LivWell pot shop is great!

Anybody else catch this in the news today?

Marijuana Extract Shows Promise In Treating Epilepsy In Kids : HEADLINES : Youth Health Magzine

"Hope has been raised for children with severe forms of epilepsy that are
difficult to treat after trials of a new drug derived from cannabis showed
promise in helping to reduce the number of debilitating seizures suffered
as a result of the condition. "

Full article at the link.

DizzyDigger, yes I caught it on a documentary several months ago. It has caused a relocation boom in the state of Colorado over the last 2-3 years of families searching for some relief for their children.

Being a herbalist, I love to follow research on plant and natural medicines.
I know without question that cannabis is one of the most medicinal plants known!

In 1980, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam discovered that CBD in cannabis would help prevent seizures...
yes, that's 35 years ago! This is the same doctor who identified THC in cannabis in 1964. The wheels on medical research turn
very slow. Just think how far this research would have gone if the world laws on cannabis was never placed 80 years ago!

Would you believe that every animal and humans produce cannabinoids in their bodies?
Cannabis has over 80 different cannabinoids.. not just THC and CBD... what if your body needs one to repair itself?
This is the reason high CBD helps prevent seizures!

This "system" we have in our bodies is called the "Endocannabinoid System" and was also discovered by Dr. Mechoulam in 1992.
And it controls most body functions.. brain and our immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, just to name a few!

SO.. if our bodies needs a certain cannabinoid to repair itself to prevent a disease and cannabis has over 80... are you starting to see any light at the end of the tunnel yet!?:icon_thumleft:

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Being a herbalist, I love to follow research on plant and natural medicines.
I know without question that cannabis is one of the most medicinal plants known!

In 1980, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam discovered that CBD in cannabis would help prevent seizures...
yes, that's 35 years ago! This is the same doctor who identified THC in cannabis in 1964. The wheels on medical research turn
very slow. Just think how far this research would have gone if the world laws on cannabis was never placed 80 years ago!

Would you believe that every animal and humans produce cannabinoids in their bodies?
Cannabis has over 80 different cannabinoids.. not just THC and CBD... what if your body needs one to repair itself?
This is the reason high CBD helps prevent seizures!

This "system" we have in our bodies is called the "Endocannabinoid System" and was also discovered by Dr. Mechoulam in 1992.
And it controls most body functions.. brain and our immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive system, and gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, just to name a few!

SO.. if our bodies needs a certain cannabinoid to repair itself to prevent a disease and cannabis has over 80... are you starting to see any light at the end of the tunnel yet!?:icon_thumleft:

The "LIGHT"...? Need ONLY CBD as "Herbal Extract". Coming to your local Wal-Mart, soon!

People look at you funny when you go into the grocery store & ask for $300 worth of Twinkies...

Now THAT... is one heck of a "SUGAR HIGH"! And the WEIGHT GAIN... drink PLENTY of water with LEMON.

Watch this video to the end....

And then think about your decisions...

Yes.. it is a known fact that no one should use cannabis before the age of 21 because of brain development!
What I believe is it shouldn't be used for recreational use, only medical!
The sad part is our government has made it almost impossible to have medical research on cannabis in the past 80 years,
with most research having been made in other countries.

It has also been known that cannabis is a "weight regulator" by true research for many years!
Our government has never said anything about the good of cannabis.. only the bad. As I read reports they have given out
to the public over the last few years, they are starting to admit some of the good more so than before.

You would think using cannabis would make everyone fat because of the munchies?
Not true...
"...perhaps the effects of marijuana are a function of initial weight status—i.e., maybe marijuana is a metabolic regulatory substance that increases body weight in low-weight individuals but not in normal-weight or overweight individuals. Only further research will clarify the complex relationships between marijuana and body weight." - National Institutes of Health

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It has also been known that cannabis is a "weight regulator" by true research for many years!
Our government has never said anything about the good of cannabis.. only the bad. As I read reports they have given out
to the public over the last few years, they are starting to admit some of the good more so than before.

You would think using cannabis would make everyone fat because of the munchies?
Not true...
"...perhaps the effects of marijuana are a function of initial weight status—i.e., maybe marijuana is a metabolic regulatory substance that increases body weight in low-weight individuals but not in normal-weight or overweight individuals. Only further research will clarify the complex relationships between marijuana and body weight." - National Institutes of Health

Is it CBD (Cannabidiol)...? Weight loss Herbal Extract possible...?

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I'm hearing you Treasure Hunter and while I am glad to hear you're not smoking anymore ,oh yes it is very detrimental habit and yes,adults do smoke it for recreational use and try to raise kids just like alcoholics do and you're parenting with an impaired mind no matter whether its booze or pot. I have firsthand knowledge of an adult tuning out,turning on and not giving crap about what her kids were doing and who they were with because she was busy blowing weed. Jeff of PA, last night there was a thread where I jokingly said the Commander-in-Chief likes it( pot) and I can't find it in the political forum so is this where it ended up? Sorry I can't find it and wanted to read further. It was about the laws regarding medical marijuana I think,not politics. I guess I'm just a little confused about what are political topics and what are not.

