Maybe a collection of the dumb things we do while metal detecting.....


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:

Yesterday I hit the soil carrying my brand new tack puller for popping targets out of the ground with minimumal turf damage:


Somewhere in that grass I lost my tack puller, covered all the ground (apparently not ALL), and couldn't find it - even with my detector....

So, duh.......

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Oh, I think the life-and limb ones are the best "dumb things" moments, but my personal moment of awesomeness, was going out detecting after a run for fried food at a questionable establishment.

I knelt down to recover a find, and felt a little pressure. No harm releasing a little pressure, right? Nobody was around to hear. So... I ended up sitting on my waders on the way home to avoid soiling the truck seat. I stood in a trash bag while removing the offending articles. Everything was thrown away.

That's all I'm going to say about that. Oh, and I found $0.41.


Holy crap (pun intended)! :laughing7: thanks for the good laugh!

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Keep in mind I'm old! :laughing7:

I've done my share of leaving home without my headphones, digging tools, and on more than one occasion took my detector while the battery pack was still charging back home.

Now for the dumber things: :BangHead:

I'm afraid I'm guilty of losing my wedding ring too. I always took it off and put in my pocket because I've done the scan the dirt in my hand with my pin-pointer. Got back to the car and discovered a hole in my shorts pocket. That went over real big with my wife. :laughing7:

I've left my shovel on the ground next to my truck twice only to return and find it still there.

Left my $140 sandscoop laying next to my truck at Zuma beach one time. Drove back from Northridge and it was gone. Talked to one of the beach workers and he said it was at their shop. We went there and no scoop :dontknow:

When I used an explorer my $75 chargeable battery pack died on me. I replaced with my backup battery pack that held batteries. When I got back to the truck I pulled my chargeable battery pack out of my back pocket and for some stupid reason set it on top of my roof top. Put my stuff away and drove off down the road. The first time I hit my brakes my battery pack slid off the roof of my truck, down my windshield, and slid off the side of my front fender and smashed into pieces on the road. :BangHead:

At the beach I use hate to carry my phone in my pocket so I got the bright idea of putting my phone in a plastic zip lock bag and stuck it in my pouch. I use a large relic pouch and I put the phone in one of its side pockets. Got back to my car, zipped up the finds pocket and proceeded to dump the trash into the trash can. Took me an hour to drive home only to discover my phone was missing (no wonder no one was calling me :laughing7: ). I didn't want to go back and see if it was still in the trash can but my wife kind of insisted:laughing7:. I couldn't believe it was still there sitting on top of the all the trash. :dontknow:

Jesus, I think I better stop making myself look bad:laughing7:

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I think probably dumbest thing I have done is be swinging and forget to turn the machine on kept wondering why wasn't making any noise.

I think probably dumbest thing I have done is be swinging and forget to turn the machine on kept wondering why wasn't making any noise.

Yep, I've done that too!:laughing7: or pull the headphone cord partly out and not realize....

Walked into tot lot apparatus a couple of times, apparently I needed two good eye waterers to remember next time......I was out in a field in very early spring. Snowy sleet blowing side and every which way in a semi blizzard. I had two pair of pants on with the outer a thicker type of ski pant. I was gagging to release my XL coffee and the outer pant tie just would not release. So I finally got those pants released and the second had to wait as I had to go NOW !!! In serious desperation with frozen fingers I yanked everything down as far as I could, and managed to find the semi frozen and turtled mutton jabber. I figured that things were released sufficiently, so I let fly with a wave of joyous endorphin rapture that seemed to flood from my skull and washed down to my feet. All was well until I felt the slowly spreading warmth across my crotch and thigh. This in turn quickly made me all the colder in the blizzard as I walked back to my vehicle, by the highway, were people could see my pants, lol. I walk sideways when close, lol...........However.........., I had my first large silver fur trade broach in hand and I would have walked back naked and barely felt a thing as I was so excited !

I think probably dumbest thing I have done is be swinging and forget to turn the machine on kept wondering why wasn't making any noise.

I think I've done that even more often with my pinpointer. "Dang, the detector had a strong, repeatable signal right here. Why isn't this pinpointer finding it, is the battery dead?". No, just my brain at times.

I actually have an old school construction hat made of aluminum, wear it on jobs on occasion even though OSHA would have a fit if they saw me wearing it.

