Lost dutchman mine possibly found!

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Im also going to get someone to start communicating on here for me, just know it wont be me on my posts anymore.

Why are you leaving us? Will it be your attorney communicating with us or another interested party? You'll be missed.

So you are going to fly the UK leader in under "National Interest"? What National Interest is the UK leader pertinent to your Supreme Court case?

How can you tag me in something, and twist everything up that i said. I obliviously didnt say the things you are saying. Like you tagged my exact words... A reason Im getting someone to take over my posts

How can you tag me in something, and twist everything up that i said. I obliviously didnt say the things you are saying. Like you tagged my exact words... A reason Im getting someone to take over my posts

I apologize if I didn't understand your meaning. That's why I asked questions. Feel free to clarify the below statement, I read it to mean you were having a VIP from England come in to examine the mine and support your court case? Was I wrong?

But if it makes you feel better... It is of "national interest" to fly such person into the US from the UK to film the worlds richest goldmine for the history channel... And that's just another add on to my case. They flew the UK leader in for trumps rally so they can fly her in under "National interest" also

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Ill let you know who will be communicating for me after i talk to my lawyer

Im going to have every lawyer in accomack county on this case. Anita johnson is ready for a supreme court hearing as soon as i give the green light. But Im not going disclose any info of my case, but Im definitely prepared on many ways of attacking this case.

I looked up the Supreme Court Dockett and they have no pending cases for anything even remotely related to the topic of this thread. Do you have the Dockett number and attorney of record for this case she is ready to bring at your say so?

Also, I looked up and reached out to Anita Johnson, Esq, Accomack County, she's primarily a Real Estate and Family law attorney, licensed to practice in Virginia and Maryland. They have no cases pending in court related to the topic of this thread. Plus, she isn't licensed to practice out West and you need to bring your suits in the district for which you claim your rights were violated.

And one more thing... Oroblanco Did you write "new cabin "? I liked the article, contrary to my beliefs on the dutchman . .. It was still a really good article

I looked up the Supreme Court Dockett and they have no pending cases for anything even remotely related to the topic of this thread. Do you have the Dockett number and attorney of record for this case she is ready to bring at your say so?

Also, I looked up and reached out to Anita Johnson, Esq, Accomack County, she's primarily a Real Estate and Family law attorney, licensed to practice in Virginia and Maryland. They have no cases pending in court related to the topic of this thread. Plus, she isn't licensed to practice out West and you need to bring your suits in the district for which you claim your rights were violated.

Again Im not telling you my plans, when it becomes public view you will see it. Ill make sure you know by then. Do you need proof of who Im talking too from goldrush also? Because i got that and Im not going to give it to you... I might be willing to give that to a moderator for review... Maybe. And i said my lawyer is waiting for the green light from me. Twist everything i say all you want

Again Im not telling you my plans, when it becomes public view you will see it. Ill make sure you know by then. Do you need proof of who Im talking too from goldrush also? Because i got that and Im not going to give it to you... I might be willing to give that to a moderator for review... Maybe. And i said my lawyer is waiting for the green light from me. Twist everything i say all you want

I apologize if you feel I twisted your words. Your brought up that you have a Supreme Court Case, that you have representation, that you have an apparent VIP flying in from England. I've asked simple, pointed questions that can easily be answered and set the record straight.

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And Im sorry if you are confused. Anita has a special connection to my very rich uncle who has hundreds of millions of dollars. With a member of goldrush talking to me, Anita can get my uncle to back us if need be. But that's all Im going to say. But Im still curious about " Oroblanco's New Cabin " I read everything dutchman, but i still liked that article

Im going to have every lawyer in accomack county on this case. Anita johnson is ready for a supreme court hearing as soon as i give the green light. But Im not going disclose any info of my case, but Im definitely prepared on many ways of attacking this case.

I'm curious what you mean by your "case". I've re-read the thread in it's entirety the past hour and a couple of facts:

1. You don't own the mine you came across.

2. You don't own a lease to the mine you came across.

3. You don't own the land the mine is on, you stated the gov't owns it.

4. The only "boots on the ground" evidence you have is a grainy picture of the a hole in the ground. You said your phone died.

5. You testified you removed no fill or gold from the mine as the gov't prohibits it so you have no verification to provide anyone there is gold on the site (pictures of ore or actual ore).

6. You haven't been back to the mine and said you can't go back until next winter when it's cool.

So this is all question begging, what claim of grievance and a "case ready to go at the Supreme Court" do you have? Who is denying or violating your rights?

Only on the ground evidence obtained:

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And Im sorry if you are confused. Anita has a special connection to my very rich uncle who has hundreds of millions of dollars. With a member of goldrush talking to me, Anita can get my uncle to back us if need be. But that's all Im going to say. But Im still curious about " Oroblanco's New Cabin " I read everything dutchman, but i still liked that article

Ah Ok, so Anita Johnson, Esq, isn't the attorney who has your Supreme Court Case ready to go at your green light (well, obviously, I already confirmed she isn't), she's just your connection to the multi-millionaire uncle and she can possibly get you backed by him. Thanks for the straightforward answer, it clears things up on Anita.

So, Who is the attorney representing you in Supreme Court Case you have ready to go at your greenlight? Do you have a docket number you can share?

I'm not even asking for specifics of the case, just an short statement on what rights of yours have been violated that have you slated to be heard before the Supreme Court?

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And for the record thank you for everyone who called the blm. I was averaging a thousand views a day and google penalized me. I didnt want a 100000 people ruining the artifacts to this mine.

And for the record thank you for everyone who called the blm. I was averaging a thousand views a day and google penalized me. I didnt want a 100000 people ruining the artifacts to this mine.

Speaking of calls....Did you acquire a new phone , or new battery , or solar charger yet?

And for the record thank you for everyone who called the blm. I was averaging a thousand views a day and google penalized me. I didnt want a 100000 people ruining the artifacts to this mine.

What/who's BLM?

Speaking of calls....Did you acquire a new phone , or new battery , or solar charger yet?

I shouldnt need to, if Im going to be on the history channel and they are going to film IT.

If you dont know what the bureau of land management is, then i dont feel like you are educated enough to be argueing with me right now

Is this Roger or Roger's By Proxy? Speaking of educated, what's "argueing" mean? Did you mean "arguing"?

I shouldnt need to, if Im going to be on the history channel and they are going to film IT.

Yes, but per your earlier post, you don't have a contract yet. They aren't going to send out a production crew or film crew based on the scant evidence you've provided so far. You'll need your camera to document the cave, the gold, the surroundings. You just recently testified that you can't get back to the site until winter and the only in person, boots on the ground, visual evidence you have is a blurry picture posted below. You also testified you took no samples of ore or dirt from the site due to gov't regulations. You're going to need some good documentation to get them to send out a scout to verify you claims and then maybe they'll enter into a contract.


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