So It should be illegal cuz weed somehow-distracts parents from giving kids the attention they deserve-What about kids dying in the hands of capable "clear headed"adults,so does people that smoke cigs also neglect there kids because--thats a smokable drug,what about chocolate,what about gambling or art or shopping or internet porn or the internet or a JOB?--What about these headline news stories--2 adults charged in negligent death of a toddler -after they forgot to check on him for days,because of "playing online games"which becoming a trend-- and a infection from not changing diapers--traveled and killed the infant!"--#2 after spending all day on facebook a Mother of 2 is charged with negligent homicide after her children drowned in a pool and she didnt know for 3 hrs that her children was floating in a pool!! The only way to die from pot is if a GIANT BALE fell on you or you decided to get a few tons from a cartel and dont pay them back!--It is impossible to overdose and it is not a poison based drug it is an inhibitor or anti- inhibitor depending on you mental state!I think all drugs should be .25 cents-to seperate the people with self control and the addicts --almost overnight as well as put any criminal element out of business and seperate the addicts from the pushers -thus solving our problem

When i was a kid i experimented smoking pot,as i grew into adulthood i went into full scale research and ....wait huh what are we talking about again ?

When are we going detecting! LOL! I forgot-?8-)

Fire one up and stimulate your mind,maybe you will remember:laughing7:

Willie Nelson wrote 337 songs and has smoked pot for 50 years... either you don't need brain cells to write songs or it doesn't effect him!?

James Garner used pot for 50 years too... how did he ever remember his lines!?
“I started smoking marijuana in my late teens. I drank to get drunk but ultimately didn’t like the effect. Not so with grass. Grass is smooth. It had the opposite effect from alcohol: it made me more tolerant and forgiving.
I smoked marijuana for 50 years. I don’t know where I’d be without it. It opened my mind to a lot of things, and now it’s active ingredient, THC, relaxes me and eases my arthritis pain. I’ve concluded that marijuana should be legal and alcohol should be illegal. But, good luck with that.”

HEH! What's a Metal Detector for, AGAIN...?
Hold on!let me fire one up so I can remember.Oh yeah,and here I was all this time thinking it was just a funny stick with a round end that goes Beep.Now I feel like smoking crack:tongue1:

Yes.. it is a known fact that no one should use cannabis before the age of 21 because of brain development!
What I believe is it shouldn't be used for recreational use, only medical!
The sad part is our government has made it almost impossible to have medical research on cannabis in the past 80 years,
with most research having been made in other countries.

There are private research facilities, some funded by wealthy individuals, with family members whom could benefit from properly conducted analysis.

There are private research facilities, some funded by wealthy individuals, with family members whom could benefit from properly conducted analysis.

There was a short program on CNN the other day - related to seizures and the benefits of cannabis - at the end, the medical correspondent said "we need placebo based studies".

Can you imagine being the poor soul, suffering from seizures, that gets the placebo.

I'm sorry. The truth is plain to see - it's a beneficial herb - the government has NO right to regulate what god given plants we grow or consume.

You can get "high" from gasoline - I don't see anyone in "power" trying to stop us from consuming THAT! (but if there were laws against huffing gasoline, I am SURE the incidents would go up dramatically!)

It seems like such a huge waste of time and energy to even be talking about this.... or not.... it's NOT about marijuana (cannabis) it's about whether or not we want laws (government) restricting our freedoms. It's a civil (human) rights issue.

Nixon is the one who cemented this issue - and we know HE never lied!

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There was a short program on CNN the other day - related to seizures and the benefits of cannabis - at the end, the medical correspondent said "we need placebo based studies".

Can you imagine being the poor soul, suffering from seizures, that gets the placebo.

I'm sorry. The truth is plain to see - it's a beneficial herb - the government has NO right to regulate what god given plants we grow or consume.

You can get "high" from gasoline - I don't see anyone in "power" trying to stop us from consuming THAT! (but if there were laws against huffing gasoline, I am SURE the incidents would go up dramatically!)

It seems like such a huge waste of time and energy to even be talking about this.... or not.... it's NOT about marijuana (cannabis) it's about whether or not we want laws (government) restricting our freedoms. It's a civil (human) rights issue.

Nixon is the one who cemented this issue - and we know HE never lied!

All that goes through my mind for Tricky Dick is..."I am not a CROOK".:laughing7:

I know more than I can say, but I have friends who have been using cannabis oil for years.
Just because we have laws doesn't really mean much to people who wants the medical benefits
of cannabis where other medicines hasn't helped or has many side effects.
Would you believe you can take cannabis oil that's real high in THC and not get a high! If you make suppositories
it won't make you high because it doesn't have the first pass through your liver. I know a few who use this method for COPD and arthritis with great results.
Big pharma is working overtime to synthesize the cannabinoids where they can get a patent. The main problem with this is the many side effects.. where the natural plant is much safer.

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