New Treasure Hunting TV show

Thank you ROPESFISH and ENRADA, for the explanations.
Definitely useful skills and valuable knowledge.
I have been preaching for years, that a new business model is needed for treasure hunting. I have not seen it happen yet.
Shipwreck treasure hunting is such a complex enterprise. It needs the skills and knowledge of a fairly large team of experts in many fields to make it work.
Will we ever see a group of people set their egos aside and join together to design a new business model to tackle the thousands of valuable shipwrecks that still lie on the bottom of the oceans?
The future of mankind lies in the Oceans. Not only shipwrecks. Immense resources. After all, nearly three quarters of the earth are covered by oceans.

I think this may be worth investigating for a series....

There would be record viewership to determine the outcome...

Is Florida in a similar situation of the 1715 fleet treasure is brought on land ?????

In secret, is this why Florida does not allow the recovery ???

When it became obvious that Odyssey was going to lose ownership to the treasure from the Merchant Royal because of collusion between the State Dept and Spain,

ummmm....Merchant Royal was Spanish ???

Greg Stemm and Melinda Carlisle idea the GoGo's were involved....didnt put her as a type for buck teeth....did they confer with Melinda Macconnel , Odysseys Counsel on this ????

I wrote a letter to both Greg Stemm and Melinda Carlisle telling them to take all the Pof8 back to the site off of Portugal and dump(spread) them around on the site. Instead Gregg let Spain come to Florida and pick up the conserved coins free of charge, thereby setting precedence for the rest of us in this business.
Do you now know why every business needs to hire an outside EUD!!

Wow, and OMG...please, please post that letter!!!

I cannot believe that Stemm did not do that!!! You are a brilliant IUD!

another well researched post enrada.....

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What should have happened is the silver should have been brought to London to the Receiver of Wreck. Then Spain would have had to prove ownership, instead of a U.S. judge declaring ownership. Big difference.

Experienced User Designer
When it became obvious that Odyssey was going to lose ownership to the treasure from the Merchant Royal because of collusion between the State Dept and Spain, I wrote a letter to both Greg Stemm and Melinda Carlisle telling them to take all the Pof8 back to the site off of Portugal and dump(spread) them around on the site. Instead Gregg let Spain come to Florida and pick up the conserved coins free of charge, thereby setting precedence for the rest of us in this business.
Do you now know why every business needs to hire an outside EUD!!

And of course, this opportunity is only for those who can and want to share their story.

Boy, "those who can" is a doozy here in the good, ol land of the once free...

Two major mistakes.
I said Merchant Royal when I should have said Black Swan.
I said Melinda Carlisle when I should have said Melinda Macconnel.

Black Swan is just a code name. The real name of the vessel is the Mercedes.

What should have happened is the silver should have been brought to London to the Receiver of Wreck. Then Spain would have had to prove ownership, instead of a U.S. judge declaring ownership. Big difference.

Don't agree there.
See what happened with the "Victory"

So let's do some brainstorming:
How can it be done?
How could a vast Ocean Resource, like the 3 million shipwrecks (UNESCO number) be developed for the good of mankind?

I agree wholeheartedly that a new business model is needed.
My suggestion is that TH'ers are going to have to open their own museums like Fishers have. Maybe a number of TH'ers could pool their finds in order to have a big enough museum. This would create a form of revenue for them instead of Gov desk jockeys or the publish or perish mob. Also upon finding and conserving an artifact they should create a replica of it for display or placement in a museum. Assume that Spain and James A. Goold and Javier Romero here in the US will try and prove they didn't steal it from indigenous people and try and get it back. DO NOT keep the real artifact or any GPS coordinates in your house or anywhere a court could order a search warrant for. Replace the Sim card in your phone which would give away the location. Take a video of you and no other person in the video putting it back into the ocean with no land in the background. Use a tripod so you can show no one else was present. Apologize profusely for spending your own money and time finding the artifact and independently making the decision that the general public would like to see it rather than have it remain insitu(for job security).
Business Model proposed by an Experienced User Designer!

