LivWell pot shop is great!

Hey Guys & Gals! Speaking from experience, I was clear of Hep 'C' at the 6 month test. The VA considers me free of the disease. No one has said anything about donating blood or not. But I wouldn't anyway. My Hep 'C' first hit me in about 1981 while I was working at the Midland Nuclear Power Plant in Midland, MI. I got so bad that all it could do was sit and stare at the wall. I didn't have enough energy to even lift my finger. Back then there was no test for Hep 'C'. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong. So, they, basically, called me a lazy good for nothing, said it was a mental problem and told me to get back to work. Wow!! That was a really big help! I took a month off work, went to the health club every other day for a two to three hour workout and jogged a mile every morning. By the time the month was over and it was time to go back to work, I felt great. I continued the workouts spending almost every evening at the health club lifting weights, jogging, etc. And my health stayed good. I beat whatever it was that was making me feel so bad. Plus, I made idiots out of the doctors who had dismissed me as a 'good-for-nothing'. Then in 1992, while working at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in Avila Beach, CA, Hep 'C' hit me again. This time I noticed it when I went to the health club for my daily workout. One day I'd do the upper body and the next day I'd do the lower body workout. Normally, I'd begin my workout with a 5 minute ride on the stationary bike using a high tension. Then I'd do 20 extreme sit-ups on the 'Roman Chair'. After this I was ready to rock & roll with, either, the lower body or the upper body workout. However, suddenly I couldn't do that anymore. I had no energy. I'd do the bike and I was already cooked. This time the doctor found the problem. At this time in California, there was a test for Hep 'C'. The doctor did a liver biopsy and found that I had chronic cirrhosis of the liver. The prognosis was not good. People were dying from Hep 'C' and I knew and felt why that was. Zero energy!! Stare at the wall and don't move at all. So, I planned on dying. I took disability from work, began receiving Social Security Disability benefits and I went home to die. I was 47 years old. For the next 3 or 4 years I sat and I stared at the wall. But I hung around at my friend's car restoration business watching as he restored old cars. That kept my engineering mind busy. And it was okay for me to just sit. After, basically, resting for those 3 or 4 years, I began to have more energy. All this time I was still quite strong from lifting weights. I just didn't have the energy or the desire to do anything. Strength without energy is wasted. But because I was not forced to continue to work, not forced to be somewhere at a certain time each and every day and not forced to do things because a boss told me I had to do them, I rested. And I recovered enough energy to begin to have a sort of normal life again. However, I was very limited in how I could spend that energy. If I overdid things, I'd pay for it for the next week or so, until my liver could recuperate (I'd guess). Now, the Hep 'C' is not visible. But my energy level is still going down. This means that the liver is slowly deteriorating, even though the disease is pretty much enactive. I'm trying to lift weights again. I'm trying to jog again. But if I hit it too hard during the week by Friday I'm hurting and sick and have no energy. But by Monday, I've regained enough to begin self torture again. At the moment I'm recovering from an injury. I have to wait for the injury to heal. Then I'll go at it again. But this next time, I won't add weight too quickly. I have to realized that now I'm 67 years old. I ain't 20 no more.

But back to smoking pot... I sincerely believe that getting high off the right combination of pot ingredients would help me find more energy and more determination. It did it for me after I came home from Vietnam. I think it could do it for me again.

You are a fool if you use drugs or alcohol!
Yeah..looks like drugs helped you a lot..not!
And anyone that encourages you to use them is no friend!
Everything is filtered through the liver, herbs as failed to say what stage your liver disease is in,but I can tell you that if you ever need a transplant you won't get it if you have been using drugs recently. .nor should you..transplants are and should be reserved for those that are serious about recovery!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Squiggy as adult it is his choice as it is any adults choice if someone wishes to drink alcohol or smoke pot.

If I had liver disease I personally would not drink alcohol, but it would not stop me from smoking pot if I so chose.

He certainly does not need you calling him a fool either....

Squiggy as adult it is his choice as it is any adults choice if someone wishes to drink alcohol or smoke pot.

If I had liver disease I personally would not drink alcohol, but it would not stop me from smoking pot if I so chose.

He certainly does not need you calling him a fool either....

