Looking for a story

Welcome to T-Net TM :occasion14:

Don't worry though......cause you ain't bursting anyone's bubbles on here.
And judging by all the folks who claim that they have a program being made about them and their discovery, History Channel will have nothing BUT Jesuit /LDM shows for us to watch this year and next.
So, be sure to get back to us when we'll be able to watch.......we wouldn't want to miss it.

guy named ed and his crew have been saying they have a treasure trove permit and mining permit in the supers...this guy must be him

i am not saying placer will lead you to the mine either... there is placer in many areas.. but placer along with my research tells ME to keep trying... the clue of it being in the sups is 1 of the few that are kind of provable.. he was followed in there... that is a fact.. he chased off pursuers,, that is a fact.. but of the 100 plus other clues floating around today.. which ones are true, which ones have not been altered in some way.. which ones truly crossed his lips???? just saying...

You are correct ... which clues ...
It would need to be something that the information could not have been fabricated, and most likely, only known to Waltz.
It would be good if the clue came through as little hands as possible to get to our ears. Best to hope for would be from someone that got it from Waltz’s lips.

It is part of the reasons why the Four Peaks lined up to look like one is a solid clue .... if it exists, the information for that clue could only have come from Waltz. It came to us via the Holmes manuscript.
If Dick or Brownie, had ever been to the spot for the view, they would have been standing on top of the LDM, and would have known it.

Most the other clues are just to get you to the ravine, this one confirms the ravine. Other than finding actual gold quartz ore, the Four Peaks clue is the “Verifier Clue”

Let the race begin :laughing7:

guy named ed and his crew have been saying they have a treasure trove permit and mining permit in the supers...this guy must be him

Can be almost as much fun speculating on the latest "who", as it is on which clue is valid or not. :laughing7:

The only way to have known about that view, was to actually see it.
Dick and Brownie didn’t see it ... imho.

So that would mean the clue came from Waltz.
And we see that apparently, the clue is very accurate.

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Looks like someone migrated over here from the Oak Island forum........no matter, welcome.

I don't watch tv.

Thank you. Just got tired of researching the usual mining and mineral stuff. Been reading on here for awhile, figured I would join and chime in.

I don't watch tv.

Thank you. Just got tired of researching the usual mining and mineral stuff. Been reading on here for awhile, figured I would join and chime in.
No matter, I still welcome you to the topic. :occasion14:

howdy homar.. i appreciate your stance.. lets race.. you follow all the clues:icon_scratch:???, i will follow the gold:goldpan:.. whoever gets the most gold wins... and becomes the best in the last 130 years.. lol. i will pay to have a trophy made for you if you win.:award_star_gold_1:. lol..
p.s. waltz never met a guy like me.....lol..:tongue3::tongue3::tongue3:
best of luck to all you hunters and researchers...

Howdy dredgernaut,

Racing is my other passion, horse racing that is. It will be a handicap race for me since I have trouble walking in level ground. Kind of like the rabbit and the turtle, but you know who won that one.:laughing7: I won't follow all the clues, just the real ones. Thanks in advance for the trophy, will it have a goat on it? Just teasing you with the goat, I do wish you the best.


russ, i have no idea where your looking.. however it is in the wrong place... lmao.. just kidding, teasing homar....

homar.. seriously i dont think waltz was the greatest prospector.. he was a normal prospector working placers when he HEARD mining near him.. went to see what was up.. he did not prospect to the mine either.. he killed for it.. that makes him a better killer than anything.. very lucky , true.. but none the less he was just a prospector that had the time and guff.. maybe he said no one will find it because: He could not have found it, without the noise coming from it... just saying..

Howdy dredgernaut,

I don't know if he said he heard mining, or not. If he really did say that, it was a lie. Most Dutch hunters don't realize Waltz made up a lot of stories, some to keep his mine, others to ease his mind about all the killings. He no longer had a need to lie while in his death bed, but did have a need to get right with God.


unless you had a tape recorder and were there when waltz was dying you don't know what he said either:icon_scratch:
Howdy azdave,

If I had been there, I wouldn't be able to remember even half of what he had to say. Luckly Holmes, and Roberts were there to record it the old school way. Two heads are better than one, so they say. But Holmes never found it some may say. True, but that would not make the directions wrong, just hard to follow.