Awesome I'm all in ! Sent you a message already! Hope to hear from you!
Except it will cost a million dollars for my info!

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I agree wholeheartedly that a new business model is needed.
My suggestion is that TH'ers are going to have to open their own museums like Fishers have. Maybe a number of TH'ers could pool their finds in order to have a big enough museum. This would create a form of revenue for them instead of Gov desk jockeys or the publish or perish mob. Also upon finding and conserving an artifact they should create a replica of it for display or placement in a museum.

So far, so good.
I like the idea of a revenue stream.
Could we expand that to replica sales?
A book with the story maybe? Does an artifact have any value without a story attached?
Podcast with daily updates?

Assume that Spain and James A. Goold and Javier Romero here in the US will try and prove they didn't steal it from indigenous people and try and get it back. DO NOT keep the real artifact or any GPS coordinates in your house or anywhere a court could order a search warrant for. Replace the Sim card in your phone which would give away the location. Take a video of you and no other person in the video putting it back into the ocean with no land in the background. Use a tripod so you can show no one else was present. Apologize profusely for spending your own money and time finding the artifact and independently making the decision that the general public would like to see it rather than have it remain insitu(for job security).
Could this part be used as a theme for a REALITY SHOW?

Business Model proposed by an Experienced User Designer!

What about the rest of the story, ah, I mean business plan?

I think this may be worth investigating for a series....

There would be record viewership to determine the outcome...

Is Florida in a similar situation of the 1715 fleet treasure is brought on land ?????

In secret, is this why Florida does not allow the recovery ???

ummmm....Merchant Royal was Spanish ??? idea the GoGo's were involved....didnt put her as a type for buck teeth....did they confer with Melinda Macconnel , Odysseys Counsel on this ????

Wow, and OMG...please, please post that letter!!!

I cannot believe that Stemm did not do that!!! You are a brilliant IUD!

another well researched post enrada.....

Great video. Is that a typical government bureaucrat? Do they have similar ones in the Florida government?

Back in the 1980's, very little was known about the "Corrigans" wrecksite, except that it had a lot of gold.
I am sure much information has been dug out of the archives in the years since then.
What is the original story of this wreck?
The original salvage efforts?
What is the whole story of the modern times?
All the modern salvage efforts?
The success and failures?
The people involved?

Thanks to all that have reached out via PM.


I think this could be a good opportunity for someone here,

I have been a member here for about 15 years, I don’t post as much as I used to, but I often come to read your amazing stories. I have been doing shipwreck research for nearly 20 years and for the last 8 years I have been the Senior Researcher for one of the leading marine salvage company who has successfully found and recovered over $600 million dollars’ worth of treasure. Currently I also work as a consultant a multi-award-winning international Film and Television production company who works with broadcasters like the BBC, Discovery, CNN, Channel 4, Nat Geo, ITV, History, A&E, Syfy, TLC and ID.

Right now I am working with the production team of a new treasure hunting TV show that will air in one of the top-rated channels. We are in the process of finding 8 to 12 stories for 60-minute episodes. It is a reality show, so I am looking for people who are actively searching for a treasure, or people who have done research and have found evidence that can lead to finding a treasure. If you think your story would make a great episode, send me a PM

And of course, this opportunity is only for those who can and want to share their story.

Now that the Lion Queen, excuse me, Lion King has put video documentary's back into the green, its my plan to collaborate with a certain un named author and put together a treatment and then reality script about just how twisted under water archaeologists' are and have been; who are hijacking the very rights to exploration for their own control issues - to exclude the rights of individuals to take part and benefit from their discoveries ...

New Reality TV Shows

Just like the show "Naked and Afraid", how about Metal Detecting Naked and Afraid?

You know what would sell....Reality Housewives of Out of Work Metal Detectorists.

Sorry. I could not resist. :occasion14:

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