Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this picture?

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

mrs.oroblanco said:
I would say that, at some point, either Waltz lied, or, much like the conversations here - things that happened have been stretched, turned, things eliminated and god knows what else.

First - one has to to decide just who they want to believe. If you believe Sims Ely (which, by the way, some credit is given by Helen Corbin as to his corroboration), it was Weiser, not Waltz, who "rescued" Peralta and started the old ball rolling for the mine.

If you read the Holmes manuscript - neither Waltz nor Weiser even KNEW a Peralta. In fact, the Holmes manuscript says what about Weiser? Nothing. In fact, what it says (shortened version), is that Waltz was on a prospecting trip to the Picket Post area, decided he didn't like it, started back, met up with Indians, lost his outfit and escaped. Came across some Mexicans who KNEW where there was a mine that Pedro Peralta had made 3 expeditions to, complete with soldiers, wives, children and livestock, who were demolished by the Indians, with only a 12 year old boy escaping (that boy was one of the 3 Mexicans that Waltz met up with after the Indian mess on his return trip from Picket Post to Fort McDowell, and went to the mine with them on his first trip). Oh, and it also mentions Waltz bringing lumber and building a rocker box. It also mentions that Holmes had followed Waltz into the Supes, and Waltz considered killing him.
The story was supposedly told to Holmes and Roberts.

Then, there is the Storm version, complete with deerskin map and Barry Storm's own signature and Rose's version. (and many, many other stories after Waltz died).

So, how do you pick and choose. More than one person has spent many, many years interviewing and taking copious notes and gathered piles of evidence.

As far as I can tell, the best bet is to take only the things that correspond to all reasonable accounts, and put the other things - not out of your mind - but on the back burner.

Keeping this all in mind, yes, there is "more likely" and "less likely", but, really, how can you determine who's story is "more likely" true?

According to the Holmes manuscript, the mine was already dug 4 feet across - and Waltz, after working it, went and cut timbers and placed them 6 feet down, filled the rest with rock, etc, and added a trap to kill anyone who messed with it. I haven't heard of any stories of prospectors with missing body parts. (and traps don't reset themselves).

So----what do all the stories have in common? One of the investigators/writers (and Bark) took notes, and came up with about 40 points that they considered valid and corroborated.

But, again - has it been found????


Good post. This legend is completely based on hearsay, purportedly much of it from Waltz himself. Waltz told people things about the origin of his hoarded gold, even on his deathbed, but we can't know (yet) if any of those things were the truth or all of it was disinformation. You can bet those he told things to were not totally forthcoming later.

There does seem to be circumstantial evidence of pre-settlement Mexican mining in a number of locations in central Arizona, perhaps in many locations including today's Superstitions. The ore from all these early discovered oxidation zone deposits were likely rich or very rich. Waltz certainly was aware of this, and if he wanted to deceive, he would have had an easy time of it, pegging 'his mine' to a hidden Mexican workings, 'in the Salt River Mountains'. There are probably a number of concealed Mexican mines in the area. One of them may be Waltz's. Even if none of them are, they would still be worth locating.

There is no reason to expect Waltz was any different than other people - he would have lied to protect his secret. Even towards the end, he may have lied to the Julia camp - we don't know. On his deathbed, he may have lied to Holmes - we don't know. We are told he was remorseful and guilt-ridden at the end - if his gains were ill-gotten, perhaps this would have been a further reason to leave the source of his guilt hidden. We don't know. Based on human nature, we have no reason to assume he told the truth to anyone.

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

gollum said:
Figure that out and you unravel the whole ball of twine. Right now, it is all very incongruous and twisted. Find that one thing, and it will break down into something pretty simple, like ANY math problem.


Here I go again... "Thinking" - Only spawning thought - I have NOT "found it"! < let me make that perfectly clear.

Sooo... Other than gold, how would you go about telling someone that you think you have found that one thing, without being looked upon like you were “Twisted”. < Although, I like "Twisted" for some reason. :dontknow:


Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Javaone said:
gollum said:
Figure that out and you unravel the whole ball of twine. Right now, it is all very incongruous and twisted. Find that one thing, and it will break down into something pretty simple, like ANY math problem.


Here I go again... "Thinking" - Only spawning thought - I have NOT "found it"! < let me make that perfectly clear.

Sooo... Other than gold, how would you go about telling someone that you think you have found that one thing, without being looked upon like you were “Twisted”. < Although, I like "Twisted" for some reason. :dontknow:


Other than gold, would be a different set of requirements for every person. Not sure that conforming to popular belief is such a great thing either, being 'different' or having a different approach may make the difference in finding rather than seeking.

