Looking To Buy A Gold Claim In Alaska?


Jr. Member
Feb 20, 2011
Are you considering or planning to buy a gold claim in Alaska? If you aren't here and/or don't know anyone, you are pretty much limited to looking for alaska claims for sale in Alaska online. Trouble is many of those classifieds are for giant claims being sold for hundreds of thousands, millions, and beyond. There's usually a few cheap claims for sale, but problem there is they are cheap for a reason. Most often this is due to poor gold recovery, or they over-estimated their abilities for the spot they chose.

If you are on a budget looking for a claim to buy, or to work someone else's claim on a percentage agreement I can help with that as well. From southcentral Alaska all the way up past Fairbanks I know many claim owners, and if I don't know them I usually know how to find them. One thing to realize is that there are about 50,000 actively owned claims in Alaska. There are a lot more claim owners who want to sell than you'll ever see online. Similarly there are many who are also willing to strike a deal on a percentage sharing agreement, essentially a lease. Whether your planning on buying a claim or would prefer to go on percentage share with an owner in the 2014 season, right now is the time to start on planning and permits. The bigger the operation you plan, the earlier you need to get the ball rolling. If you start a permit process in Jan 2014 to work in the summer of 2014, and you're told it takes 9 months to go through then you're season is over before it even began! Those kind of waits are typical when you seek stuff like road building permits, creek diversions, working a 4 inch dredge in a salmon stream, etc.

If you are planning to come to prospect or mine in Alaska in 2014 and don't have a claim lined up that you're satisfied with, or can't find anything within your budget and/or logistical limitations, then you're late in the game for 2014!

The service I am offering is locating the claim owner contact leads you seek. Whether you want to buy or lease. The main DNR office for all state of Alaska claims is seven miles away from my house. I can obtain more detailed claim info on anywhere in the state by going there as opposed to going to their website. This is my first place to go when looking to contact claim owners. Then all I have to do is locate them! Most live in the winter in the urban populations of places like Anchorage, Fairbanks, etc. Many of the older claim owners tend to hate the internet, they are very private.

Should you decide to hire me, the first thing we would do is determine what your needs are. Your intended mining methods, your level of experience, lease/buy option, and if you intend to buy what your budget is! If you have small budget then a percentage option would be advisable. Because even if I find you a cheap claim to buy in a well-sought after area, it may very well cost you three times the cost of the claim in transportation costs. There are a lot of cheap claims to be had of which the only way to arrive is to fly!

Once your criteria is put on paper I will immediately seek out those claims (and their owners) that meet your criteria. If they are willing to make a deal I will directly connect them to you. At that time my service is done. It is then up to you to present your offer to work the claim on a percentage or buy it outright.

I am charging $200 per lead (plus additional fees for extra services). Sounds like a lot, but often I will have to do a good bit of driving to track people down. Once I know who they are, I then have to find where they live and physically go there. I guarantee the lead will already be receptive to your criteria. I'm the one who will get the doors slammed in his face, cussed at by drunks, hit on by drunk housewives, and who knows what else. I'm a taxi driver during winter months so I know what I'm up against here! Even nice sober people get irritable fast from unexpected disturbances. Particularly strangers!

I am offering this service until the 2014 summer mining season begins. Email or pm me what you're looking for and then we'll have a chat on the phone and go from there!

Email; [email protected]

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