
I have been wanting to find a way to patch the 987 into some side scan software. I am really impressed with the target separation mine has and it would be interesting if it could be done. I know there are some software gurus out there who know how to do this.

As for these images, I see nothing definitive! The only way you will know what you have is to dive it! It may be a cannon or it may be a log! As for the second image, again nothing definitive, but looks interesting!

We have all seen side scan images of wrecks but what you think you see and whats actually there are two different things. I spent weeks scanning known wrecks and targets to understand what they look like on the monitor.

The bottom line is, get out of the boat and into the water!

If you need help, give me a call! I'll dive it for you!

Robert in SC

is there a sidescan book for dummies i can borrow... i dont know if i am acctually understanding how they work and what exactly they are showing... i know its a sonar image... but apart from that im lost..

Hi Peg Leg:

Let me know if you need help, I have lots of electronic search gear,
diving gear and diving experience (retired commercial diver).

Presently retired in Jacksonville FL. and looking for
something different to do.


Peg leg;
I've been around gators a lot. 1st thing you need to do is make them afraid of you. Very afraid. Chase them with the boat, throw fireworks or bricks at them and then spend a few bucks putting up a fence since it's so shallow. Have someone on board with a 12 ga. with triple ott.
Gators are most dangerous during May which is their breeding season. Don't have a dog on your boat. The gator will jump in a small boat for a dog.

Years ago I used to hunt gators and I understand about DOGS. There is some thing else you can use to draw gatos and that is a recoding of a BABY CRYING but the best is a dog barking.
I am buying a box of firecrackers this afternoon- don't believe I can purchase any M-80's (there are the best) but will get the next best thing-whatever that may be.
Yes I have a 12 ga along with Single Ott, Double Ott and Triple Ott. I also have a few shells with what we used to call PUNKIN BALLS. It is a LARGE SINGLE STEEL BALL BEARING.
Peg Leg

Here is what is being planned.
Once the ship is located and identified I am planning to bring in a Barge or two so that the wreck can be worked properly and if possible to raise the ship intact.
Big dreams I know but if you are going to dream then why not dream a BIG ONE.
Yes this venture is going to be expensive but with GRANTS that are available it will not cost me that much.
Mariner this is why I am asking for your contacts in the film industry. I want to have everything lined up BEFORE we get serious and not run around like we are lost.
Everyone knows that a venture of this size takes serious planning for it to be a success. Just think about it this way-There has NEVER been a ship wreck like this recovered that is almost complete and preserved due to it being in the mud.
I am going to go out on a limb here and Predict that this wreck is from the 1600's or early 1700's.
There is additional information that I cannot tell anyone about at this time- not till more reseach is completed.
The site is secure as of this morning. Will provide more information as time goes by.

I really need to contact those Film makers so if anyone has their addresses I ask that you send them to me by Private E Mail.
Peg Leg
To say that I am excited is an understatement.


I will send your e-mail address to a very experienced producer down in Hollywood, who works in both TV and Movies. I saw a two-hour pilot that he produced only last week on the TV. I will also send him extracts from your posts on this topic. He can decide whether to follow it up with you. I will e-mail him today.

Best wishes. I think it sounds like a great project.


Thanks Mariner.
That would be great.
Peg Leg

Hey Peg,

Contact Dan Crowell on the Seeker http://www.sdp-video.com/ he has all the contacts with Discovery, history, etc. He's done several of the Deap Sea Detective episodes and such. He's always up for a good adventure too!


30 minutes notice... I'd say you have a right to be pissed. I feel for you. Trying to get something accomplished by relying on other peoples' schedules can be a complete nightmare. Its like when you go to move... and all of your friends miraculously are unavailable for that day... even when you're offering free pizza and beer. lol. hope it works out.

Yea, life get to be a bitch sometimes.
I am actually working 2 projects at the same time or trying to anyway.
I have been informed that a new group has been put together that plan to do some surveying and location on the shipwreck in the Gulf and that they will be going out sometime this week. We will see and I wish them luck. I am not going this time. 3 trips is enough for me for a litle while. There is only so much a one legged person can :-\do.
Mentally I am still very sharp but doing physical things there is the problem. But I am willing to put out 100% whenever I can.
The TEAM LEADER ask me why I was in a hurry.
Well I am 69 years old a Diabetic and have one leg and I just got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago. Actually I WALKED OUT ;D.
When I was there 5 weeks ago I was given a prescribtion-2 different ones. They created a reaction
that sent me back into the hospital. My blood pressure had a high of 66. This was on a Friday and I was told that if this had stayed the same I was a dead man come Saturday. During this time I saw 14 Different Doctors and everyone was saying this or that and was proscribing different things.
I refursed to take another proscribtion without being told what they were for and WHY. The last time I was admitted I caught the Head Nurse in a LIE and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I took my IVe out of my arm and left. I am doing much better as you can see.
In a HURRY you bet you arse I am because I KNOW that if I were not around my family would not get a THING and both Projects would fad into the Sunset.
My sugar count stays at about 99 and my blood pressure is the same as a healty 40 year old.
Sometimes you have to make up you own mind what you want out of life and stop depending on others to tell you what you must do.
Sorry to get so personal on an open forum but this is to let everyone know where I stand and that I do take things serious.
Peg Leg

I'll most likely be heading to Jupiter FL. either late next week, or over the Labor Day weekend. I'm going to dive with SeaHunter and stop by and meet with some of the boys from Mel Fisher's place. I also plan to dive with Joseph for a day or two, but will have some spare time while I'm there. Seriously, if you need an additional hand, just let me know...I WILL show up. I'm also trustworthy and can keep my mouth shut....well, unless someone pisses me off :D

I'll let you know my schedule and if you want some RELIABLE help, I'll be there. I'm considering taking a job diving full time in Florida, and want to check things out and get a feel for all of this before I jump ship from my current job and persue my dream.


