somehiker said:
Blindbowman said:
i guess i am not talking about the same Crystal skulls you are .. i am talking about one skull that was made of silcon ..all the rest are fakes .. the legend as i know it is only based on that one skull part of a codex .. and yes i did nknow most of the skulls were fakes ..
i dont watch the legend any more because untill some real evidecnce is found its nothing more then a good camp fire story . and yes i agree joe .. the true nature of the one skull has never been proven to be fake ...
i really dont watch this legend .. its not my focus point lol
i dont think i would waste time hunting for the sorce ether ...
Back in the 80's,I had the pleasure of spending a couple of hours with Anna and her crystal skull ,other maya artifacts and photo albums.I held the skull on my lap ,while she told me some of the stories and showed me her photo collection.She had a few figurines made of jade that were very similar in quality and finish,so it would have been possible,I suppose,for the Maya to have made such a skull.I have yet,though,to see any similar objects made of pure quartz crystal by the Toltec,Maya or the Aztec.
My own feeling was that Anna believed her story,perhaps a result of telling it so many times over the years.It is possible that her father purchased and later "planted" the skull for her to find,without knowing where it would all lead.
the reason i stated anything about the crystal skul was because i did find other objects made of silcon .. this same type and grade... arrow heads ..cloveis.. shocking but true .. when we relate to the legend of chicomoztoc being the brithplace of tribes .. it is the only location known to have gone threw the great flood ..
i have been trying to find someone that has one of those crystal arrowheads . to have testeed to see if it is a match to the silcon at my old site 1, my new site is more then 4 miles away but dose have this pure type of silcon ..
i agree SH i dont know if the stroy was true or faults but the logic dose not make me beleive she knew the skull was fake ..often to hide a real object fakes are made and often confused with the real object to hide its where abouts most .. its just a legend at this point .. yet for it to be found in a maya temple if it was .. then chicomoztoc is not unrelated to these sites ...
the real question is that skull fake and is there any real crystal skulls that are not fakes ...i was only makeing that statement because of the high grade silcon at site one ..
i do want to send a sample to be tested and find out as much about the silcon grade as i can .. no dout it is a almost pure grade of silcon ...