diving doc said:
That description of justification for your answer is just is too much to believe. What happened to 21' deep water sidescans? You are basing your assumption on oral heresay and that just doesn't cut the mustard with me, sorry.
I'm out of here.

Diving Doc,
Have you ever done anything on a GUT FEELING.
I do not recall saying anything about 21' of water/mud.
Yes when I first became involved I went on HEARSAY.
Then there is the sonar side scan of the CRAB TRAP.
To have this side scan SCANNED was done on a special computer and a program that cost over 15 million $$
As we all know when going into a venture of this nature there is first HEARSAY/STORY. Then you collect all the little pieces and start to assemble the puzzle.
Everything that has been done up to this point was to varify that a ship does exist at the Lat and Lon that were given. In my opinion and my NASA friend this DOES confirm that a ship DOES exist. There is a lot more research yet to be done and is in the process of assemling everything that will be required.
I know that you are a Pro. Research person and deal with the FACTS ONLY and I have enjoyed most of what you have said. I have also learned a lot from others on this forum and have made many friends and good contacts.
Regardless I fully intend to persue this Project the best that I can.

I understand what you are saying but you must understand the mud can be moved at anytime.
I am now just waiting for the temp of the water to go down and trying to locate the right size boat and then this Project will start in earnest.
I have the divers and the equipment but NO boat YET!
The boat must be of a design that will allow it to operate in shallow water and handle 5 people plus equipment.
Peg Leg

Have a great day everyone.
Peg Leg

hi all,
i don't recall 21' of water, but even at 14 ' still some type of silt or mud has no relation to our tide tables for some one too be on the deck although small glitches in the story can be expected.
but one must remember that the treasure bug is a formidable opponent and as well is hard to respect, i believe i see something well worth investigating in the side scan shown of the area.
peg before you build something to work this one site i would use your obvious eagerness to create and be part of the team i.e. the forum, that maybe could use a similar device on multiple projects, maybe someone started your shallow draft on site Assembly and is ready to donate it. any how to meet Someone of your conviction i would almost work your site for fuel after i check some anomalies on our sites at the cape, if they ever let us in. but checking the register you don't have site yet. look for a reason to dig or get some evidence, got too be on the the up now to many post to aggravate the system.
god bless your determination peg and remember all of us hope for the best to happen, just watch your budget and don't rush it.
criticism can been regarded as caring.
p.s. your hangout lounge might fund your ambition for hunting ..........I'm thirsty

I understand what you are saying.
But I understand that BEFORE all the paper work is filed there must be proof that there is something there.
Is this not correct?
Peg leg

A search lease does not require evidence of a wreck, and establishes a protected area. Once the wreck is located, and some evidence recovered to establish approximate date of the wreck, then you apply for a recovery lease, prior to recovering anything else.

Thanks for the information.
I will start the paperwork this morning.
Peg Leg

Keep at it Peg, I'm rooting for you. Admittedly I have a healthy amount of skepticism myself...but I'm also going after something everyone says is not there too :D I'd trade your 12 feet of mud for my 45 ft. of quicksand and much anyday.

If you wouldn't mind (or anyone else who knows), what are the costs for the search lease and the recovery permit in Florida? I've read that you can sublease for $1,000 but I'd like to know what it costs to setup your own.

Best of luck to you,


I was told that is cost $600 for a search lease .
This does not mean that you can recovery a thing. This only gives you permission to look. But it secures the area you are searching.
Peg Leg

Well that's a start. At least you have your name on the site at that point. Keep us posted on what it takes to get the salvage permit, I'll probably end up working with someone for several years before even considering trying to get my own lease, but I'd kinda like to know what it takes in the mean time.

Thanks for keeping us all posted on this, please continue that trend until it's complete (even if it somehow ends in failure). So many interesting threads like this get started, and then just fizzle out leaving us interested readers with no idea how the story ended. Thanks for keeping this one going.


Hey Scuba Seeker, you can get an Exploration Contract Information Package from the Bureau of Archaeological Research, 500 S. Bronough St, R.A. Gray Bldg. Rm 312, Tallahassee, FL 32399 or call them at (904) 487-2299. The package is free. It costs $600 for an exploration contract and $1,200 for a salvage contract per year. There is a lot more involved that the package explains.

What a rash of CRAP.
Just got off the phone with the Head Man in Tallahassee.
ONE: They NO LONGER provide any Exploration Information Packages unless you are a Florida Corpoaration.
TWO: The State of Florida NO LONGER issues Exploration Permits.
THREE: You CANNOT do any Exploration work on your own.
FOUR: Until you can prove certain things and answer certain questions that are asked over the phone you will NOT get a F##king thing.
FIVE: There are no longer anything available in the name of PERMITS
No wonder people are getting PISSED and taking what they find and never say a word.
SIX: You must also tell the State of Florida what you are looking for AND the General area where what you are looking is located.
There is more but the bottom line is that it will cost $600 before you get a damn thing (not a single sheet of paper) and the cost goes up from there.
The phone number is 1-850-245-6444
If you do not believe me give them a call and check it for yourself.
I am really PISSED. This is what happens when you try to do the right thing.
Peg Leg
The Pirate

Hey Peg,
I have the Exploration Contract Info Pkg. right here in front of me. O.K. I got it in 1999 along with a letter from Secretary of State Sandra Mothram. Things have changed since then. The archaeological field supervisor at the time was Jim Dunbar but he is gone too. Now you know why they call me the Pirate of the Martires. I'll bring that package with me when I see you tomorrow.

