Looking for KGC experts to Host new Discovery Channel series

There are a couple on the forum that most likely would be interested. That being "Jack Myers" with his book "Knight's Gold" a story of the gold found at a KT's building. I do not remember his avatar. Also L.C. Baker and his quest to find his KGC treasure with his book, "The Ones that Got Away, Knights of the Golden Circle Exposed.

My two partners may be interested but for myself I do not have the free time. I could help my partners with research and locations of where to find these depositories. The only problems is really difficult to over come. ECS is most likely right that we can not do these because the US, State and City Governments will not let us dig. Some of these depositories are in the open woodlands but they are on either US Forestry Property or some Federal or State Parks. I know that is not much of an excuse but when you try for years to circumvent these obstacles you will find exactly how difficult these landlowners can be with their red tape and all.

I know exactly where three of these depositories are located. Their distance from certain locations, their compass readings, how deep they are buried and what the treasure is contained in and their dollar value at the time when they were buried. PROBLEM All three depositories are located in three different cemeteries. There is a fourth in this area but the contents are not listed.

Now I also know the general areas of five other depositories. But no exact location only a general location such as the name of a town, the landowner's name, the name of mountains or historical markers. These 8 depositories contain over $50 Million in gold face value along with 1778 large gold bricks buried split into two locations. I have the general areas but not the exact location and yes some of these are on government land. These 8 depositories today is worth about $12 Billion Dollars.

These 8 depositories are the small depositories the other 50 contain huge amounts of gold and silver upwards of $3 Trillion to $40 Trillion Dollars.

All of these depositories have maps to them and they can be obtained. There has to be a disinterment of a grave where they are located and the grave is in a National Cemetery where permission will never be granted.

franklin...I haven't knowingly read Jack Myers story on Tnet...I'll try and find it though...It Sounds Interesting!

LC Bakers threads and posts indicate he is still hunting and with his father and partners included that has been going on since the '70's Without a Vault Recovery. There are many books and some shows that have been done like that. From what I've seen of LC Bakers posts he's never claimed to know the exact location of any KGC Vaults. Did I miss that?

Until a KGC Vault/Depository is actually recovered, it doesn't matter who writes a book or does a show, it's just supposition without proof of anything. If a Knights of the Golden Circle Mega-Vault had been recovered, it would be as public as if a Bigfoot was captured.

Maybe I am wrong, but my impression of this offer from BCE is that they want to do something different and start from the beginning of a KGC expert researcher or researchers and hunters journey to the finish of recovering a KGC Vault/Depository. Not another run of the mill theory by someone without proof of anything at the conclusion of the series.

I'm not saying everyone's research, experiences and information wouldn't be an interesting round table discussion, but there would have to be something tangible other than a mason jar recovered at the end to make the series different and historically impacting.

Anybody will get a lot farther in access to areas and recovery of a KGC Vault with a strong, reputable business that has resources, legal and PR representation than an individual without that.

I'm still hoping it happens..What they are proposing would make a great series.


Movie camera's will cut through red tape to do what is not allowed?
They would assure a finder kept even a cent?

I need to keep an eye out for a cheap movie camera to buy!

There must be folks who are willing to blow a cache not belonging to them for publicity' s sake.
Those hot lights can burn a soul though. Even after the camera's are gone.

I'm sorry RC...I do not know what you are saying.

Knowing all these KGC depositories locations, you should consider being a paid consultant with points on the back end if any and all treasure is located. :thumbsup:

If they can open the door that the US Government has closed, I would readily try to recover one of these treasures. And I would love to have any and all television stations covering the event. I know what we have if only I could dig. Even one of these small depositories would be hard to lose especially since each of the depositories that I know of contains from $4 to $5 Million face value in gold coins worth about $1 or $2 Billion Dollars on the market. As for a paid consultant that only pays about $5,000. a show. I believe it is worth more than that to give away a Billion or two. If History, Discovery or National Geographic came up with a million each for my partners and I after a recovery and a percentage of the treasure recovered, then I would go for that. They could then film us recovering the other 57 Depositories.

But to do a low budget film is not in my agenda.

MY "sense" is that it is a "set-up"; by that I mean if NOTHING is found... KGC GREAT Depositories "Legends" will be seen as FAKES, Fake News, etc. OR! Maybe one person wants to be seen, as following "family legends"... NO KGC to be seen. We DO need more info on the GREAT NORTHWEST CONSPIRACY, tho. LOTS of REBS/EX-REBS, Canadian KGC were up there...

