Tidbit to chew on: The story of killing 2 Mexicans to steal their mine is almost word for word the same as the story of the Constellation Mine north of Wickenburg.
Tidbit#2: JW lived & worked in Wickenburg @ the Vulture Mine. Constellation nor Vulture Mine ore does NOT match LDM ore. JW was friends w/ a Migeul Peralta (there was more than 1), a store owner there & they once worked mines near Bumblebee, AZ but ran off by Indians (Peralta had Gloriana/Valenciana & JW had a nearby one later called the 88). MP & JW mines are now separated by I-17. MP sold a claim to James Reavis who doctored it to indicate much more property in his land hoax.
Tidbit #3: Magill's pit fits the JW mine directions & descriptions to a T, it's worked out but people keep looking because they're still hoping to somehow find their version the LDM.
Tidbit #4: JW's clues seem to contradict each other because some are clues to caches, not just the mine. JW wasn't stupid enough to put all his eggs in 1 basket. If some was found by others he didn't lose it all.
Tidbit #5: I know where the Apache sacred cave is, it's neither the mine nor a cache. It's also mentioned in Magill's book. No, I won't give directions, traditionalists still use it & it has no bearing on any mine or treasure cache. Please leave it alone if you know where it is, I'm Christian but respect traditionalists.
Tidbit #6: The Dr. Thorne placer location still has some bits of gold that apparently comes up from a spring. There are no quartz veins nearby. The placer gold, not being in a quartz matrix, can't be compared to known LDM gold. It's in a sacred area, not much gold left there & not worth it for both safety & financial reasons. No, I won't tell you how to get there.
For the record - I'm not selling maps, books, etc. nor will I take anyone into the Sups (too old, too crippled). I won't describe exact locations I mentioned & don't need money. I don't know cache locations, but 1 was found @ the Massacre Grounds. Hope this helps clear up a few things & possibly helps some folks searches. Lotsa luck w/ your searches!