Peg Leg, I appreciate your zeal and intent to work within the confines of the law concerning this wreck, this is very important if you are going to succeed in this endeavor.
Providing the State does not know the location of a specific wreck, or if a wreck even exists in that general location at all, there is basically nothing the State can do to prevent you, or any sport diver from diving that location. However, should you remove anything from the site (providing the wreck is older than 50 years old), and then you would be in violation of State Statutes and subject to prosecution.
Concerning advise from Gdaddyflex, what can I say too you about him, other than the fact that Tom is one of the more experienced and successful shipwreck hunters on these forums, and I would not be so quick to dismiss any advise that he is willing to share with you. Though, he may arguably now be a little less willing to share any of his vast knowledge and experience with you. Just something to think about.
While I can also appreciate the tact you want to take by involving the Government of Mexico. I think you will find that international maritime law, as well as international treaties entered into by the US Government, as well as Florida State law will trump that card. Also, don’t you think it’s a little premature since the wreck has not yet been identified as belonging to any particular foreign nation?