It wouldn't matter to me if a recovery was made or not. I would enjoy watching a person working their craft, hearing there theories,following some of their trails. Do more treasure shows.

Thank you for all the replies. Yes, you bring up good points about getting the proper permits, but this is nothing that can't be overcome with due diligence. Thank you for the suggestions as well.

Regarding permits/ permissions.
You can in writing before even signing a contract before starting filming , ensure the grave you are shown will be promptly disinterred? Not some year ,some decade maybe, but promptly?
Traffic would be detoured at a bridge if production company was told it needed to be ,and then the embankment be removed where indicated? ,or a several foot square of earth be removed from below the cornerstone of a government building or monument? Ect.?

Don' t take it for granted that a small purse and not asking the right authority is the reason you are needed to reveal any grail. You either can ,or can not acquire such permissions and handle the costs ,liabilities ,and results. Important stuff for a serious expert to put in your hands when their credibility is subject, depending on budget and ability to go and do things that raise official eyebrows before they furrow.

A film chasing some one or a group chasing legends would be great.
Chasing to only a finger pointed where a recovery is not possible ,but something must exist ( really?) might not be so great to anyone expecting to make a recovery or recoveries with your " diligence" backing them for permissions.

That's between you and those who take you up on your offer though. First question before submitting a contract you might expect is budget. For good reason.

Either you have clout with the government at federal and multiple states level or you don't. Going in without knowing ( though having a solid idea) if authority would be granted hints of just another ,could be theory result based on lots and lots of speculation. Sans tangible results.
Nothing unique but the alleged subject. Proof now......Would be another,story.
Were that you were an expert. Would that appeal to you?

MY "sense" is that it is a "set-up"; by that I mean if NOTHING is found... KGC GREAT Depositories "Legends" will be seen as FAKES, Fake News, etc. OR! Maybe one person wants to be seen, as following "family legends"... NO KGC to be seen. We DO need more info on the GREAT NORTHWEST CONSPIRACY, tho. LOTS of REBS/EX-REBS, Canadian KGC were up there...

I'm not seeing the family legacy thing Reb...Mr Hoban specifically said BCE wanted Knights of the Golden Circle experts and they wanted something different from what's been filmed. What made you think anything other than what he posted?

I don't think it's fair to insinuate a 'set up' as you said without knowing the specifics of their proposal or knowing about this company and their history and reputation. Do you know something about them that made you say that?

Why would they want to document something fake? That wouldn't help anyone..They are not looking for more conspiracies, they said they wanted real people, individuals or teams that know the history of KGC and have actually hunted for KGC vaults.

Bob Brewer did the family legacy in Rebel Gold shows and told what led him. So that's already been done. I saw the shows but I haven't read his entire book...I have read excerpts of his book and he spoke about his uncle quite a bit and following tree signs at the beginning like most know.

I think BCE's offer meant KGC Only and following that journey. That's an entirely different game than family legacy, outlaw or cashe hunting...And Those Hunters Should Be Compensated and Not Portrayed In a 'B' Movie Format.

Hopefully Something Will Happen! I think it would be Very Interesting.


If they can open the door that the US Government has closed, I would readily try to recover one of these treasures. And I would love to have any and all television stations covering the event. I know what we have if only I could dig. Even one of these small depositories would be hard to lose especially since each of the depositories that I know of contains from $4 to $5 Million face value in gold coins worth about $1 or $2 Billion Dollars on the market. As for a paid consultant that only pays about $5,000. a show. I believe it is worth more than that to give away a Billion or two. If History, Discovery or National Geographic came up with a million each for my partners and I after a recovery and a percentage of the treasure recovered, then I would go for that. They could then film us recovering the other 57 Depositories.

But to do a low budget film is not in my agenda.

I think what you said is very fair...except if there is that much money, $1m for you and your partner after recovery is a bit low on your end. You might have to wait awhile on percentages from sales.

If you guys would be happy with that, then that's all that would matter though.


I think what you said is very fair...except if there is that much money, $1m for you and your partner after recovery is a bit low on your end. You might have to wait awhile on percentages from sales.

If you guys would be happy with that, then that's all that would matter though.


Well I did say a million each. I have two partners so that would be about $3 Million. It will take that much to inventory the treasure, store and guard the treasure. An old bank building with vault would have to be leased or rented.

