Here is the story on Kenworthy's King's Code:
Roger Newkirk is a firm believer in Kenworthy. A number of years ago he had a meeting with Chuck in Apache Junction. Kenworthy told him that he had hired Eugene Lyon, you may recognize the name, and that Dr. Lyon was the man who located the King's Code for him.
Both Roger and I tried to confirm that with Dr. Lyon, but neither of us could get in touch with him. Eventually, I got the bright idea to look for his phone number.
I called and spoke to Dr. Lyon personally. His mind and memory were seemingly very clear and precise. Kenworthy had contacted him concerning a shipwreck he was looking for in the Islands.
He told him what he could, and that was their only contact. He knew nothing about a King's Code, and had never actually worked (been hired) for Kenworthy.
Roger is a friend of mine and someone who's word I would take to the bank. He is highly respected and would not be the kind of person to make up such a story. Everyone who knows him would say the same thing.....I am certain.
There is no King's Code, and if there were, it would have been a huge joke to the rest of the world.....in that era.
Take care,