Lost Zimmerman Ship of Gold

Mackydon, if you are interested in some searching/exploring later this fall and through late spring, let me know.
Have scuba and MD's at my place in Ecuador…..
Much history there and much to be searched.

Senor pajaro negro (black bird), agreed.

There s one thing that makes this website pleasurable is when some one says they have enjoyed the the post. Because that's what its all about sharing yarns..In a common interest in treasure yarns.

Don Amigo Mancha has many such yarns.... He has earned a seat at Crows orish Blarney bar... Tis a decendant of ye who has Kissed the Blarney stone my friend. Legend states to kiss the Blarney stone gives one the power of speech ... And thus this old too bird has also puckered up his beak and kissed the stone hanging upside down by my ankles.....

And perhaps for good measure as today the old bird tubbed up today and gave a talk on treasure legends to about 100 or so people. And I did not see too many snoozing either....

Old Crow

Senor pajaro negro, AKA black bird, AKA Crow, have you ever written your stories for publication?
Perhaps some kind soul would make a video of your talk and provide a link for all of us here who eagerly await the next yarns from your beak.
Our Don Jose has been slow in finishing his book, much to the sorrow of all here.

Crow, I joined the sight about 3 years ago but hadn't logged on in a couple of years. The other day I checked in and the sight has now become my go to for reading material while having my morning coffee. I truly enjoy the yarns! Y'all keep up the good work.

Don Jose

You wrote " Come to sunny beautiful Mexico, Land of brown, & green eyed lovely senoritas,easy living, and lost mines, "

Yes , I believe the bellas señoritas and the Jesuit lost mines are a combinación which " kill " .

chica bonita.webp

Green eyed gals, lost mines and easy living?
The problem is, the trifecta is never without difficulties that are attracted to the trifecta, and it is these difficulties that make it less of a utopia.

Doc, ya wanna live forever?? Only 'I' and El Cuervo will do that !! So learn to enjoy life, ya gotta run your fingers through Golden hair of piles of Gold

And if you are not living on the edge, you may be taking up too much space.
(I heard that once and never forgot it--for some reason though I have now forgotten who said it to me.)
Selective memory at this age, for sure.

Hello Mackaydon

I like the saying...Life is about living it.

There will always be valid excuses not do things. We could spend our whole life making excuses while your whole life slips away from you in safe boring mundane jobs existing yet never truly living. And secretly hate yourself for it.

For me personally I could never settle back into that life. Once you taste the world outside you change and come back to people who you once knew a different person. You know I tried it once and felt like a caged bird and ya can't cage a bird as a bird needs to fly my friend. And once you taste that freedom from a life time of experiences the world never looks the same.

I intend to leave this world how I came into it Bare assed and hollering...:laughing7:


Crow, agreed……..once you experience some freedom, I do not wish to go back……
and it is that freedom that will allow a person to experience the world in ways few know……
Vaya con Dios

Crow, agreed……..once you experience some freedom, I do not wish to go back……
and it is that freedom that will allow a person to experience the world in ways few know……
Vaya con Dios

Hello doc-d One I so foolishy left out in my earlier post is.. as you referred to earlier Freedom does indeed comes at a price.

Culinary Caveman there many places where ya can have that trifecta but stealing Oros Saying Treasure is where you find it.

If my head does not cave in I am overdue for my Grandpa nap....I tell ya yarn so pull up a bar stool at the blarney bar and lend me ya ears


You've got my undivided attention. The stories are the treasure for me. If one should lead to something tangible that's terrific. If not my imagination and soul have been rewarded by the prospect.

Well old Crow

has had his grandpa nap...Okay where was I? Oh yes that yarn that got away before the power nap kicked in.

These is few here will probably know the yarn as Hardluck told this one many times. I was there at the bar that night but my attention was slight distracted drunk 2 dollar Mary showing off her wobblies. At the infamous bar and den of iniquity the Madang Social club in Papa New guinea .It was a place where all the expats hung out to drink to drown their sorrows. We had come back from few weeks in the bush in highland drilling and we were on a mission of self destruction. The heat on coastal lowlands was extremely oppressive there is just no escaping it. Alcohol was it seemed at good excuse to deal with it. But a few ales dulled the pain.

The Madang Socail club had a strange mix of people all seeking tempory relief of some form normality as living in Papa new Guinea is anything but normal. Bar had every everything from flipped out hippies with tin foil hats that was too stoned to know the vietnam war had ended years ago, Ex Veterans finding this very sorry ass part world better than the homes they had come from. Others were hiding from the law that had stuffed up once too often and had no place to go. There was Miners Geologist and some of the original administrators who for one reason or another stayed on after independence. And the odd mercenary would blow in blow out. That coupled with alchol which was being fed to these dinosaurs with liberal amounts of women of ill repute made this a watering hole for the stateless and dateless...

That was the Madang Social Club My Friends. And of Course the Unholy trio and the devils misfits fit in like a glove.

It was on one of those hot humid night drowning our sorrows like no tomorrow Hardluck struck up a conversation with a middle age American from East Coast of United States. He did say the state. But to be honest at the time we had been drinking rum and beer chasers and my attentions had been distracted dancing wobblies and missed some parts of conversation. It Turned out this man was interested in Kanacki because Kanacki has been all over in West Papa and new the region well. We suspected this fellow to be CIA? He was asking a lot of questions about the West Papa independence group in the Indonesian side of the island.

However that said the topic of conversation about losing fortunes came up. I can recall his name er....from beer memory was Denis??? He sucked us into yarn about a fortune found and fortune lost.

He said to Hardluck and me when is treasure not a treasure?

We was a little stunned at the question... However he continued drinking and told the following story. Many years when was a young man he lived some where along the coast of new England. He in studying for University took break and rented a cabin on some lonely windswept coast of New England or one of the states up there. I cannot remember the exact place he said. He had brought his trusty dog and roamed the beaches fishing. And just generally enjoying walking along the windswept beaches being out in the fresh air with the dog having the time of his life.

During one of his walks with the dog he discovered a bank that had the sand eroded away and a small crevice that revealed the remains of old small sack or bag and a pile of round clay balls the size of marbles. He scooped them up and continued his walk playing with the dog as he walked up the beach. Then the idea came up of throwing and skipping the clay balls across the water in which he did with quite good fun watch his dog chase the balls as the disappeared into the waves.

And Denis continued as gulped down his Bourbon with a frown. It was a pleasure having that walk along that beach.... But it came with a sting. Denis on returning home to his parents house was in the process of getting his laundry done when 2 remaining clay balls fell out of his coat pocket and rolled along the floor. One had broken open and inside was diamond was inside. This as dear friends as you imagine yourselves now puzzled picked up the remaining clay ball and broke it open to another diamond.....And then it all hit like a ton of bricks in a massive panic attack when he realized that he had thrown about of hundred of the clay balls out into the ocean...

Gems in the past was some times smuggled as contraband and rolled in wet clan to prevent theft. Where they came from is anyones Guess and the New Engalnd coast is littered with shipwrecks, sumggling and pirates. And with that Densis signed and said "When is a treasure not a treasure? When your not prepared to look?

We toasted to that and he bought us another round....



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