Lue Map

Fellas and gals, (This post is 32 lines long, but I'm gonna say a few things I need and want to say.) I hope this is going on the post made by Randy Bradford a couple of weeks ago.
Many a post is on this site trashing me and John London. The main antagonist is Franklin real name Albert Atwell. Poor soul is so upset with us because he knows we know more about the treasure in, well not in, but rounded off probably about 22 miles from Danville. Seems like nearly everyone searching for treasure around D'ville thinks the only treasure ever put down there was the Mexican 8 R coins thought to be missing from the Confederate Treasury in 1865. The story of the CSA treasure is intentionally interwoven in a treasure tale much later than 1865. In the book TREASURE IN DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, by a man named J. Frank Carroll are the clues to solving the, not CSA, treasure near Danville. For those who don't know it or perhaps never thought about why some people writing about or dealing with buried treasure use the code name "J. Frank. There was J. Frank Dobie, about the first to write about treasure. He's responsible for several famous treasure legends, including the one that finally turned out as Jesse James' Keechi Hills treasure. Then we have old Jesse James using the name J. Frank Dalton and he is responsible for making the KGC famous for burying treasure. The J. Frank code name is used by many members of the secret society that buried the millions/billions? across the USA, Canada, Mexico and several Caribbean Islands. I'll try not to write a book here but you all should know most Lost Spanish Treasure tales were started by one of the J.Frank(s).
When you go back to the year 1666 and learn some Jewish history you will have your starting point to begin researching. The trail is difficult but not impossible to sort out, but you will wear your eyes out reading.
I wonder if Albert Atwell began using Franklin as his forum name because he has made the connection. He likely will reply and tell you all about it. However, if he takes time to learn enough to write intelligently about it he won't post for at least a year.
For Randy, old buddy, what I told you about the LUE will soon appear on our website. It will take a long time before we get to the treasure end of it, because I need to teach people about real treasure hunting before I hit them with the who, when and where about the LUE, .I must lay a background of our work out there where we have been working since 1995. The story is more or less a sequel to my book "SHADOW OF THE SENTINEL, in respect to the chapter on Arizona.
I understand I can't post websites on this forum any longer, But many of you know about "hootowl" trees.
This is too long so. I will post more on our site in the coming weeks and months. Someone asked if I was dead, well no I'm not, but about everyone I ever knew is dead. I'm still going strong, still running backhoe, dozer and tractors almost every day its not too cold. We just finished a 3500 sq ft metal roof on our little home. I'm like old George Jones, "I don't need your rockin chair, your Geritol or your Medicare, I do my rockin," here at home writing like a madman to get all I have done recorded before I croak.
Bob Brewer
Finally....somebody who wants to talk about the Jews. Most people on Tnet focus on very small areas and can’t or won’t consider that many of the treasure legends are related.

Finally....somebody who wants to talk about the Jews. Most people on Tnet focus on very small areas and can’t or won’t consider that many of the treasure legends are related.
The Ashkanazis in particular, who are not Semitic but adopted Judaism for political purposes many centuries ago. They are the "name stealers" described in the ancient Oera Linda Book, which itself was "discredited" by them. They are the ones who established and own the world's central banks and most of the world's political leaders today. Question is: where does the "KGC" fit into all this?

The Ashkanazis in particular, who are not Semitic but adopted Judaism for political purposes many centuries ago. They are the "name stealers" described in the ancient Oera Linda Book, which itself was "discredited" by them. They are the ones who established and own the world's central banks and most of the world's political leaders today. Question is: where does the "KGC" fit into all this?
I don’t know but for centuries the Jews have been excellent traders and merchants but without a country or military to protect their interests. There were financial benefits for any group or government that could protect them but their problem was their wealth attracted attention and their protectors could and have, turned on them and confiscated their wealth and either murdered them or exiled them. The KGC could have provided regional security for any group that needed it.

