Lost Zimmerman Ship of Gold

My feathered amigo Crow, my words for the politicians would not be suitable for print in this family publication (and those would be the most charitable words)……they truly are sons of satan…..pathetic, spineless, mostly stupid, amoral, filthy, whores who are sold out or compromised………
We would need the true powers that run all to sit around…….sadly they desire conflict to exploit all, like their father, liars and murderers…….these hidden few who run the world serve satan and seek the chaos we find ourselves in today.
And yet while they may rule the world for a day, an eternity in hell fire that does not consume, they shall reap what they have sown.

And I agree we cannot bind ourselves to any flag that seeks to enslave us, to use us like so many pawns on a chessboard…..and it is this freedom, to cut the ties that enslave us, chain us; for only then we can move about seeking the treasure of freedom and the necessary crow coffee supplement that waits for us.

And those are the biggest reasons I am considering pulling up stakes and becoming an expat. 6 generations of my family, including myself, have been soldiers and I hate to think of how many shed blood to have our country turn into such a Godless, immoral nation.

Sorry for the rant. I normally try to avoid political discussions.

Culinary, like you, I was/am, a soldier……while I still have a place in the USSA, with each passing day I question why? With each passing day the criminal cabal that run this county demonstrate that they seek it's demise. With each passing day the void of any rule of law manifests itself in the most outrageous of ways……each day worse than the day before……not an easy feat by the way.

Yet I love my country, not the demonic gov…….yet my time overseas is so precious, you know freedom unlike here in the police state…….food is awesome, people kind, and the police non-threatening and helpful (what a novel concept, public servants being public servants). Not to mention the cost of living as about half of what it is here.
Each country has it's problems, choose your poison……
To choose one, does not mean to abandon the other………….the expat life is not for all……..if interested, come down, spend a few weeks, or months visiting…..
Vaya con Dios en todo

One of the many myths of Culloden is that it was a Scottish versus English affair. In fact, far more Scots supported and fought on the Hanoverian side (like my clan, the MacKay's) than on the Jacobite site. Culloden was not a battle for the independence of Scotland, but for the control of Britain. Prince Charles Edward Stuart (The Great Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charles) led the Jacobite rebellion. The Hanoverian victory at Culloden decisively halted the Jacobite goal to take over the existing British power (the House of Hanover) and restore the House of Stuart to the British throne.

From another viewpoint, Culloden can be seen as a religious conflict. The clans which supported the Jacobite cause tended to be Roman Catholic and Scottish Episcopalian, while clans which tended to be Presbyterian sided more with the British government. The Catholic French also had a strong hand in supporting Prince Charles.

Scottish independence may come next year.
Aye, Don MacKay

There are several things that I stay away from, Religion, Politics, and female beauty. But did I see a few very guarded remarks on American Politics??? Speak yer mind, don't mumble. :laughing7::occasion14:

Bout time el Cuervo 'el Robin mascarado' start's getting restless to go con some poor con artist for a few millions of ill gotten gains

Yes, I, too, have heard those myths about some Scots salvaging and enjoying the 'spoils' of finding Spanish galleons and other ill-fated vessels. :laughing7:

Senor stateman Don Jose, the comments on politics seemed direct to me……what else can be said……the so called two sides here in the land of the free are but the different sides of the same controlled coin……..at best they may speak different, judge them by their actions and they are the same.
By the way, how has that voting worked out for you over the last 5 decades………
And so it is, I too avoid politics since it is a sham and corrupt to the core…..no more need be said.
As for religion…….on that I will speak more than anything else…..for in truth, what else is more important than eternal salvation or damnation……sadly today most fools have little concern for eternity, Divine judgment………belief or lack of belief does not change the reality when we pass into eternity.

As for beautiful woman, it is truly in the eye of the beholder and all beautiful women should be enjoyed……..

Doc, I said that you had the right - subject to the forms rules - to express yourself in appropriate four letter words, I do while I am reading My opinion on politics is that it has degenerated from it's original purpose to where it is strictly a very lucrative business Are they still exempt from the silly laws they continue to pass after they leave office ???

I hate what politics has finally degenerated into = = = I am just old enough to remember how Hitler came into power. We are at that stage .

One thing remains steady Goils - no how many fads they are subject to -- well almost all?

Religion ? As long as it doesn't interfere with anther's and doesn't cause physical harm to another ========

I was an alter boy for the Catholics and was scheduled for the seminary -- still unspoiled and pure -- but when I grew up enough to have questions I asked too many.

After sudying The Holistic theory, which includes Quantum, wave, etc. theories, I have even morre unanswerable questions.

So I have learned to keep my big mouth shut on Politics, religion, and feminine beauty --- treasures are an open field.

