Blindbowman wrote
why do i waste my time .. ..?
logic is based on related factors .. the Lost dutchman mine was not waltz's to start with or the peralta's ..or Tayopa's
the mine is worthless IMHO ..
and i believe you are wrong the topic is the mine not what it was called by waltz or the peralta or tayopa ..
the true focus is the mine it self .. not the name, waltz was so full of Sh ** i can not even type it on this web site
waltz was afraid to go back to the mine .. he was scared of his own shadow ...most of what you have been told is made up BS ..
waltz was a no buddy .. don't you under stand that ..?
the lost Dutchman mine is total BS
you want the truth ... you really want the real truth .. the white man came and seen gold and silver ,and killed the greatest hope mankind ever had .. they destroyed chicomoztoc .. killed the old and young and made the rest of them slaves in the mines ... the Jesuit and the Spanish got what they gave ...
if your smart you wont make the same mistake
Well, no one ever accused me of being smart! I have to respectfully disagree on several points here. First the topic is
whether the Lost Dutchman mine truly is located in the Superstitions, at least that is what I started this thread on. Next, I don't ever consider it a waste of my time to talk with friends, even when we disagree. Next, you say Jacob Waltz is a nobody, scared of his own shadow etc well I see that completely differently; first of all Waltz was a real pioneer and was out prospecting in the Arizona deserts while the Apaches, Yavapais and Navajos were still on the warpath. He went prospecting in what is (debatable) the most dangerous area he could go - the Superstitions which were then known as a hideout of Apaches on the warpath. You seem to be taking Holmes version over all the other evidence as far as Waltz is concerned, and note that even Holmes himself was frightened pissless when he tried tracking old Jacob and found himself looking at the business end of his rifle.
A nobody - the man who started the most famous or infamous lost mine legend in the whole USA; can you name any other lost mine legend that surpasses that of Jacob Waltz for fame? How many books, articles and even movies have been made? I have to disagree on this point completely.
You say the mine pre-dates Waltz by hundreds of years; well then those earlier miners sure must have been slow or lazy about mining, for when Waltz had it the opening was only four feet wide and the shaft only twelve feet deep. I have dug a hole half that size in one day, of course mining rock is a much different deal but think amigo, does that sound like something so vast, so ancient and connected to tremendous Aztec origin stories etc? It sure doesn't to me.
I have seen zero evidence that ties in Chicomoztoc with the LDM; nearly zero to tie in the Peraltas, and zero to tie in the Peralta stones with the Dutchman's lost mine. The last hope of mankind destroyed by the Spaniards and Jesuits? Are you referring to the same civilization that was butchering 20,000 of their neighbors over three days to satisfy the appetite of their false "god"? I don't know where or why you have arrived at your conclusions but believe me, there are other ways to see this whole history and there is nothing notably attractive or positive about those Amerindian cultures "destroyed" by Spaniard and missionary. There was a good reason why the Spaniards found other tribes so ready and willing to JOIN them against those same Aztecs, Mayans, Incas etc it was because those Amerindian cultures were savage cannibalistic butchers, not something admirable. So the Spaniards & Jesuits brought slavery and dug for gold & silver, it was far better than what the situation was before 1492!
We disagree so you automatically presume that somehow, I don't "get it" well amigo that is not the case just that I see things very differently from the way you seem to. See there is a real historical person named Jacob Waltz, and it is documented that he had some very rich gold ore, ore that came from an unknown source; he tried to tell his friends how to find his mine and died without leaving us a map to find it. His friends were not able to find his mine, and the legend was born. Why do we need to add in all this other stuff on Peraltas, Chicomoztoc, stone maps or Apaches at all? If you remove Jacob Waltz from the Lost Dutchman legend, all you have is
Sorry to have caused you to waste your time, especially since we disagree so much.