Hal, The first Treasure
(Gold Mine) I discovered utilizing a petroglyph treasure map made on Indian doodles that looked very old. It originally had a crown and cross with the word "ORO" spelled out over it. Some one through time chiseled it off and took it for a rock garden at their home. But the discoverer of the map found it in 1948. It's not in the superstitions but very "similar". Look for large initials like "SE" or similar. Photograph the symbols at twilight holding the camera above your head as if on horseback. Use various colored gel film glasses (Kino Glasses) for seeing the hidden small symbols used to make the larger letters. There you'll find the push-pull symbols like a Spanish Treasure map. (Kenworthy) They made there maps by tallow lantern light so they are only visible at night. I used the various light spectrum's on the photos. Who wants to stay over night near one of these things with a lantern? That's how they made them so discrete. The first Treasure I found was using the glyph's. But the Glyph's I found only took me to the royal campsite high up on a ridge and I had to decode the walkers trail from there. The measurements in the petro=map took me to the exact spot in of the mine but at the time I was more interested in the royal campsite. Still it provided me with a compass direction and a distance to the exact spot in leagues. I forget what the leagues were in miles but they were between 2-3 miles each.
I followed the symbols carved on the other side of the mountain from the Petroglyph which gave me the final momument (Alpha- Omega) to look for at the final map or rock outcrop. I found the back filled shaft (60 feet down) at the spot the original map said it was but since I knew not what leagues they used I had to do it the old fashion way and follow the clues.
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Look closely at the left side "SE" letters they are the beginning of the map and it ends at the pozo (Hat) symbol with distance and direction all in very small writing. This map is from the Petroglyph on a large rock and actually shows a smelter location and the gold symbol is the "fist" or Aztec Poop symbol that has a "coc" for gold. There is also a tongue symbol and a hooked "X" style symbol typical of Free Masonry. Notice how they spelled Jesus "Jeas" and made the word "Rosary" out of tiny symbols. This was all gleamed from the Petroglyph. It shows a mountain with a treasure secreted in the side of it at an angle down for the shaft just as I found it. The 600 is actually 60 feet down just where the hydro-geo company located it from the filled shaft. It made there meter jump off the scale. I believe this to be part of Montezuma's treasure Hernan Cortez left here after finding it in a cave. He couldn't take it all with him so he buried some of it.