Peg leg, the reason for these changes is that the State of Florida has a fiduciary responsibility to the people of the state and the rest of humanity to ensure that sound archeological practices are adhered to during the excavation of historic shipwrecks. While these changes may seem extreme to the independent treasure salver, these rules of engagement are in line with industry standards in most US states. Yes! They make the process more difficult and more expensive for us free spirit anti-establishment independent types, and just like the days of old in the aviation world, them ol barn storming days is over.
Enter the Maritime lawyer - If your wreck is indeed one of value in both a monetary and historic nature, then you will need that attorney to help you negotiate with one of the established professional shipwreck salvage companies that meet the states requirements for obtaining salvage contracts.

Like my profile signature says…

"Ah, but alas, no cannon's thunder, no ships to plunder, no wayward ports to lay asunder...o what misfortune! The miserable fate of a pirate born too late."

Welcome to my world…

Please keep in mind too that these forums are montiored by the very same officials that you may have to deal with someday. Just ask Matt Mattson over at www.treasuresites.com.

I tried to tell Cooper to use a reliable, established non-profit corporation for his project, one associated with a respected RPA certified marine arachaeologist (that I am associated with) , but he decided to go with whom he did, believeing that time was of the essence. Steady and slow wins the race!


gdaddyflex said:
Please keep in mind too that these forums are montiored by the very same officials that you may have to deal with someday. Just ask Matt Mattson over at www.treasuresites.com.

I guess I chuckled before at the thought of gov't officials scouring online treasure forums. But it looks like loose lips really do sink ships :P

Thanks Salvor6
Look forward to seeing everyone tommorow. Will put on the coffee pot.
I was told that without STATE permission I CANNOT even dive on this site and just look around.
Please tell me how am I going to tell if there is anything there if I cannot even take a look around.
I may be misunderstanding what was said and I hope this is the case.
I fully intend to do whatever it takes LEGALLY to acquire the rights to this wrecksite.
Since you do not know the whole story you have no idea what is involved or what it is going to take to complete this project. As far as Arachologist go I will have no problem in retaining their services when the time comes and in fact I will have NO Problem in contracting with a Certifird Salvage company when the time comes.
Peg Leg

Peg Leg said:
Since you do not know the whole story you have no idea what is involved or what it is going to take to complete this project.

Peg, if you knew Tom's experience and credentials, you would know that this is an absurd statement. Most people reading this already know. Don't dismiss advice too quickly. Most want to help, not provoke - Tom included.

Ahh PegLeg, we seem to be learning the same lessons simultaneously, with the notable exception that I don't live in Florida (yet) or have a wreck site to look at ;)

One thing I know for sure, the state of Florida can hardly tell you where you can and cannot DIVE! (with the exception of state owned lands like state parks or designated historical sites). Just make sure you are studying the mating habits of the crocs, and not trying to verify the existence of a ship wreck. And for God's sake don't take anything but pictures!!!!

I suppose I could be wrong on this one, but if a guy wants to dive in public waters, he can unless it's posted otherwise. I wouldn't go in with mailboxes, metal detectors, or lift bags hanging off my dive gear, but I'd dang sure go in...to watch the crocs of course ;) I can play stupid with the best of 'em, it comes naturally to me :D

I can tell that you aren't going to loose your ambition or drive on this project, the rest is a matter of time, money, and a big-ass helping of patience. I wish you the best!


When I said that NOONE knew the whole story I meant what I said.
I am in the process of dealing with the Government of Mexico because I do not want Spain to be able to come through the back door and claim anything that I MAY find at this Ghost Wreck site.
Like I said NO ONE has any idea what I MAY be dealing with here.
IF for instance I found Mayan artifacts who better than Experts from Mexico to evaluate the artifacts that may be recovered?
I MENTIONED THIS BEFORE A WHILE BACK but no one made a comment WHY? It could be that no one has any idea how to deal with International Claims/Law. That is why you use a Attorney in this field.
So if there is any EYES looking (and there most likely is) let them be FOREWARNED. This project may turn into a real CAN OF WORMS and may even end with the U.N. getting involved.
It all boils down to what I find. Good , Bad or Indifferent I plan on taking this project to the MAX.
Peg Leg

Peg Leg, I appreciate your zeal and intent to work within the confines of the law concerning this wreck, this is very important if you are going to succeed in this endeavor.
Providing the State does not know the location of a specific wreck, or if a wreck even exists in that general location at all, there is basically nothing the State can do to prevent you, or any sport diver from diving that location. However, should you remove anything from the site (providing the wreck is older than 50 years old), and then you would be in violation of State Statutes and subject to prosecution.
Concerning advise from Gdaddyflex, what can I say too you about him, other than the fact that Tom is one of the more experienced and successful shipwreck hunters on these forums, and I would not be so quick to dismiss any advise that he is willing to share with you. Though, he may arguably now be a little less willing to share any of his vast knowledge and experience with you. Just something to think about.
While I can also appreciate the tact you want to take by involving the Government of Mexico. I think you will find that international maritime law, as well as international treaties entered into by the US Government, as well as Florida State law will trump that card. Also, don’t you think it’s a little premature since the wreck has not yet been identified as belonging to any particular foreign nation?


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