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
Javaone said:
gollum said:
Figure that out and you unravel the whole ball of twine. Right now, it is all very incongruous and twisted. Find that one thing, and it will break down into something pretty simple, like ANY math problem.


Here I go again... "Thinking" - Only spawning thought - I have NOT "found it"! < let me make that perfectly clear.

Sooo... Other than gold, how would you go about telling someone that you think you have found that one thing, without being looked upon like you were “Twisted”. < Although, I like "Twisted" for some reason. :dontknow:


Other than gold, would be a different set of requirements for every person. Not sure that conforming to popular belief is such a great thing either, being 'different' or having a different approach may make the difference in finding rather than seeking.

"the sin of greed requires only the life you live"

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
Javaone said:
gollum said:
Figure that out and you unravel the whole ball of twine. Right now, it is all very incongruous and twisted. Find that one thing, and it will break down into something pretty simple, like ANY math problem.


Here I go again... "Thinking" - Only spawning thought - I have NOT "found it"! < let me make that perfectly clear.

Sooo... Other than gold, how would you go about telling someone that you think you have found that one thing, without being looked upon like you were “Twisted”. < Although, I like "Twisted" for some reason. :dontknow:


Other than gold, would be a different set of requirements for every person. Not sure that conforming to popular belief is such a great thing either, being 'different' or having a different approach may make the difference in finding rather than seeking.

Thanks Oro for your reply,

Personally, it is already hard enough just trying to tell a friend that you are actively seeking the LDM – They just look at you like you’re wacked in the head. :tongue3:


Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Javaone wrote
Personally, it is already hard enough just trying to tell a friend that you are actively seeking the LDM – They just look at you like you’re wacked in the head

Jerry - as you know, the only person you really have to convince is yourself; our opinion (sorry amigos but this is true) as a group or individually doesn't make much difference. In a way, it is a good thing that many people think anyone who goes out treasure hunting is whacko - less competition. :icon_thumleft:

Blindbowman wrote
"the sin of greed requires only the life you live"

Huh? ??? :icon_scratch: You are making a mighty big assumption there. I thought you were getting to know me, but apparently not.

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

i had a friend that was thinking just that .. then i showed him a picture .. he said thats not a very good picture it could be just the angle makeing it look like something when its not real what you think it is .. i lol and showed him a nother picture of the same thing from a angle about 35 yards away from where the other picture was taken from ................. they dont lol any more ...!
in fact they wanted to invest and i said no .,.. i am not backrupt yet ...lol

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
Javaone wrote
Personally, it is already hard enough just trying to tell a friend that you are actively seeking the LDM – They just look at you like you’re wacked in the head

Jerry - as you know, the only person you really have to convince is yourself; our opinion (sorry amigos but this is true) as a group or individually doesn't make much difference. In a way, it is a good thing that many people think anyone who goes out treasure hunting is whacko - less competition. :icon_thumleft:

Blindbowman wrote
"the sin of greed requires only the life you live"

Huh? ??? :icon_scratch: You are making a mighty big assumption there. I thought you were getting to know me, but apparently not.

what that means is that if you live life for your self you are already effected by greed because you have place your self before God ..

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Blindbowman wrote
what that means is that if you live life for your self you are already effected by greed because you have place your self before God ..

Yeah that is me alright, nothing but greed. :wink: :headbang: That is why I go looking for gold and silver, pure greed 100%. :o ::) :tongue3: If you want to find greed I suggest you check out the folks on Wall Street. :thumbsup:

Seriously where do you get this stuff? Is that what you think the search for the Lost Dutchman is all about, just greed? :dontknow: :help:
Sign me puzzled again,

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

I really, really wonder where we are all going wrong?!
We discuss details page up and page down - and we all seem to make the the same mistake in our assumptions - since no-one has come up with anything (*chuckles* at least in public!)

Maybe it might be worthwhile to go back to the very 'start' - which (obviously, I hope) would be with ole Jacob and then draw a line and try to figure out where the different paths start to diverge ...

Just thinking out loud here ...


Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?


You are 100% correct. Examine the story/evidence that came from sources closest to the actual events.

Take care,


Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Roy in fact i agree your greed is limited to ones dreams ... :coffee2:

my little RC heli crashed , bad the other day .. had to send it out to get it fixed ... it took off at full speed in the kitchen .. i think you get the idea how many parts went flying ...lol

it was time to duck and run for cover ..i keep working on things and sooner or later everything will be ready at the same time ...lol

thats what i keep telling my self ..

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Inside the house? Yikes! :o

Just an observation concerning greed and gold mining; in my experience, most people have pretty much zero greed in them after a single day of mining gold. Sweat and blisters have a way of just evaporating any greed a person might have. ;D

Loke wrote
Maybe it might be worthwhile to go back to the very 'start' - which (obviously, I hope) would be with ole Jacob and then draw a line and try to figure out where the different paths start to diverge ...