I'll take a break from my really serious writing to interject some words on the LUE. First of all, Treasure Mountain is not the "LUE" but it is laid out the same and the map overlay, "template" as we call it works there as well. John and I have pretty much told the world all we can safely say about certain Treasure Depositories.
I'm not going to rewrite my book Shadow of the Sentinel here, but do suggest LUE and Treasure mountain addicts to read the chapter starting on page 178. The wealthy Florida treasure hunter referred to there worked locating new treasure sites for Norm Scott.
During a 10 day trip out west to evaluate sites for this company. I discovered the location of the KGC's Arizona Desert Treasure for which we had a chart/waybill. I was taken to the Treasure Mountain depository. I spent two full days at Treasure Mt. During which I saw and videoed dozens of signs and symbols familiar to me from sites in half a dozen states. The clients I was working for had worked that site for several years. I showed them some of the secret signs of the KGC they had not noticed. I was convinced the project was viable. They called the site "Treasure Mountain" which may or may not be the same place discussed on this forum. All I can say is the layout looked promising. It also was dangerous to one person, as I found wedged between two large (UPS van size)boulders the full skeleton of a person. I climbed up on the boulders to get a good video of a large Christian cross chiseled in a bluff about 100 yards away and just happened to look into the crack between the rocks. I told the men with me to call the Sheriff's office to report the skeleton. I can't say more about that site and will never divulge what I learned. I was there as a consultant so that's all I can say about it.
More on the LUE. We were shocked when we dug up a under ground concrete vault matching one shown on our chart/map and found dozens of clues for the desert treasure . Several clues gave us specific places to go to find more clues. I don't expect you to believe this but its okay. Just don't trash it. One of the clues said the depository in that region is the LUE. That same clue tells what the letters LUE mean. I'm not a con-man, we are old men and are finished with our work in AZ. We are the only ones that have seen this artifact. I tell you this to put the LUE to rest. I am giving you this information for free, nobody has ever paid me a dime for our knowledge except for consulting fees.
One more thing.This LUE, there may be others, but I don't think so, is still closely watched. We have experienced dangerous situations there. We want nothing more to do with it.
There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.

I'll take a break from my really serious writing to interject some words on the LUE. First of all, Treasure Mountain is not the "LUE" but it is laid out the same and the map overlay, "template" as we call it works there as well. John and I have pretty much told the world all we can safely say about certain Treasure Depositories.
I'm not going to rewrite my book Shadow of the Sentinel here, but do suggest LUE and Treasure mountain addicts to read the chapter starting on page 178. The wealthy Florida treasure hunter referred to there worked locating new treasure sites for Norm Scott.
During a 10 day trip out west to evaluate sites for this company. I discovered the location of the KGC's Arizona Desert Treasure for which we had a chart/waybill. I was taken to the Treasure Mountain depository. I spent two full days at Treasure Mt. During which I saw and videoed dozens of signs and symbols familiar to me from sites in half a dozen states. The clients I was working for had worked that site for several years. I showed them some of the secret signs of the KGC they had not noticed. I was convinced the project was viable. They called the site "Treasure Mountain" which may or may not be the same place discussed on this forum. All I can say is the layout looked promising. It also was dangerous to one person, as I found wedged between two large (UPS van size)boulders the full skeleton of a person. I climbed up on the boulders to get a good video of a large Christian cross chiseled in a bluff about 100 yards away and just happened to look into the crack between the rocks. I told the men with me to call the Sheriff's office to report the skeleton. I can't say more about that site and will never divulge what I learned. I was there as a consultant so that's all I can say about it.
More on the LUE. We were shocked when we dug up a under ground concrete vault matching one shown on our chart/map and found dozens of clues for the desert treasure . Several clues gave us specific places to go to find more clues. I don't expect you to believe this but its okay. Just don't trash it. One of the clues said the depository in that region is the LUE. That same clue tells what the letters LUE mean. I'm not a con-man, we are old men and are finished with our work in AZ. We are the only ones that have seen this artifact. I tell you this to put the LUE to rest. I am giving you this information for free, nobody has ever paid me a dime for our knowledge except for consulting fees.
One more thing.This LUE, there may be others, but I don't think so, is still closely watched. We have experienced dangerous situations there. We want nothing more to do with it.
There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.
Yes you are very correct Treasure Mountain is not the Lue.

It's hard to say if the triangular shapes in the photo are carved or natural faulting and fracturing. Either way, IMO it's a stretch to link those shapes to the cartoon map because the photo shows indistinct and imprecise lines, while the map is very precisely drawn. I would expect to see more of an exact reproduction of the map symbols.

That said, I do believe the Tres Hermanas area is an intriguing destination with links to other "treasure sites" in the Cookes Range. In addition, a tunnel/cave system allegedly links the TH range with the Florida Mountains at Deming that the Apache used to get hide from military troops chasing them in the 1800s. More recently, a Pancho Villa money cache is said to be on the south slope of one of the peaks.

