tvanwho wrote
Turns out to be a gold mine, will I know if it is the LDM mine or not?
Maybe I don't even care as long as I can get enough gold to retire on and leave it at that. Was the gold all in a lode or a placer? What did the host ore look like? I hear it was a pinkish quartz? Would a Whites MXT metal detector beep over it?
This got to be a very long reply, so I must beg your indulgence.
Well I am no expert on this, but IN MY OPINION only the ore itself will positively identify whether it is the same mine of Jacob Waltz or not, for gold ores are like fingerprints in that no two sources are identical, and the ore from Jacob Waltz's source is unlike any known source.
Based on what Waltz said to his friends, the host rock is not what a gold prospector would identify as a host rock, or it is in a place that would not be a logical place to find gold ore. Now many will disagree with me on this, as the two most popularly known versions of how Waltz discovered the mine have it first owned by Spanish or Mexican Peraltas or other Mexicans, but according to the third version which is not well known, he found it by following "float" that is by prospecting with a small portable dry washer, up to the source which proved to be the vein of gold. So by this version, there is at least SOME placer gold that came from the vein (which is logical for any lode gold deposit) not necessarily very much placer gold however, more likely only the tiniest specks and not many of them. Otherwise the mine would have been easily found many years ago and would not be a mystery at all today.
As for the color of the ore, it is possible that it COULD be pinkish quartz, the existing examples of Waltz's ore show a WHITE quartz ore, which is apparently of hypothermal type deposit based on the size of the grain of the rock and gold pieces in it. Hypothermal type gold deposits are the rarest type in Arizona (I know of only two in the whole state) but these are generally very rich and run to extreme depths in the earth. The Vulture mine is one of the two, and many have proposed that this is the source of Waltz's ore, which he denied and the ore does not match so cannot be. A sample of the ore, compared with the known existing examples of Waltz's ore, examined by a geologist or a good assayer, should settle the case absolutely. Here is a photo of a match box made from the gold ore found beneath Waltz's bed
<hope it works, if not go to the link>
Many have claimed to have found the Lost Dutchman mine (over 80 as I recall) but only ONE person actually had ore which matched the ore of Jacob Waltz, that being Walt Gassler. Even Joe Deering, John Chuning, Sims Ely, Apache Jack, Wagoner and all the others,
all had ore which was quite different from Waltz's ore, indicating that there are SEVERAL gold deposits within the Superstition mountains, even though this is one of the very worst places in America to hunt for gold, geologically speaking.
I do not own a White's MXT, but based on how rich the ore is, almost ANY metal detector ought to find it easily, set to "all metals" mode. A major problem is going to be iron in the rock, not sure how good the MXT is at tuning this out but it ought to be capable of it.
This is all
MY OPINION only, as I said there are plenty of folks who would disagree with me on this and point to various other points of evidence as proof, which perhaps is enough to satisfy them - but for me it is the ore which will seal the case once and for all, and nothing else.
Good luck and good hunting tvanwho, I hope you find the treasures that you seek!

your friend,