works. the bikers did and now we have the helmet law repealed. :) it is worth a try!

arrested for picking up litter? without a PERMIT? damned if u do damned if u dont. oh yeah thats freedom for ya in this country. and here i was gonna go out along a 5 or 6 mile long dirt road in the spring and just pick up trash but apparently even thats illegal also. but hey why not screw it rite im sure somewhere this makes perfect sense to some1, rite duke.

redsummit said:
arrested for picking up litter? without a PERMIT? damned if u do damned if u dont. oh yeah thats freedom for ya in this country. and here i was gonna go out along a 5 or 6 mile long dirt road in the spring and just pick up trash but apparently even thats illegal also. but hey why not screw it rite im sure somewhere this makes perfect sense to some1, rite duke.

you will not be arrested for picking up litter on the SGL. No permit needed. We have boyscouts and hunters that pick it up all the time.

I would Never Suggest anyone Break a Law.

The Law on State game land Clearly States
it is "Illegal to Remove Any Man Made Object without Permit".

Till it is changed


if we all lived by the law (ALL LAWS) we'd all have 2 sit in a chair tied up gaged and in a dark dungeon somewhere...........and guess what we'd still be breaking some law somewhere. sounds like fun 2 me lets all do it lol

Here ya go.
it is supposedly not Illegal to Metal Detect on State Game Lands.

but when you find something you must lay it down where you found it.

Do that.
Lay it Down.

Now go to the Commission & Apply for a Permit To Pick up Trash.

Go Back and pick up all the Trash. ;)

no law broken.
right ?

IF they tell you you don't need a permit to pick up trash.
go back & Pick it up.

Well guys I agree that we should be able to MD the game lands BUT if you all go back and read section 6 of there rules They have made it clear "Take nothing" but legally taken game .

greywolf, dont give up this easy man. rules were made 2 b..........well u know

redsummit said:
greywolf, dont give up this easy man. rules were made 2 b..........well u know

Yes Rules are made to be Broken no doubt about it.

But Fines are made for Rule Breakers
and so is Confiscation.

Because it helps pay their wages.

I personally don't want to support the Rule Makers.

Slightly off topic but I got nailed some years back during the trout run up in Erie when I accidentally snagged a really nice fish.
After 2 days, on the 3rd of getting skunked...I got a hit. Nice Laker, but had him thru the back and i really didn't want to go home empty handed.

If you ever been to Walnut Creek during the run, it's wall to wall fishermen.

I took that fish up to the truck and threw it in my cooler.

Some sweet old guy walked up, wearing a flannel shirt and farmer bib overalls and said...nice fish, can I see it.
I say sure, and lift it up.
He pulls out his wallet and shows me his Pa. Fish Commision ID and tells me I'm busted for snagging.

Only a $50.00 fine, but I was lucky. He could have taken my rods and tackle. He gave my still alive trout to his buddy that was sitting at the office. Wouldn't let me release it.

Not everyone walking around those woods are hunters and hikers. Plain clothes Fish and Game cops...who woulda thought?

So you can detect, you can dig, you can move what you find, just not remove it. So pile it on a hill, and wait for the next rain to remove it...

I just love the fact that 'their' deer can come in my yard and eat the bushes, they can run in the road and destroy my car, and they are without blame.

Lots of that game land is so inaccessible- tops of ridges above posted ground, etc. that you really can't deer hunt it for fear of actually getting one.

Now wasn't there a recent court ruling that the game commision was required to oversee the taking of the feral hogs? They didn't want anything to do with that, as they were not native and so they had no oversite on them. Wonder if metal detecting and removing feral hogs have coralaries. It was fine to remove the hogs w/o a liscence...

If detectorists are liscenced, then you agree to any and all restrictions they put on you. Also, who's to say that they won't just say the liscence fee is $1000, problem solved.

Pa doesn't even seem to have a uniform rule governing detecting in state parks. Seems up to the enforcement of each park manager, and rules vary park to park. Also, rules seem to be frequently broken, often with permission from the rangers.


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