Of course, one of the TNet LUE posters recently suggested a bootheel-LUE connection but didn't provide support for the idea.
Hi. I have to disagree about the carving being natural/faulting of the rock. A simple trek to the site by a local Tnet member will resolve this easily enough. I do agree it's a stretch to link the LUE with it but, it is having the desired effect of generating discussion. I also disagree that you will find all field signs as precise as the LUE "cartoon map". IMHO, the organization simply used what they found in the area to convey information. Many of their carvings found, (Oklahoma comes to mind), are very crude. We also know many signs were faked to appear another group having placed them. I'm reading the map as 3 dimensional in the center and the 4 quadrants as separate sites/maps if you will. Is that correct, who knows? but if it is, then there are two more quads of the map which will have field signs reflecting this and putting you in the general area to search for more clues.

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I'll take a break from my really serious writing to interject some words on the LUE. First of all, Treasure Mountain is not the "LUE" but it is laid out the same and the map overlay, "template" as we call it works there as well. John and I have pretty much told the world all we can safely say about certain Treasure Depositories.
I'm not going to rewrite my book Shadow of the Sentinel here, but do suggest LUE and Treasure mountain addicts to read the chapter starting on page 178. The wealthy Florida treasure hunter referred to there worked locating new treasure sites for Norm Scott.
During a 10 day trip out west to evaluate sites for this company. I discovered the location of the KGC's Arizona Desert Treasure for which we had a chart/waybill. I was taken to the Treasure Mountain depository. I spent two full days at Treasure Mt. During which I saw and videoed dozens of signs and symbols familiar to me from sites in half a dozen states. The clients I was working for had worked that site for several years. I showed them some of the secret signs of the KGC they had not noticed. I was convinced the project was viable. They called the site "Treasure Mountain" which may or may not be the same place discussed on this forum. All I can say is the layout looked promising. It also was dangerous to one person, as I found wedged between two large (UPS van size)boulders the full skeleton of a person. I climbed up on the boulders to get a good video of a large Christian cross chiseled in a bluff about 100 yards away and just happened to look into the crack between the rocks. I told the men with me to call the Sheriff's office to report the skeleton. I can't say more about that site and will never divulge what I learned. I was there as a consultant so that's all I can say about it.
More on the LUE. We were shocked when we dug up a under ground concrete vault matching one shown on our chart/map and found dozens of clues for the desert treasure . Several clues gave us specific places to go to find more clues. I don't expect you to believe this but its okay. Just don't trash it. One of the clues said the depository in that region is the LUE. That same clue tells what the letters LUE mean. I'm not a con-man, we are old men and are finished with our work in AZ. We are the only ones that have seen this artifact. I tell you this to put the LUE to rest. I am giving you this information for free, nobody has ever paid me a dime for our knowledge except for consulting fees.
One more thing.This LUE, there may be others, but I don't think so, is still closely watched. We have experienced dangerous situations there. We want nothing more to do with it.
There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.
Hi. I would like to begin by saying, I have the utmost respect for you and what you have shared with the treasure hunting community. I would never have started chasing tree signs to carving sites, without your book "Shadow of the Sentinel". That, along with a few very educated members who have been willing to share their hard-earned information, has helped me and countless others.
What I struggle with, is the same problem I have with KVM and the LUE map. Many statements are made as facts, but there is no reference material to back it up. That's why I've tried to reference links, give photo credits where due, and make everything easy to follow. Now, I would never ask you to reveal secrets, sources, or anything else you are not comfortable with. You also have no obligation to share with us any information you consider "sensitive". But, IMHO, to say "There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.", I struggle with. That statement along with " I tell you this to put the LUE to rest.", bothers me because we are expected to accept this at face value with nothing of substance to back it up.
In closing, I agreed some sites are dangerous and are possibly being watched. I have had a couple encounters personally that have taught me you are correct in warning members about this.

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Thanks for the information, Rennes. You've given more information, about the LUE, than I've ever heard from anybody else. It's always good to hear from somebody who has actually found evidence in the field and is willing to share it. Also, thanks for the heads up about the danger associated with the site and your opinion that the LUE cannot legally be recovered.