Howdy dredgernaut,

I don't know if he said he heard mining, or not. If he really did say that, it was a lie. Most Dutch hunters don't realize Waltz made up a lot of stories, some to keep his mine, others to ease his mind about all the killings. He no longer had a need to lie while in his death bed, but did have a need to get right with God.


hi homar..
i am not sure how you could know such things.. seems like you are speculating more than needed.. if he was known to lie and make up stories we might as well stop looking for his mine.. probably just another lie also..... also if he was known to make up stories that would make all his clues questionable... how can you follow verbal clues from a man you just said was a known liar or embellisher of facts.... nor does anyone know his hearts desire as far as his need for redemption.. a lot of killers back then had no need for redemption.. those were different times... the clue of him hearing mining holds as much water as any clue.. because no one knows what he said.. plus if no miner will ever find his mine that may have included himself,, but the sounds of mining or breaking rock drew him to it... just trying to think outside the box.. just sayin...
i will get you a nice ribbon with a turtle on it right now..... lol

hi homar..
i am not sure how you could know such things.. seems like you are speculating more than needed.. if he was known to lie and make up stories we might as well stop looking for his mine.. probably just another lie also..... also if he was known to make up stories that would make all his clues questionable... how can you follow verbal clues from a man you just said was a known liar or embellisher of facts.... nor does anyone know his hearts desire as far as his need for redemption.. a lot of killers back then had no need for redemption.. those were different times... the clue of him hearing mining holds as much water as any clue.. because no one knows what he said.. plus if no miner will ever find his mine that may have included himself,, but the sounds of mining or breaking rock drew him to it... just trying to think outside the box.. just sayin...
i will get you a nice ribbon with a turtle on it right now..... lol

Howdy dredgernaut,

The race just began and now you want to know about the clues when you said you were going to follow the gold???

While you were standing there worrying about how I can figure which clues are real, I got about six feet closer to the mine.:laughing7:

Clues can be verified when they are real, it's that simple. This is why Holmes went straight to Hidden Water and found the body with the chain around his neck. It was something he could verify right away to know if Waltz had told the truth.

Keep on panning, I won't be looking over your shoulder asking how you do it, I'm headed the other way.:walk:


i said why would you follow the clues? since you said he was known to be a liar..

Tidbit to chew on: The story of killing 2 Mexicans to steal their mine is almost word for word the same as the story of the Constellation Mine north of Wickenburg.
Tidbit#2: JW lived & worked in Wickenburg @ the Vulture Mine. Constellation nor Vulture Mine ore does NOT match LDM ore. JW was friends w/ a Migeul Peralta (there was more than 1), a store owner there & they once worked mines near Bumblebee, AZ but ran off by Indians (Peralta had Gloriana/Valenciana & JW had a nearby one later called the 88). MP & JW mines are now separated by I-17. MP sold a claim to James Reavis who doctored it to indicate much more property in his land hoax.
Tidbit #3: Magill's pit fits the JW mine directions & descriptions to a T, it's worked out but people keep looking because they're still hoping to somehow find their version the LDM.
Tidbit #4: JW's clues seem to contradict each other because some are clues to caches, not just the mine. JW wasn't stupid enough to put all his eggs in 1 basket. If some was found by others he didn't lose it all.
Tidbit #5: I know where the Apache sacred cave is, it's neither the mine nor a cache. It's also mentioned in Magill's book. No, I won't give directions, traditionalists still use it & it has no bearing on any mine or treasure cache. Please leave it alone if you know where it is, I'm Christian but respect traditionalists.
Tidbit #6: The Dr. Thorne placer location still has some bits of gold that apparently comes up from a spring. There are no quartz veins nearby. The placer gold, not being in a quartz matrix, can't be compared to known LDM gold. It's in a sacred area, not much gold left there & not worth it for both safety & financial reasons. No, I won't tell you how to get there.
For the record - I'm not selling maps, books, etc. nor will I take anyone into the Sups (too old, too crippled). I won't describe exact locations I mentioned & don't need money. I don't know cache locations, but 1 was found @ the Massacre Grounds. Hope this helps clear up a few things & possibly helps some folks searches. Lotsa luck w/ your searches!

