Maybe a collection of the dumb things we do while metal detecting.....


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:

Yesterday I hit the soil carrying my brand new tack puller for popping targets out of the ground with minimumal turf damage:


Somewhere in that grass I lost my tack puller, covered all the ground (apparently not ALL), and couldn't find it - even with my detector....

So, duh.......

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well tell her this: when one tries to be funny and witty to entertain the masses, sometimes you fail

it's ok, not even steve martin is funny all the time

and if I ever was mad at you I would pm you to let you know man to man

PS why is she not returning my texts?

Danged Jeff!

well tell her this: when one tries to be funny and witty to entertain the masses, sometimes you fail

it's ok, not even steve martin is funny all the time

and if I ever was mad at you I would pm you to let you know man to man

PS why is she not returning my texts?

I got nothing.:BangHead:
Chalk one up for JG. to myself. Only to look up occasionally to find someone staring at me like I'm a lunatic from a local asylum...........
Hmmmmm...........maybe that could be a good thing, too...............:laughing7:

Works for us...but sometimes I really think we're not the only ones in our area using that strategy! :tongue3:

Them wet farts will do get you every time. :laughing7:

Are we talking about a Shart ? Meant to just fart but got a little some extra ?

The dumbest thing I have ever done detecting was being distracted by a young but of legal age female jogging. The everything being perfect and bouncing led to distraction and cause me to walk into a tree. Well of course the wife was present and remarked that I am a dirty old man and she was young enough to be my daughter. I quickly responded back to my wife, " But she is not my Daughter ! " Umm, yeah it didn't go over well so now I am branded as a dirty old man LOL :)

My latest "moment", I drove all the way to Big Bear to hunt around the lake and forgot all my shovels and scoop!

The dumbest thing I have ever done detecting was being distracted by a young but of legal age female jogging. The everything being perfect and bouncing led to distraction and cause me to walk into a tree. Well of course the wife was present and remarked that I am a dirty old man and she was young enough to be my daughter. I quickly responded back to my wife, " But she is not my Daughter ! " Umm, yeah it didn't go over well so now I am branded as a dirty old man LOL :)

I once commented to my mother that I felt like a Mormon because I don't drink.
My mother responded, "A Mormon? Really? How many wives do you have?"
Without missing a beat and with my wife standing right there I replied, " One too many!"
My wife who thankfully shares my sense of humor thought it was witty and humorous. My own mother however, was furious and said " I raised you better than that!"

hows the joke go?

a man out in the dark of night meets this giant snarling beast who is satan
the beast says " if you knew who I am you would be scared"

the man calmly replies " I know who you are, I've been married to your sister for ten years"

hows the joke go?

a man out in the dark of night meets this giant snarling beast who is satan
the beast says " if you knew who I am you would be scared"

the man calmly replies " I know who you are, I've been married to your sister for ten years"

Lol that's bad... but it's funny as hell!!!

I have to add one my finest moments recently. Decided to water hunt and took out my stuff to the beach including a beach chair and some other items. Put my phone in the swimsuit pocket and mentally told myself to not forget to put in the back of the beach chair when I got to the sand.

Of course being excited to get into the water and detect, I found out that Iphones don't like to be submerged.

Live and Learn,


I usually leave mine at home because I have held dirt in my hand checking with my pinpointer and had my wedding band drive me nuts
I lost my wedding ring for the third time while digging and still can't find it.

Been there! Done that!
How many of you have done like me and be wearing a ring under my glove and wave the pinpointer
over a fistful of sand/dirt trying to see if you grabbed the target? ��

That one should get an honorable mention, Skippy
Oh, I think the life-and limb ones are the best "dumb things" moments, but my personal moment of awesomeness, was going out detecting after a run for fried food at a questionable establishment.

I knelt down to recover a find, and felt a little pressure. No harm releasing a little pressure, right? Nobody was around to hear. So... I ended up sitting on my waders on the way home to avoid soiling the truck seat. I stood in a trash bag while removing the offending articles. Everything was thrown away.

That's all I'm going to say about that. Oh, and I found $0.41.


The only stupid thing I can remember doing is detecting with headphones on for a couple of minutes with the machine shut off. Lol.

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