Hi. I would like to begin by saying, I have the utmost respect for you and what you have shared with the treasure hunting community. I would never have started chasing tree signs to carving sites, without your book "Shadow of the Sentinel". That, along with a few very educated members who have been willing to share their hard-earned information, has helped me and countless others.
What I struggle with, is the same problem I have with KVM and the LUE map. Many statements are made as facts, but there is no reference material to back it up. That's why I've tried to reference links, give photo credits where due, and make everything easy to follow. Now, I would never ask you to reveal secrets, sources, or anything else you are not comfortable with. You also have no obligation to share with us any information you consider "sensitive". But, IMHO, to say "There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.", I struggle with. That statement along with " I tell you this to put the LUE to rest.", bothers me because we are expected to accept this at face value with nothing of substance to back it up.
In closing, I agreed some sites are dangerous and are possibly being watched. I have had a couple encounters personally that have taught me you are correct in warning members about this.
I would just love to put all the proof I have of solving many of these treasure puzzles. Indeed, we have put real helpful information on this forum and our website. Every time a few will harass us and tell the forum what idiots we are. We dropped this forum site about 25 years ago just for that reason. There are several who post on this forum that learned the basics of how these, what people call KGC treasures from us. Each of them became to guru of treasure hunting. Let me tell you they are just the ones who toot their own horns, until people start listening to their BS.
Sorry compadres, but I don't live on my laptop, plenty of work to do. I work every day on the many treasure sites we have located. One week it will be the LUE and next I work on the Confederate treasure supposed to be in Danville. But it's not! That will be the next site we "will put to rest". I actually work maps for some treasure project, or write about what we've done on one most every day, most days I'm at it 12-15 hours.
I would love to know how many on this forum use a map program that has seamless maps of the states they hunt treasure. You will never get close to a LUE type treasure without maps a line can be drawn at least 36 miles. You lines must be straight and until it crosses a clue you need, you won't know where it's going. Remember a line goes both ways and you need to know what lies at both ends and all the clues in between. Sometimes it takes hiking and camping out for a few days to walk a line. But one thing is for certain, if you don't know what the clues are when you find them you have a lot of studying to do. The answer to your questions will not be on a forum. But you can find them online if you research history and organizations.
I'll try to think of what I might tell you to help you out.
Right now have some coyotes to kill. They just ate my wife's little dog. Since people quit trapping the critters are causing lots of problems for ranchers.

Hi. I would like to begin by saying, I have the utmost respect for you and what you have shared with the treasure hunting community. I would never have started chasing tree signs to carving sites, without your book "Shadow of the Sentinel". That, along with a few very educated members who have been willing to share their hard-earned information, has helped me and countless others.
What I struggle with, is the same problem I have with KVM and the LUE map. Many statements are made as facts, but there is no reference material to back it up. That's why I've tried to reference links, give photo credits where due, and make everything easy to follow. Now, I would never ask you to reveal secrets, sources, or anything else you are not comfortable with. You also have no obligation to share with us any information you consider "sensitive". But, IMHO, to say "There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.", I struggle with. That statement along with " I tell you this to put the LUE to rest.", bothers me because we are expected to accept this at face value with nothing of substance to back it up.
In closing, I agreed some sites are dangerous and are possibly being watched. I have had a couple encounters personally that have taught me you are correct in warning members about this.
Point Hunter,
Just for you I'm going to clear up this thing called The Knights of the Golden Circle. I am the first person to post on this forum about the KGC when it first began. You will know as you read in Shadow of the Sentinel that I of grew up with people who buried a lot of this treasure and maintained the clues till they died or became to infirm to tackle the trails that lead from clue to clue. They just watched for any sign of someone messing around near a cache. Dozen of people walked right over the treasures hunting or fishing,
Well I'm going to come clean on the KGC and tell you why that organization was kept for 100 years as a smoke screen to hide the real name of the organization my kin belonged to,
The true name of those involved with the the treasure after the KGC disappeared was the Knights of Honor, organized in 1873 not much is known about this Fraternity but it is still in operations, the KOH hid behind an Insurance company that provided benefits for widows and orphans of the Confederacy, they did that until 1916 then took on other members to make payments for insurance. They handled more money than some banks and much of it is buried/hidden all over America.,
Later the name was hidden altogether and it continued as an offshoot to Scottish Rite Masonry., It is not the Masons that Uncle Joe or Dear old Daddy belonged to, This group is the one responsible for all the old treasure legends, none of the legends are pure bogus but it take more than the legend to find their gold., you have to use the parts of the legend that are factual and go to the area where the legend is believed, Like the Lost Dutchman or the Adams Diggings and you have heard all the others. They are all worked alike and once you understand the system it gets easier, not real easy but you can make headway on searching for a cache,
That's all I will say here, go to our website to read more,
Not for those dang coyotes
OH! Remember who told you what I said, you've nor any of the others on here ever heard that much.
Happy Thinking