There is a lot to recovering a huge treasure even after permits and permission is granted. First you have to pay for two armed guards or policeman while doing the excavation. Since, a grave is being disinterred a corona has to be present. Then you may even have to pay for two archaeologist to do the excavation slowly. Then if there is a crowd with TV companies and all then there could be as many as 50 to 100 more armed guards. When treasure is found, one or two armored cars has to be hired to transport treasure to a secure location. A building such as an old bank with vault will have to be leased or rented. Trained professionals will have to grade and inventory the treasure all the while armed guards has to be kept on the payroll. The security has to stay in place for a year or two or until the Federal Government takes control of the treasure. And during all of that time it is the responsibility of the treasure finders to pay for all of the above mentioned. Of course by then investors in the company can contribute for their fair share of the treasure if and when it is ever sold. A lot to do and a lot to think about.

Incidentally, I already had two armed guards and a corona ready to perform a DNA Test for the Disinterment but they still turned us down.

I'm not seeing the family legacy thing Reb...Mr Hoban specifically said BCE wanted Knights of the Golden Circle experts and they wanted something different from what's been filmed. What made you think anything other than what he posted?

I don't think it's fair to insinuate a 'set up' as you said without knowing the specifics of their proposal or knowing about this company and their history and reputation. Do you know something about them that made you say that?

Why would they want to document something fake? That wouldn't help anyone..They are not looking for more conspiracies, they said they wanted real people, individuals or teams that know the history of KGC and have actually hunted for KGC vaults.

Bob Brewer did the family legacy in Rebel Gold shows and told what led him. So that's already been done. I saw the shows but I haven't read his entire book...I have read excerpts of his book and he spoke about his uncle quite a bit and following tree signs at the beginning like most know.

I think BCE's offer meant KGC Only and following that journey. That's an entirely different game than family legacy, outlaw or cashe hunting...And Those Hunters Should Be Compensated and Not Portrayed In a 'B' Movie Format.

Hopefully Something Will Happen! I think it would be Very Interesting.

Well, KGC was "over-seas", too... it would take a TEAM to cover EVERYTHING. AND! It COULD be a "Front" for Fed/IRS... BUSTED!

...and if the KGC depositories can be connected to the Confederate government- ALL assets of the Confederacy were surrendered as terms, to the United States Federal government.

...and if the KGC depositories can be connected to the Confederate government- ALL assets of the Confederacy were surrendered as terms, to the United States Federal government.

Yes it was but I have contacted the GS of the US Government and I have definite proof that the finder of these treasures will be entitled to one-half of the monetary value of the treasure.

Sorry Kevin, did not mean to take your thread astray.

It would be very difficult to get several episodes of movies on a Secret Society like the KGC. It can be done. You will have to throw the past history of the KGC in a little at a time in each episode so the treasure hunting fans will not get bored. Emphasis would have to be on the recovery of a treasure, a rather large treasure. Bring out facts of the treasures existence first then get the treasure hunters out in the field to locate by signs on trees and rocks or historical documents. But most of all a large treasure has got to be found and recovered, then the series can continue.

I liked the movie, "Rebel Gold" I had to watch the shows on Youtube because my television is on an antennae. I talked to several of their members or treasure hunters during the show but mostly after they had filmed all six episodes. They had historians to help back up their claims of lost treasure and where they could be found. I had the information the historian had years ago but that is beyond the point. This adds authenticity to the treasure the KGC and for hopes of a treasure recovery.

You have to have the show friendly and easy to understand by ordinary layman as well as enough historical facts to keep the treasure hunters interested. We are easily bored when the treasure is not researched or followed up on by the hunters. Again, I like the way "Rebel Gold" had two teams competing with one another and a joke or two every now and then. Coins, caches and a large treasure recovery is what will keep these episodes of "KGC Gold" on television. I hope this show gets to film and makes a good showing in the ratings. I hope a few of these ideas will help make the show a hit. Thank you.

...and if the KGC depositories can be connected to the Confederate government- ALL assets of the Confederacy were surrendered as terms, to the United States Federal government.

Excellent point, ECS. :icon_thumright:

For the Series to be successful, a large Recovery needs to be made.

An interesting conundrum.

By U.S. Law, our government already owns anything of monetary value that may or may not be cached away in these so called KGC mega depositories. You would basically be making a public recovery for the US Government. Any "permissions" to recover will depend largely on whether they decide they want it recovered or not.

Any negotiations as to "compensation" from the recovery would also be determined by the owners, ie., the Government; NOT by the TV Production Company. Any compensation from the Production Company would be for the rights to document / film any recoveries, and distribute that documentary / film for financial gain.

