Doc, the Yaqui have a smal plant called 'Hilo de Oro'. The root ia about the size of the lead of a penciil. If you have a tooth ache or an exposed nerve, you simply take a piece about 1/2 inch long, chew it to a pulp then pack the tooth with if, It shortly stops hurting and eliinats any need for a root Seems that the nerve retracts.,and never returns

? I am surprisd that one of the drug companies hasn't picked it up, then since it is natural, it cannot be patented.
Oh, My dearest Don Jose. We need to spread the word about the miraculous Hilo de Oro. This is pretty funny, as I was in the Endodontist's chair yesterday for 3 hours with my mouth propped open, covered by a dental dam, and big silver hinges, thinking there has to be a better way to deal with a root canal! Hah! I was ready to rip that problem tooth out with something heavy and metal the night before that lovely date with the dentist. I felt like the lovely Hannibal Lector. Not a very pretty sight, for sure. I don't know if you know Trinidad (Trini) in Alamos? We are close friends, and he is just simply amazing. He has grown up learning and living by the the Yaqui ways. I am going to ask him if he knows about this plant. He says we never need to buy any type of medicines/drugs as anything can be cured by the gifts found in the rainforest. He is a shaman. A healthy one!

In fact, speaking of teeth, he has some of the whitest teeth I have ever seen. I asked him, one day, what toothpaste he used, and he laughed, as he didn't use any. He simply uses the bark from a certain tree, like a toothbrush. Never has had a cavity! Lucky boy. Last year, he made my mom and her girlfriends a tea-party, from certain plants found in the forest. After they drank it, (fortunately, did not hallucinate, or anything)

they all felt invigorated and happy, the rest of the day. Maybe we should bottle that secret formula, too? Hmmm,... Maybe we should switch from coffee to tea? I wonder if there is an Irish root growing in the Sierra Madres for you

Don't worry, I will still use still use my special socks to make it for you. Whoop, whoop! Have a super happy and adventurous day, to all. Jodi