Thanks for the information, Rennes. You've given more information, about the LUE, than I've ever heard from anybody else. It's always good to hear from somebody who has actually found evidence in the field and is willing to share it. Also, thanks for the heads up about the danger associated with the site and your opinion that the LUE cannot legally be recovered.
Thank you for a kind reply, that don't happen too often to my posts.
About an hour ago I posted about the group that are responsible for all the legendary treasures. My older kin were members of the Knights of Honor, there is little known about the KOH and its never been mentioned on the forum, that I know of.
They maintained some of the symbolism of the KGC but most was Masonic symbolism. Soon on our website " I'll be posting some unknown history of the KOH and some of the people who actually buried a lot of the Treasure including some of the LUE


  • KOH.webp
    47.7 KB · Views: 47
Hi. I would like to begin by saying, I have the utmost respect for you and what you have shared with the treasure hunting community. I would never have started chasing tree signs to carving sites, without your book "Shadow of the Sentinel". That, along with a few very educated members who have been willing to share their hard-earned information, has helped me and countless others.
What I struggle with, is the same problem I have with KVM and the LUE map. Many statements are made as facts, but there is no reference material to back it up. That's why I've tried to reference links, give photo credits where due, and make everything easy to follow. Now, I would never ask you to reveal secrets, sources, or anything else you are not comfortable with. You also have no obligation to share with us any information you consider "sensitive". But, IMHO, to say "There are several caches in this depository, none of them are accessible for mining or treasure permits to be granted.", I struggle with. That statement along with " I tell you this to put the LUE to rest.", bothers me because we are expected to accept this at face value with nothing of substance to back it up.
In closing, I agreed some sites are dangerous and are possibly being watched. I have had a couple encounters personally that have taught me you are correct in warning members about this.
Mr. Dog,
A word about KVM. I never met him but ran with several old men who knew him quite well. He wrote a lot about treasure while himself was not very successful at that pursuit. His main thing was writing and trying to make a living from it. If you knew how he lived you would understand,. Although he was a proficient writer he published his Newsletters in an old building with a dirt floor, I have it from one who knew and worked some with Karl, that the LUE map was given to him by someone hoping he could decipher the map, I'll name him but most young hunters won't know of him. He was a friend of mine named Edward Ellsworth Bartholomew who lived at Fort Davis, Tx. He too was a proficient writer and he wrote what he could document. He was the hardest working researcher i know of. Some of you might remember books by Jesse E. Rascoe, that was his pen name used for a lot of books. Ed was a big help for us solving the so called "Jesse James Keechi Hills Treasure. He also aided me by giving me the location of tree and rock carvings in several Oklahoma and Texas treasure sites. Even his treasure books are well researched and helpful on many sites, that is if you can find them they are pretty rare now. He died about 20 odd years ago. I am like him in not telling anything that shouldn't be told.
Karl tried convincing everyone he had located the LUE in Colorado. None of what he wrote fits the LUE when you know where it is and how its laid out,

Thank you for a kind reply, that don't happen too often to my posts.
About an hour ago I posted about the group that are responsible for all the legendary treasures. My older kin were members of the Knights of Honor, there is little known about the KOH and its never been mentioned on the forum, that I know of.
They maintained some of the symbolism of the KGC but most was Masonic symbolism. Soon on our website " I'll be posting some unknown history of the KOH and some of the people who actually buried a lot of the Treasure including some of the LUE
Thank you very much for the information. I have never heard of the Knights of Honor but the dates of their founding and disbanding, 1873-1916, are very interesting to me. I look forward to reading your article.

Point Hunter,
Just for you I'm going to clear up this thing called The Knights of the Golden Circle. I am the first person to post on this forum about the KGC when it first began. You will know as you read in Shadow of the Sentinel that I of grew up with people who buried a lot of this treasure and maintained the clues till they died or became to infirm to tackle the trails that lead from clue to clue. They just watched for any sign of someone messing around near a cache. Dozen of people walked right over the treasures hunting or fishing,
Well I'm going to come clean on the KGC and tell you why that organization was kept for 100 years as a smoke screen to hide the real name of the organization my kin belonged to,
The true name of those involved with the the treasure after the KGC disappeared was the Knights of Honor, organized in 1873 not much is known about this Fraternity but it is still in operations, the KOH hid behind an Insurance company that provided benefits for widows and orphans of the Confederacy, they did that until 1916 then took on other members to make payments for insurance. They handled more money than some banks and much of it is buried/hidden all over America.,
Later the name was hidden altogether and it continued as an offshoot to Scottish Rite Masonry., It is not the Masons that Uncle Joe or Dear old Daddy belonged to, This group is the one responsible for all the old treasure legends, none of the legends are pure bogus but it take more than the legend to find their gold., you have to use the parts of the legend that are factual and go to the area where the legend is believed, Like the Lost Dutchman or the Adams Diggings and you have heard all the others. They are all worked alike and once you understand the system it gets easier, not real easy but you can make headway on searching for a cache,
That's all I will say here, go to our website to read more,
Not for those dang coyotes
OH! Remember who told you what I said, you've nor any of the others on here ever heard that much.
Happy Thinking
Hi. Thank you for providing what information you could. I have never heard of the KOH and see I must continue my research. I too am excited to read what other information you are going to post on your website. Thanks again for all the clues you have provided us thru the years.

