Another Governor gets into the act
Alexander Spotswood, Lt. Governor of Virgina, had some definite knowledge of the 1715 wrecks. Our friend Ivan has pointed this out. Clearly he knew some of the wrecks, at least, were in Florida. It is also clear he believed there were others in the Bahamas:
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol 3
There may be some smoke here.
What happened to Spotswood's ship is interesting:
It leaves Virginia in the summer of 1716 and is blown nearly as far east as Bermuda on its way to the Bahamas.
A few days later, it is taken by a Spanish Man of War.
One would think Spotswood's ship would have been nearing the Bahamas by the time it was taken. Would not the Spanish salvage operations near Sebastian be going full tilt in the summer of 1716?
We know the Spanish were chronically short of vessels and materials...yet Spotswood's vessel must have been fairly near the Bahamas when it was taken.
What was the Spanish Man of War doing near the Bahamas? Routine patrol?
When millions of Pieces of Eight were lying in the shallow waters of Florida?
Maybe the Spanish Man of War was looking for the same thing as Spotswood.