Just thinking out loud here ...

I agree with Cactusjumper's post in reply - ditto. I still wonder about the Florence/Adams Mill/Sacaton connections and how this may point to where that mine really is.

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
Inside the house? Yikes! :o

Just an observation concerning greed and gold mining; in my experience, most people have pretty much zero greed in them after a single day of mining gold. Sweat and blisters have a way of just evaporating any greed a person might have. ;D

Loke wrote
Maybe it might be worthwhile to go back to the very 'start' - which (obviously, I hope) would be with ole Jacob and then draw a line and try to figure out where the different paths start to diverge ...

Just thinking out loud here ...

I agree with Cactusjumper's post in reply - ditto. I still wonder about the Florence/Adams Mill/Sacaton connections and how this may point to where that mine really is.

ya its funny how hard rock is a hour after you start brakeing it ... lol its a matter of good tools made for what your doing .. and there is no reason to mine anything at this point ,, at lest not for me

i really dont think we will work the mines at all..

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
In a way, it is a good thing that many people think anyone who goes out treasure hunting is whacko - Less competition. :icon_thumleft:


Oro, Per, Joe

You wrote: “Generalized – It might not be a bad idea to re-evaluate the possible location.” I say NAH… <silly thought. You guys just keep doing what you are doing, I’m sure its got to be there. ::) 8) hehe

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

BB, you posted-->what that means is that if you live life for your self you are already effected by greed because you have place your self before God ..
My motto is simply "I exist to Live, not live to exist". Just as the Lord intended.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Roy stated;

I agree with Cactusjumper's post in reply - ditto. I still wonder about the Florence/Adams Mill/Sacaton connections and how this may point to where that mine really is.


Now your coming around and realizing which clues are starting to make sense. Follow this line of thought and you will see the clouds begin to rise and the truth will be revealed to the seeker (buscar). The primary purpose of the Stone Maps was (and still is) to lead us away from the true treasure. Think about it...

Ellie Baba

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Ellie Baba said:
Roy stated;

I agree with Cactusjumper's post in reply - ditto. I still wonder about the Florence/Adams Mill/Sacaton connections and how this may point to where that mine really is.


Now your coming around and realizing which clues are starting to make sense. Follow this line of thought and you will see the clouds begin to rise and the truth will be revealed to the seeker (buscar). The primary purpose of the Stone Maps was (and still is) to lead us away from the true treasure. Think about it...

Ellie Baba

Well I never was convinced that the Peralta stones are connected to Waltz to start with. After all, Waltz went to the mine without any stone maps, never mentioned them to his friends and he was able to find it alright. If you go back to the sources where the whole legend of the Lost Dutchman began, there are not only no stone maps but no Jesuits either. Waltz only mentioned one mine too, rather than a whole group of them as is in the Peralta legend. For some folks, just ONE extremely rich gold mine to hunt for just isn't enough, it seems. :dontknow: I don't think the stone maps are necessary for finding the lost gold mine of Jacob Waltz.

Re: Lost Dutchman in the Superstitions? What is wrong with this 'picture'?

Oroblanco said:
Ellie Baba said:
Roy stated;

I agree with Cactusjumper's post in reply - ditto. I still wonder about the Florence/Adams Mill/Sacaton connections and how this may point to where that mine really is.


Now your coming around and realizing which clues are starting to make sense. Follow this line of thought and you will see the clouds begin to rise and the truth will be revealed to the seeker (buscar). The primary purpose of the Stone Maps was (and still is) to lead us away from the true treasure. Think about it...

Ellie Baba

Well I never was convinced that the Peralta stones are connected to Waltz to start with. After all, Waltz went to the mine without any stone maps, never mentioned them to his friends and he was able to find it alright. If you go back to the sources where the whole legend of the Lost Dutchman began, there are not only no stone maps but no Jesuits either. Waltz only mentioned one mine too, rather than a whole group of them as is in the Peralta legend. For some folks, just ONE extremely rich gold mine to hunt for just isn't enough, it seems. :dontknow: I don't think the stone maps are necessary for finding the lost gold mine of Jacob Waltz.

The question is; if the stone maps are real – What was their intended purpose? - To lead to a mine, or to lead to a cache? :dontknow:

It is fairly safe to say; the stones were never in the picture during the Waltz/LDM era. According to some it was a Peralta that divulged the location of the mine to waltz (or his partner). Chances are good that the Peralta who gave Waltz the location had no knowledge of the stones either.

IF the stones are real, and the end of the trail can be pin pointed – it would be likely that a mine(s) would be in the general vicinity.


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