And the saga continues ..... :laughing7::laughing7:

Tidbit to chew on: The story of killing 2 Mexicans to steal their mine is almost word for word the same as the story of the Constellation Mine north of Wickenburg.
Tidbit#2: JW lived & worked in Wickenburg @ the Vulture Mine. Constellation nor Vulture Mine ore does NOT match LDM ore. JW was friends w/ a Migeul Peralta (there was more than 1), a store owner there & they once worked mines near Bumblebee, AZ but ran off by Indians (Peralta had Gloriana/Valenciana & JW had a nearby one later called the 88). MP & JW mines are now separated by I-17. MP sold a claim to James Reavis who doctored it to indicate much more property in his land hoax.
Tidbit #3: Magill's pit fits the JW mine directions & descriptions to a T, it's worked out but people keep looking because they're still hoping to somehow find their version the LDM.
Tidbit #4: JW's clues seem to contradict each other because some are clues to caches, not just the mine. JW wasn't stupid enough to put all his eggs in 1 basket. If some was found by others he didn't lose it all.
Tidbit #5: I know where the Apache sacred cave is, it's neither the mine nor a cache. It's also mentioned in Magill's book. No, I won't give directions, traditionalists still use it & it has no bearing on any mine or treasure cache. Please leave it alone if you know where it is, I'm Christian but respect traditionalists.
Tidbit #6: The Dr. Thorne placer location still has some bits of gold that apparently comes up from a spring. There are no quartz veins nearby. The placer gold, not being in a quartz matrix, can't be compared to known LDM gold. It's in a sacred area, not much gold left there & not worth it for both safety & financial reasons. No, I won't tell you how to get there.
For the record - I'm not selling maps, books, etc. nor will I take anyone into the Sups (too old, too crippled). I won't describe exact locations I mentioned & don't need money. I don't know cache locations, but 1 was found @ the Massacre Grounds. Hope this helps clear up a few things & possibly helps some folks searches. Lotsa luck w/ your searches!

People go in the sacred cave everyday it’s where the Thunder God emerges from the earth. It’s also depicted on the Peralta Stones or should I say Jesuits Stones.


i said why would you follow the clues? since you said he was known to be a liar..

Howdy dregernaut,

I can't make it more clear than I did. On post 88 I shared my opinion of when Waltz spoke the truth, and on post 91 I shared that Holmes verifed Waltz was speaking the truth.

He was with Julia, and Rhiney for several months, and did try to tell them where his mine was, so a few real clues come from them. However, during all those months, he also told them about his other claims. Julia, and Rhiney mixed those stories with the LDM clues. At least one of those other mines, maybe The Big Rebel, was a pit mine? On his death bed he is only talking about the LDM, and it is not a pit mine, and Julia was not there.
He also told Julia that he, and a friend Wieser helped a Peralta in a bar fight. That was just a made up story, there was no Wieser. He was not about to tell Julia that he had killed to get the mine. She would of kicked him out, or report him. That bar fight story even made him look like a hero.
That's how you find nuggets of truth, pan out all the black lies, and the nuggets of truth will shine bright.


Yes, now follow their example & don't mess up anything... if you actually know the correct cave.

Does The Thunder God make thunder when there's not a cloud in the sky ?
If so, I've heard him once. It's a very loud and unique sound.
Not like a sonic boom or a large caliber gunshot.

Does The Thunder God make thunder when there's not a cloud in the sky ?
If so, I've heard him once. It's a very loud and unique sound.
Not like a sonic boom or a large caliber gunshot.

Traditionalists say so, I've never heard it personally.

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