Hi. I think we're both right and/or possibly one or both of us is wrong. I'm somewhat familiar with the lines you're talking about. The layout in Washington D C is the most well-known that comes to mind (running lines across the US from certain landmarks). I've seen the coding of the "organization" in buildings, maps, place names, etc. which is SOP for them. It's also known they go by many names and are all branches of the same tree.
My premise is simple: Follow the geology, you will find the signs, or follow the signs to find the geology. IMHO, you will find representation of the map signs in the field. There should be older signs and new signs in the same area, as we know sites have been remarked and/or moved multiple times through the years. Back here, I see more trails leading to the same area, from different compass points. The general consensus seems to be due to tree markings (trees die) as opposed the stone markers seen out west. But I have also seen discussion of multiple trails (foot trail, animal trail, etc) out west also to the carving sites.
By sharing what I find, the hope is to generate discussion (both positive and negative are welcomed). As stated previously, I can't believe no one has found field signs in over 50 years that could possibly relate to the LUE.

This pic is found here:

The general location is the Tres Hermanas Mountains area of Southern New Mexico. Could this possibly validate the rumors the LUE extends in Mexico? IMHO, this carving could represent part of the bottom right quadrant of the LUE map.
A geologist took that photo. I think she would know if its natural or not. I can tell you that about 50 yards from there, is a Ancient Tanit symbol .
images (2).jpg
images (3).webp

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The person that took that photo also found a crystal that she said had to come from deep in the earth. That design is on a seam of some type coming out of the ground. I cant remember what she said it was. There is also two long round objects made out of that material that look like what the old cast iron window weights look like. I dont think they were used as grinders in a mortar. They are in to good of shape for that. I think ceremonial pieces .
Dont know if this has anything to do with the Lue. Dont really know anything about it.

The person that took that photo also found a crystal that she said had to come from deep in the earth. That design is on a seam of some type coming out of the ground. I cant remember what she said it was. There is also two long round objects made out of that material that look like what the old cast iron window weights look like. I dont think they were used as grinders in a mortar. They are in to good of shape for that. I think ceremonial pieces .View attachment 2072198Dont know if this has anything to do with the Lue. Dont really know anything about it.
The items you mention remind me of what are called Indian plummets back here. I think the current theory is they were used as weights for their throw nets for fishing. However, in your case, I would question that because yours is a desert environment. I haven't looked @ the surrounding terrain, but maybe it gives you a place to start.

A geologist took that photo. I think she would know if its natural or not. I can tell you that about 50 yards from there, is a Ancient Tanit symbol .View attachment 2072109View attachment 2072112View attachment 2072113
IMHO, a Tanit symbol gives this area a whole new meaning. The second picture also represents the Tanit symbol, according to some researchers, which I'm sure your well aware of. There are megalithic sites across the world, with similar structures. Archeologists can't tell you who built these sites or how it was done with the technology of ancient man. Old Dog was a member here who posted about an ancient culture that was in the western US long before any others. He shared much valuable information on what he found, and it is intriguing to say the least. Again, IMO, this could possibly be one of their sites. I've also seen pics/videos of more than one of these sites which look like they were destroyed/shattered by some unknown means/disaster in the distant past.
This is one example I found while researching the LUE and looking for rock carvings in the field that possibly represented the lower right quadrant of the map.

I really dont know anything about the lue. But i do see the all seeing eye, the triangles ,I do see alot of what seems to be Roman or Greek type themes ,that the Roman or Greek column may have a connection . I can say that the geologist was interested in that pattern you are talking about. She even found a old rusted tobacco tin that was hidden in rocks that had a picture in it. I dont want to say what is was,because she didn't reveal that info. It was her find with a metal detector. Every tobacco tin i have found out here had a claim marker paper work. Never found one with a picture in it. So to me that was strange, and it was in great shape.

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