Senor Don Jose…….I understand…….we truly are living in interesting times…..
Most of the time I go about saying little, listening much, even with friends…….
People either see and understand the truth of our times, our days, or they do not…..nothing I can say, or do will help them to understand………
Certain is, this is not going to end well…….but this is also why you, and our fine feathered friend whose clock is upside-down speak of the freedom they have come to know………
Senor Don, keep an open mind to the true faith that is Catholic……..what was taught in the early years is far different than what the church has corrupted into today……..how few worthy prelates there are today……..
Vaya con Dios mis amigos….


Eyr ya cannot discount where the canny Scots turns up. They did not just salvage gold bars from Galleons either...


Cheers Crow

Senor Cuervo, the fine feathered one…….this picture seems to beg you for squawking another tale!
Put those scantily clad women to bed, grab a cup with half being supplement, and regale us with another Crow Tale from the South Pacific!
Who knows, perhaps the loyal Mastiff and Amy may join us if you do!

Hello Doc -3 Its morning and the coffee went down well. The weather is perfect... we are supposed to have a strong wind warning but nothing.. Its going to be a nice winters day comfortable 19 should go to 26. The lure of outside is dragging me away...Turned the news on after about 10 minutes of listening to crap turned it off why foul up a perfect day? The Sun, the Sky and sounds of life beacons my friend.


That picture of the gold bars is from another story and indeed to do it justice that would need its own thread... As I think we have wandered off a little on Don Jose El Terrificos Thread on Zimmerman treasure. But as the sun always rises indeed the old battered Crow will squawk but for now its time to fly...


From what Clan are those hooligans?
None of those dudes resemble anyone who crewed for me; and the guy in the white shorts would never be allowed on my boat.

Gracias Senor Crow…….. we all eagerly await this new thread……
And there are limits to how much one can listen to the garbage propaganda vomited forth by the MSM…….
At least outside the USSA the news is a little better, still propaganda, but better…..
Vaya con Dios our black feathered compadre, we all await this new tale of riches and fame………
Bueno noche y bueno sueños….

Hello Mackaydon

Yeah those shorts was never a fashion statement. But hey it was the late 70s early 80,s The man in front was John Rossier holding the two gold bars , He was part of the salvage crew that dived on the Hms Edinburgh that was torpedoed and sunk in WW2. Some of them are dead and now others are retired...

In the early 1980s, seasoned diver Keith Jessop who passed away in 2010 had a company called Jessop Marine, strongly supported by Wharton Williams Ltd. A leading global diving company and OSA a specialist shipping company, won a contract to attempt a recovery. Cutting into the wreck by divers was deemed more appropriate for a war grave than the traditional 'smash and grab' explosives-oriented methods. Most of the divers were ex navy diver or commercial divers used to deep cold water dives on the oil rigs of the north sea. Quite of few them was Scots..

431 of 465 ingots had been recovered. At the time the haul was worth in excess of £40,000,000 sterling. This project created a World Record in deep diving bullion recovery which I think might still stand to this day. A further 29 bars were brought up in 1986 by the Consortium, bringing the total to 460, [SUP][/SUP]Roughly around 210 million in today's prices. That said that their story deserves their own topic..

Doc-d life is way too short to be bogged down in the evils of politics...If ya left them get to ya it will wreck your health. So ago I stopped getting angry . I just do what I want and to hell with them. So Join me for a drink at Crows bar and den of iniquity.

I would love to hear about Mackaydon opinion on the El Captania??? story if he cares to tell it. As for me its an amazing story. Worthy of a bar stool at Crows yackity yack bar..:laughing7:


Actually, it was John Rossier who found the first bar.
I remember the tape after the BBC played it.
It still is exciting to watch after many replays:
HMS Edinburgh 1939-1942

As for the Capitana (1654), I'll give you the first part here:
And soon after I find my Anejo Patron, I'll invite the others on this tread to join us in a discussion of whatever you wish to hear about the Capitana.


Hello Mackaydon

hmmm Not a bad drop Anejo Patron.

Well for I for one have only heard bits and pieces of the story some very positive and other things not so positive. There was claims and counter claims. Perhaps sour grapes among some. Some said Ecuadorian government got greedy. The locals got into the action. For me knowing very little of the story I not sure what was true and what was not? So My friend I leave the floor to ya. Hopefully ya can enlighten some of those perceptions of such an interesting story.

I have my poor mans brew open and I am all ears...


Hello Mackaydon

hmmm Not a bad drop Anejo Patron.

Well for I for one have only heard bits and pieces of the story some very positive and other things not so positive. There was claims and counter claims. Perhaps sour grapes among some. Some said Ecuadorian government got greedy. The locals got into the action. For me knowing very little of the story I not sure what was true and what was not? So My friend I leave the floor to ya. Hopefully ya can enlighten some of those perceptions of such an interesting story.

I have my poor mans brew open and I am all ears...


I think the following was some of gold recovered that ended up in Ecuadoran hands ..



Cheer Crow

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