Problem with that is that you, or at least I, would actually clock my head more with it on, as you tend to forget about the extra 4 inches on top of your head and misguage your height constantly ,,, Would lesson the impact though.
How many times do i have to get in my car after work, with my hard hat still on...and about rip my head off...ddf

I haven't done anything wrong or made mistakes while detecting----------------------WHOA, what, why is my nose getting longer?:dontknow:
PS, too numerous to list.:laughing7:

This picture explains it all. I don't show it to everyone but I know y'all can relate. Flashback to a Summer or two ago when we were detecting in a yard that yielded many treasures so I guueeeesss it was worth it. The dirt was so darn dry and the earth full of pesky roots that were running along the top of the dirt. The mister had already put his detector up for the day and I was like a honey badger full of anticipation. Long story short I was trying to pry a minuscule target from under one of the roots and couldn't seem to dig it up. My hero comes to my rescue to break the root with his shovel but I don't get my big face out of the way in time and I get a shovelful peppered all in my eyes. My hero cleans my face off for me after I'm half blinded and we ended up laughing like a couple of hyenas afterwards but you can see on this picture I was not amused.


At the beginning of my metal detecting unit for a summer program that I teach I went over the ground rules for the students. Rule #1 was DO NOT DIG WITH YOUR HANDS! rule #2 DO NOT DIG WITH YOUR HANDS! I explained that digging with your bare hands could cause you to get cut and that I would wear gloves to scope lose dirt out.
The irony here is that after I made a huge deal out of not digging lose soil with your bare hands and told the kids they would be removed from the activity if they got caught doing so, I realized... you guessed it... I forgot my gloves! So the first time ever I removed lose soil with my bare hands. As if breaking my own rule wasn't enough I did in fact promptly cut my finger on the first hole. Of course the students had a lot of fun with that. It's been a while now and instead of asking me if I brought my metal detectors they ask me if I brought my gloves.


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Good gracious Coily! Let's just say you looked very disappointed!

Hi; One day I was searching a local park known for dog walking as well. It's very old and I usually get a few good finds there. Well on this day I had forgotten my blasted headphones. That was not going to stop me though. Well when I'd get a signal the detector would beep. Apparently one of the stupid dogs took it to mean I was calling him and he was not happy about it. I just ignored him and went about my business. Well few minutes later my detector beeped and gave me a quarter reading at 6" which is usually silver. So I knelt down and started to dig. I scanned the hole again. The detector beeped. I knelt down leaning forward. The next thing I knew I felt a very sharp pain in my derrier. !!! A second later I looked up and realized what happened. That stupid dog bit me in the ass literally.!!! :o

After a few choice words, :censored: , the dog ran away. It hurt so bad I had to stop and get home for some Medical Attention. The Moral of this true story is don't forget your blasted headphones when digging near dogs.!!! :dontknow: PEACE:RONB

Well, did you get that silver out?

One of the funniest stories here!

Hi; yup, i got the silver AFTER I "regrouped". Then got home. I had 3 teeth marks and a few scrapes where he got me. I saw the dog and Owner again. The Owner muzzled him and apologized to me. I left a short while later. I came back and he was still there. I walked over and gave the dog some dog treats. He never bothered me again. Thank God. Even the Owner said that was unusual for Fife. A German Shepherd. Now when I go thee I bring dog treats for sure. The dogs are getting to know me now and when they see me they come over for pats and treats. No problems since. I've made some nice new friends this way. Happy Hunting. PEACE:RONB :icon_thumright:

This just happened to me this morning: Got up at 5:30 and was out of the house by 6 to beat the heat. Stopped at McDonalds for a cup of coffee and made it to the site by 6:30 Was detecting by 6:40 and got my first signal within just a few seconds. Five minutes later i was back on the road and heading home to get my digging tools! Grrrrr....:BangHead:

Hi; yup, i got the silver AFTER I "regrouped". Then got home. I had 3 teeth marks and a few scrapes where he got me. I saw the dog and Owner again. The Owner muzzled him and apologized to me. I left a short while later. I came back and he was still there. I walked over and gave the dog some dog treats. He never bothered me again. Thank God. Even the Owner said that was unusual for Fife. A German Shepherd. Now when I go thee I bring dog treats for sure. The dogs are getting to know me now and when they see me they come over for pats and treats. No problems since. I've made some nice new friends this way. Happy Hunting. PEACE:RONB :icon_thumright:

Watch that dog. Is he foaming at the mouth yet?

How many times do i have to get in my car after work, with my hard hat still on...and about rip my head off...ddf

I always hit my head more often when wearing a hard hat. Jacked my neck a few times because of the extra inch and a half. Hard hats are dangerous! :laughing7:

Hi Ammoman & kcm; Nope, no foam but I tell ya he sure got me good. With the size of my derrier that dang dog didn't need no blasted ProPointer either.!!! :icon_pale: Have you ever tried to drive home while keeping your butt up off the drivers seat ?? It's a real feat. Mario Andretti would have been proud of me.:tard: You know the old saying, Do you know the difference between your ass and your elbow ?? In this case I don't know what hurt more, my ass or my Ego. !! It's true ya knows. :help: PEACE:RONB

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