The Team went to the site yesterday and did not find a thing. The current was very dangerous so diver was not able to get into the water.
They used a Mag and a camera and had no hits on the Mag.
Lets us say that the cannons were Bronze would the mag pick them out.
Lets also say that the metal objects in the mud were Gold and Silver- the mag would not pick
them out either would it?
I know that I am being pushy but I was not told that there was EVER a Metal Detector used at this site.
This is what I am saying.
This wreck is very very old and I believe that it was one of CORTEZ ships. I also believe that the depth of the keel was not over 7'.
If this is true than there was NO iron anything on this ship. There is no ballast rock to be seen but let us suppose that the oyster bed 60 feet from the wreck IS the ballast rock covered with oysters. A mag is a great tool if there is IRON present but it is not worth crap is there is NO iron present.
I believe that this ship is so old that wooden pegs were used to build this ship and NO irom nails or spikes. There we ships built this way.
What do you think?
Peg Leg

hi peg,
what type of mag was used, were they able to run patterns, and what software was used.
has the crab trap been removed. there should be some readings

diving doc
That is all fine and good but the current was so swift that when a camera was put into the water it went all the way to 50' and never was able to reach the botton until a weight belt was attached. This was not a day for a diver to go into the water. The good this is that there were no sharks or gators around-water was to swift.
I believe that the crab trap was gone. The whole area had changed quite a bit due to the current.
This also caused problems with the Mag and the camera being swept away
This Project is on hold.
More later
Peg Leg

I would be very surprised if a ship from the period of the early Spanish explorations was not carrying large wrought-iron guns. On the other hand this is a very early date for bronze swivel guns.


Doc's got a good point there Peg, if this was a local company and they didn't KNOW that the water would be too bad to dive in, you might want to re-consider your partnership options. I'm no expert in Florida waters, but I can tell you that when I land in Cozumel or Belize, I know EXACTLY what the tides (and the currents) will be doing while I'm there.

Tide tables aren't very difficult to read and comprehend, and IMO are just a normal part of planning any dive, especially in waters known to have adverse conditions. Maybe they weren't planning on doing any diving....but if I was towing a side scan over a possible new location, I'd be ready to get in the water for sure! Just another divers thoughts.


Very good advise.
As far as re doing any agreements this has been done by the TEAM ITSELF.
I have been informed by the Team Leader that they will NOT return to this site. Well that takes care of that.
Now for a SERIOUS QUESTION for whoever is interested.
On the CRAB TRAP scan. Look below the crab trap and a little to the left and tell me what you see.
I see 2 small white objects shaped like a OX Yoak. When you look you will see that one is smaller than the other. Pay close attention to these objects because this is VERY important.
these objects are manmade and are on the railing of a ship. If you look long enough you will also see what appears to be the the outline of the ship itself. Use your minds eye and REALLY take a look. If you are having problems then take a sheet of paper and draw what you see-forget the crab trap.
I will confess that I know very little about side scan sonar (but am learning).
If you see only mud holes then I suggest that you don't quit your day job to get into treasure hunting. Electronics are fine and you can locate a number of things but you still must be able to look beyond what the screen tells you.
Take a look and tell me what you see.
Peg Leg

I do not have any more photos-I was not given any but the one that I was given tells me the whole story or enough that I fully intend to persue this project all the way to the end. I know what I see and I have EYEWITNESS STATEMENTS of those that have seen the wreck at low tide and have even walked on the deck even though they were walking in 2 feet of mud.
It is very hard for me to believe that I am the only person who is able to see the outline of the ship, the small cannon, the anchor and other objects. The areas in circuled in yellow mean nothing and actually do not show the small cannon.
If you recall I said that I had a NASA Engineer look over this scan and he AGREED that this appeared to be a SHIP in the mud. He used a special scanner and was able to print a 36" x 36" print of the sonar scan. He then erased all the crap and what was left was a pretty good picture of what appeared to be a ship laying on its side. He is now in the process of having a computer program do a drawing of the ship in 3D. He is also doing a CAD program that will provide the actual size of the ship down to inches.
I will tell you that this service is NOT FREE and is costing me $$$ but since this is what I feel is a part of HISTORY it is worth it. Of course I am not able to provide any photos at this time because it will be COPYWRITED to be used along with the story.
Now what I must do it to get a piece of the ship and have it carbon dated.
This most likely is my last posting on this subject until much later.
Thanks everyone for thier responses. I am just an Old Dog trying to learn some New Tricks.
Peg Leg

The deepest part is estimated to be 14' of water and 12' of mud
This is the deepest part. No one knows for sure. It has never been probed or scanned with anything that I know of.
In 1992 a man was able to walk on what he said was the deck but I think that he was walking on the side of the ship and NOT on the actual deak. The mud was very soft and was estimated to be 2' thick but when the tide was out a portion of the structure could be seen.
This was in 1992 and a lot of changes have taken place with tons and tons of mud and silt has been dumped and taken away. It changes everyday with the exception of the location of the ship itself.
There is a TIDE.
Peg leg

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