There is not lost Dutchman's mine without the horse head and without the three like wickiups shape landmarks near by. And like Godeep has mentioned, these landmarks should be seen from the ground level.
Just for the sake of the LDM saga, I will post a few modified real pictures, which show the horse head and the three " wickiups " landmarks.
The " h " picture has been shot from high grounds across from the horse head landmark. The " ears " of the horse head landmark are actually the first two from the left " wickiups ", with the third wickiup to the right which " lies back " of the horse head, to be mistakenlly confused with the horse's " ear " . But all these are in the eyes of the beholder.
The " hr " picture has been shot from low grounds and from side of the horse head landmark. here you can see how the horse's " ears " are not so well recognizable but still exist. The horse looks little different but is the same from the picture " h ".
As a bonus for you my LDM hunters, in the " hr2 " picture, I marked with a yellow dot the spot of the inclined shaft LDM and with a red dot I marked the spot of Waltz's beloved lost mine with the big ore cache ( ex dr. Thorne residual placer ).
I don't claim I found the LDM like many others, maybe because it has never been lost to me?
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