The Production Company can not Legally guarantee you will receive any permissions to recover, unless they have negotiated that permission themselves, prior to offering you the guarantee. To do so, they would have to possess prior knowledge of the location of said "Mega Depository" in order to gain that permission; again, BEFORE they could offer any guarantees.

In effect, any attempted recovery documented by this Production Company would require:

A. A Treasure Hunter who would agree to disclose their proposed Mega Depository location, Prior to ANY guarantee's of permission to dig/recover, or the amount of compensation to be received from actual Recovery Proceeds.

B. A legal contract between the Treasure Hunter and the Production Company outlining any compensation to be received from the Production Company for the Treasure Hunter's participation in the making of said Documentary, and the requirements to be met by Both Entities.*

C. The consent of the U.S Government to recover Their property.

D. The consent of the U.S. Government for permissions to dig/alter the Site of said Depository.

E. A contract with the U.S. Government outlining the distribution of proceeds recovered.

F. Financial means for all recovery expenses, before, during, and after proposed recovery.

G. Legal Representation for all parties, before, during, and after proposed recovery, which may require an extended period to finalize.

And that is just a basic outline, I'm sure there will be a myriad other details to be considered as well.

I would suggest that any TH'r that is contemplating this production approach it with eyes wide open and do their own Due Diligence. There is much to consider here, and more involved than it appears.

Don't get me wrong....I would LOVE to see this come to fruition. It would be a monumental History Maker and quite a trophy for the TH community AND the production company. Just be realistic in your expectations and know exactly what is expected of YOU.

It will require a certain amount of trust on both sides.....and trust is something rarely afforded in the THing business. Especially when the government is involved. And they WILL be involved.



* For example, will compensation to the Treasure Hunter be reliant upon a guaranteed recovery.

Addendum: For those who choose to dispute U.S. Government ownership of any KGC Depositories, know that it will be incumbent upon You to prove otherwise....and that is a long legal road with many obstacles. The largest being the relationship of the KGC with the Confederacy. By labeling said depositories as KGC, it pretty much becomes a non issue.

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very interesting proposal and thread replies.
As many of you know, I am still boots on the ground climbing 1000s of feet each day attempting to unravel the treasure mysteries.
Over the last few years I have began to believe more and more the treasure legands of the Caballos are KGC involvement.
These treasures may have been Spanish or Jesuit priests in the beginning, but were recovered and converted by the KGC in the 30s and 40s.
So my hunt has evolved but is still ongoing.

The US and state govt is the biggest hinderance to any recovery.
Searching is fine. Climbing is fine. Finding sites for treasure is fine, but just dont try to dig are actually find anything, then the problem starts.

I have been told for a few years, that my climbs, searches, etc should be filmed. Very few people make any actual excursions very far from their comfortable vehicle anymore.
Yes there are a few of us, but only a few that I am aware of.
Because I am blessed with the physical ability and mental ability to persue this, I consider myself fortunate.

If this film company is for real, and just want to film, document, an treasure seaker climbing in some of the most beautiful and remote mountains still left in america, I might consider taking them along.
It would add safety to my "alone" climbs, encouraging me to go even farther.
Many of my searches are on hold due to lack of "a backup person", in case something does happen.
When climbing, searching alone, one becomes too careful to complete the deal sometimes.
with a film crew backing, I could go beyond where I have been and complete some of my target zones.

So, I would be open to filming a "searching" series showing what we go thru.
It would not need to contain a recovery to be fascinating to the "couch" people who just want to see adventure from a safe armchair.
It could also be a good lead in the govt to open up our treasure laws more like Europe where the adventurer that makes a find is actually presented 50 percent of the find and considered a hero instead of a thief.

Just some preliminary thoughts.

...and if the KGC depositories can be connected to the Confederate government- ALL assets of the Confederacy were surrendered as terms, to the United States Federal government.

The fact is that KGC depositories cannot be connected to the Confederate government. The depositories were constructed years after the Civil War ended. The Federal Government, if it tried to seize any treasure based on that unproven assumption, would be fighting a losing battle in the courts. The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society, not an official agency of the Confederate government. Remember when Mel Fisher fought the State of Florida in the courts when he was searching for and found the Spanish treasure galleon the Nuestra Senora de Atocha? He took the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and WON.
And the depositories are much too large to be found in a grave, a well, or anything of that sort. It's true that some of a depository's marker caches COULD be inside such places. Marker caches are buried according to a geometric pattern like is shown in this photo. The main depository is represented by the large red dot in the center while the much smaller, but still valuable, marker caches are represented by the small red dots.
~Texas Jay


I personally do not believe in the matric of the KGC plate. If that was true there would be 25 different caches, 24 small and 1 large. Well I have 58 Large that would make about 1380 caches. I do not even want to think about that much treasures. With over 30 tons to each of the 58 large caches and some of these contains upwards of 100 tons. They would take the US military years to recover all of them? Look for locations of treasure where you can never get permission that is where you will find them.

