Lost Zimmerman Ship of Gold

Black bird, a very sobering video about life in PNG………

Black bird, a very sobering video about life in PNG………

Hello Doc-D

Sadly it is getting worse I did about 5 years there. As many troops returning from Afgainistan will understand when ya around violence every day in your face it becomes the Norm. It takes a long time to reprogram yourself just with simple things like walking down to coner shop for a newspaper without an armed detail...

Kanacki he spent most of his life there but even for him it was too much and eventully moved to Micronesia. His mother was Australian and his father A Scotsman had worked after ww2 and kanacki was Born there in Port Morsby grew up in Rabal and Lae when it was a terrritory of Australia. His parents was administrators up there. When independance came in 1975 it was way too early but the Government Air heads of the day would not listen to thier own adminstrators up there.Went a head gave them independence.

The was about 50000 Australians running the country up there at the time and a hell of lot safer than it is today. The trouble is they tried to bring a lose collection of tribes with no cultural afinity of each other into a modern nation.The multinational mining companies could not wait to get their grubby little fingers on the mineral wealth and they have been raping the country for the last 30 odd years.Today there is about 5000 odd expats those who have nowhere else to go. Madang is the safest place for expats up there. Even so Madang has its moments.

The country has broken down back to its tribal alliences and is a failed state. I could tell ya about Bouganville.. But this is family friendly webste..And a little off topic. Best person is Kanacki he can tell some Awesome yarns of various places and tribes and he really did have an afinity with the people up there and was able to speak some native lanuages.


Senor Cuervo, AKA Crow, seems to be the story in many places where the gov acts for corporations to come in exploit the resources………
While the different groups/tribes/ethnics battle among themselves, the multinational corps rape whatever they can…….
We see this same playbook being used to destabilize some countries that, previously it was believed to be impossible happening right now…….
Little choice but to adapt or move……….

Ladies, Gents:
As Crow puts it nicely===

"It has been said " After individual armed conflict, one never is the same, one lives so intently during that brief moment, that for some it is like a drug, you will be living and looking for another hit forever after"

It is the sane with treasures.

That is soo true, this is why I drifted to exploration and Lost mines in the then semi hostile areas. It ruined me for conventional life. In many ways it was not fair to my family.

Not too many understand what you have put so nicely in prin

Senor Don Jose, after experiencing "conflict zones", we are changed……
As with most things in life, there is good and bad…….not fitting in with conventional life is one aspect, yet with this came a freedom that is only possible once freed from fitting in with conventional life.
Vaya con Dios mi amigo.

Culinary Caveman Indeed I agree to the utmost. Most tourist resorts in these places are foreign owned with a gate into their own gated communities. Truth of the matter most tourists have little or no interaction with the locals and thus the economic benefits of tourism is not passed down to the ordinary people. It sows the seeds of resentment around when wealthy foreign nationals arrive in the own communities take the best real estate close off private beaches making the locals feel like their trespassing in their own country.

Doc-d and Don Jose living from minute to minute can indeed place a heavy toll on relationships and Family. Such is the curse of the lust for fortune and glory.

Kanacki grew up in and he still to this day amazes me is one of these free spirits that is totally unfazed about the chaos around him. Hes the type of guy that can walk through an artillery barrage without a scratch. And yet I seen his deep affinity with native people as if he knows how to make contact with people. Ya know I seen myself how he handles first contact with natives..... It is an amazing experience....

For anyone who does not know what first contact is like.... take a look at the following clip it is an amazing to see the reactions of natives who have never seen white man before. It is like us meeting an alien from outer space.


Fascinating video of the first contact.

And it is very true that tourists travel to new places and yet remain among their own, viewing and to a very limited extent, interacting with the "natives"…
(natives being anybody different from them).
For those who reject the world, do not fit in the conventional world; of family and friends, few care to understand and prefer to remain trapped in convention.
As for fame and fortune, they do not bring happiness, nor for most, anything good……..

This video of first contact……I wonder how these people are now…….has entering into our world made things better or worse for them?

Hello Doc-d

Sadly no doubt they have most likely ended up like the rest of the tribes in the poverty of the slums surrounding towns. Caught between the stone age world and the White mans modern world. Stoned off their face living in humpy listening to hip hop New Guinea gang style songs engaging in various acts of violence hating all white men.


The allure of the modern life too often destroys whatever it touches…………it is for too many a trap where their freedom is lost.

The trap of the "modern world" that has resulted in so much misery, poverty and being spiritually lost, few resist this. The Amish and Mennonites have to varying degrees rejected this trap and flourish, seem much happier and have retained their families and communities.

Hi doc, I don't believe in a complete write off of modern civilization, just the proper blending. In the case of PNG the mistake was in handing complete control to people that weren't ready for it, both education wise and socially.. When this happens it generally takes a generation or so to accomplish. In between tines we have witch hunts and revolutions.


Hello Don Jose amigo I cannot agree more.

For what we are doing right now communicating ideas from around the world creating a collective universal consensus that has never happened in the history of mankind.


Can't prove it beyond that it was sworn to on a stack of John Bols Geneva gin bottles, that he saw this posted over Crows bar n Magnetic Island

“For better digestion I drink beer,
In the case of appetite loss I drink white wine,
In the case of low blood pressure I drink red wine.
In the case of high blood pressure I drink scotch,
And when I have a cold I drink schnapps.”

“When do you drink water?”

“I have never been that sick"

Can't prove it beyond that it was sworn to on a stack of John Bols Geneva gin bottles, that he saw this posted over Crows bar n Magnetic Island

“For better digestion I drink beer,
In the case of appetite loss I drink white wine,
In the case of low blood pressure I drink red wine.
In the case of high blood pressure I drink scotch,
And when I have a cold I drink schnapps.”

“When do you drink water?”

“I have never been that sick"

Argh ...It gets a bit like this these days....

Or perhaps...:laughing7:


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Is there anything that Crow supplement cannot cure……….

Hi Crow ,
Combining two of your favourite pastimes ...... a good yarn an a wee dram.


Eye Banana my Fine highlander its true never under estimate the canny Scots ...

Let it not be forgotten for it was they the bitter Scots that mourned their loss of independence after the battle of Culloden in 1746 in their speeches about freedom and liberty that influenced characters like Ben Franklin and others who helped sowed the seeds of rebellion in the Colony's of North America that lead to Birth of Nation. Fantastic excellent Bar story telling how some thing can grow from nothing...An inspiration for all of ye.

And From little things big things can really grow. And will my fine friend, Scotland the Brave rise her flag again once more and break away from the Union?

I know that ragged New Guinean Scottish Highlander Kanacki will salute you with a wee dram of the noble drop as Scotland decides her future.....

Cheers Crow

Is there anything that Crow supplement cannot cure……….

Hello Doc-d

If we got our spineless candy ass politicians who run our countries and other countries we are in conflict with and sat around a campfire and drank a few beers like real men and sorted their crap out we wouldn't in the crap we are today.

To hell with them all and run up your own rebel flag....

better to die under ya own flag than cower under some one else's....

Cheers to all..


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