John, ask your self this, was this before or after Gollum (Mike McChesney) joined the FBI?
Oop's, my bad, he only pretended to be with the FBI in order to gather information from the Tumlinson's by phone! That being said, how can you trust this source? The maps Travis made were fake, he admitted it! Don't you just love when people quote you out of context? Or, out of the pretension of questioning someone claiming you are an FBI agent when you're not? Isn't that a Felony?
If you want to be in law enforcement just forge the papers and join that's what I say!
She was probably scared she may be arrested so she made up a story to this agent that threatened her with jail time. It was known fact the Tumlinson's had no use for law enforcement. As per Travis's time in prison.
The ONLY person here to ever pretend to be law enforcement was you regarding Tumacacori. Remember you pretending to know Gary Oliver, and I called you on it, because I had known him for several years previously? I'm sure you remember. I emailed him, and asked if he knew you, and he replied that he had never heard of you? You got all angry that you had been caught in a bald faced lie? Remember warning me about "your badge"? HAHAHA if you likeI still have all of Gary's old emails I can post to help your memory . Remember when you were friendly with Charlie Harris, and told him you wanted to claim jump my friend Dan's Treasure Trove Permit Site in the Tumacacori Mountains (Rock Corral Canyon)? I can get Charlie to verify what you said if you like?
You also have your facts all wrong about what happened with Janie as well. Anybody that knows me knows I have NEVER pretended to be anybody other than who I am. Unlike you, I don't need to lie. If you care to try and insult me, PLEASE show up at the rendezvous in October and say it to my face. Anybody can be an internet tough guy. I live in Arizona now. If you don't want to wait till October, and you want to meet in person, I can be in Tucson at your Forklift Repair Shop in a few hours and you can talk smack in person to me there. I will give you the opportunity to show me how tough and insulting you are in person. I'm easy to find, but you might not like it when you find me. Do you REALLY want to go there? I'm always game!
See Bill, nobody who knows you likes you, and many people have been more than happy to tell me all about you (and your dozens of online aliases).
Everybody Else,
Bill has been acting like this for many years. When he gets caught in a lie, he gets very insulting. When anyone gives him the opportunity to say those insulting remarks to their faces, he acts all offended, reports the post, and pisses and moans about being threatened.
I am not threatening you at all. Only giving you the opportunity to be a man, and say to my face what you post online. You have never taken me up on it. Why is that? Are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up!