I found out a long time ago you do not need a metal detector to find out where these large treasures are located, all you need to do is go into a town and ask who is the grumbbish no account in town that wants nothing to do with anyone or anyone on his property-------that is where you will find the treasures you seek.

Were the KGC depositories created after the Civil War?
Who were the behind the curtain instigators for succession?
What were the connection of the New Orleans PICKWICK CLUB pre-Civil War meetings of Albert Pike, John Slidell, and Judah P Benjamin, who became the Confederate Sec of State? Many of his overseas agents, Slidell and the Bullock brothers, were KGC, and so was his Florida cousin David Levy Yulee, and of course, CSA President Jefferson Davis.
The Federal government can present a very strong case that the KGC depositories were related to the Confederacy, and subject to those terms of surrender.

The fact is that KGC depositories cannot be connected to the Confederate government. The depositories were constructed years after the Civil War ended. The Federal Government, if it tried to seize any treasure based on that unproven assumption, would be fighting a losing battle in the courts. The Knights of the Golden Circle was a secret society, not an official agency of the Confederate government. Remember when Mel Fisher fought the State of Florida in the courts when he was searching for and found the Spanish treasure galleon the Nuestra Senora de Atocha? He took the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and WON.
And the depositories are much too large to be found in a grave, a well, or anything of that sort. It's true that some of a depository's marker caches COULD be inside such places. Marker caches are buried according to a geometric pattern like is shown in this photo. The main depository is represented by the large red dot in the center while the much smaller, but still valuable, marker caches are represented by the small red dots.
~Texas Jay

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Very interesting, Texas Jay.

I'm curious to know how you find any relevance of the Fisher court battle for the shipwreck Nuestra Senora de Atocha to a court case against the U.S. Government over ownership of Secret Depositories within the boundaries of United States, made by a Secret Society formed during the civil war time period and sworn to promote and uphold the ideals of the Confederacy...whose assets were surrendered to the U.S. Government at the end of the Civil War?

Please elaborate.


Were the KGC depositories created after the Civil War?
Who were the behind the curtain instigators for succession?
What were the connection of the New Orleans PICKWICK CLUB pre-Civil War meetings of Albert Pike, John Slidell, and Judah P Benjamin, who became the Confederate Sec of State? Many of his overseas agents, Slidell and the Bullock brothers, were KGC, and so was his Florida cousin David Levy Yulee, and of course, CSA President Jefferson Davis.
The Federal government can present a very strong case that the KGC depositories were related to the Confederacy, and subject to those terms of surrender.

Yes, as I clearly stated before, most if not all the KGC depositories were created after the War ended, in the 1870s and 1880s. The treasure in them have no connection to the Confederate Government which ceased to exist in 1865. The treasure stockpiles are composed of other "lost treasures" that were discovered by the Knights after the War ended such as old Spanish gold, silver, and religious artifacts that were left from their occupation of various parts of the country in and before the 1700s. Some of it was the result of legitimate businesses that KGC members were set up in by the secret society after the War to revive the Southern economy after the terrible Reconstruction Period. According to Dr. Roy Roush, members who were set up in such businesses as banks, livery stables, hotels, saloons, and other prosperous enterprises contributed as much as 50% of their profits back to the organization. I believe these businesses converted this cash into gold and possibly silver bars that are untraceable. Then you have the KGC's mysterious connection to the Medieval Knights Templar, from which it's been said that they "inherited" many priceless historical and religious artifacts and treasure from the Crusades. The Confederate Treasury, at the end of the War, had very little in cash reserves and it's never been proven where that money went or that it was taken by KGC members. Even if it was, it would represent a very tiny amount of what the KGC stashed in its depositories. The Federal Government has NO case, other than what the IRS would demand, for seizing and keeping treasure from these depositories.
Judge Advocate General Holt stated in his report to President Lincoln, of Oct. 1864, that the Order of American Knights (KGC after they changed their name near the end of the War) numbered about 400,000 in the North alone! According to your assessment, the Federal Government had a right to seize any earnings each of these members made after the War. That's ridiculous.
~Texas Jay

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