Fyi..I did not call him a fool..I said you are a fool IF you use these substances, since he was considering it..and I have no idea whether he is using them or not!!!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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You are a fool if you use drugs or alcohol!
Yeah..looks like drugs helped you a lot..not!
And anyone that encourages you to use them is no friend!
Everything is filtered through the liver, herbs as failed to say what stage your liver disease is in,but I can tell you that if you ever need a transplant you won't get it if you have been using drugs recently. .nor should you..transplants are and should be reserved for those that are serious about recovery!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

I wish there was a thumbs down option here because I would be the first to give you one!
You just called everyone a fool that uses drugs and alcohol based on your wording.
If that wasn't all high and mighty enough, you then say anyone who uses "drugs" are not worthy of a liver transplant.
A guy shares his personal story and you pick him a part for his last sentence. Does that encourage him to open up some more or completely shut down?
I sure hope you're not a professional in the medical system!

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Pot works as a pain killer, it also works for people on cancer treatment as it gives them an appetite when they have none due to chemo...

Fyi..I did not call him a fool..I said you are a fool IF you use these substances, since he was considering it..and I have no idea whether he is using them or not!!!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

That sounds like a pure politician.

IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.

You are a fool if you use drugs or alcohol!
Yeah..looks like drugs helped you a lot..not!
And anyone that encourages you to use them is no friend!
Everything is filtered through the liver, herbs as failed to say what stage your liver disease is in,but I can tell you that if you ever need a transplant you won't get it if you have been using drugs recently. .nor should you..transplants are and should be reserved for those that are serious about recovery!

So, you're saying that everyone that uses any type of medicine is a fool. Medicines are drugs, drugs are medicines. Only our government has the ability to call one legal and one illegal. Oh wait, what are all these commercials on TV? It's all the legal drugs they've been cramming down everyone's throats that are killing everyone.

At what point in his statement did you read that he acquired Hep C through drug use? "Yeah..looks like drugs helped you a lot..not!"

Everyone should stop seeing their doctors because according to you, anyone that suggests the use of medicine is clearly, "not your friend".

And last but not least, everyone has a right to a transplant.

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

"...drugs are medicines."

Sorry.. our government just doesn't see it that way!

On one hand they'll tell you cannabis has NO medical value and it remains a sch.1 drug..
and at the same time they obtain a patent(Pat.#6630507) on several components of the plant for medical use.
And people still have a very negative view which is based on all the propaganda our government has been telling the people for over 75 years!... i guess some still believe it will make you want to rape white woman!:laughing7:

Very limited research has been done in this country because of the many restrictions and laws.
With some states having medical cannabis, some of the real truth is being verified that was first discovered in other countries years ago.

So... tell me about the many ways cannabis is so bad.:laughing7:

"...drugs are medicines."

Sorry.. our government just doesn't see it that way!

On one hand they'll tell you cannabis has NO medical value and it remains a sch.1 drug..
and at the same time they obtain a patent(Pat.#6630507) on several components of the plant for medical use.
And people still have a very negative view which is based on all the propaganda our government has been telling the people for over 75 years!... i guess some still believe it will make you want to rape white woman!:laughing7:

Very limited research has been done in this country because of the many restrictions and laws.
With some states having medical cannabis, some of the real truth is being verified that was first discovered in other countries years ago.

So... tell me about the many ways cannabis is so bad.:laughing7:
"Rape white women" is a little out of line don't you think??

sent from a potato...

I'll take no sides in this. But Squiggy has the right to her personal opinions, right or wrong. Personally I do not believe as radically as she does, but I absolutely honor her right to express her opinions, period! I do not see where she explicitly called anyone a fool. She expressed her right to say it was the choice of a fool - that does not mean she explicitly called anyone a fool. In THIS world I live in, and you individually live in your worlds as well, we each have an opinion. I certainly have mine. You have yours. AND SQUIGGY ABSOLUTELY HAS HER'S.

So, believe personally as you will - as will I - but allow OUR FRIEND squiggy to have her's as well.

In a free Country where you have the right to express ones own never ceases to amaze me that those who oppose your opinion take offense and attack you.....personally I don't give a rat's what you do...but I respect Sqiggy's right to voice an I do the other side! Don't let the Smoke get in your eyes.....Gary

"Rape white women" is a little out of line don't you think??

sent from a potato...

No.. I don't think it is!
It was part of the propaganda to outlaw cannabis...

One source of pot demonization came from Mr. Henry Hearst, famous yellow journalist. Hearst made it his goal to wipe hemp completely off the map. His reasons are as follows:

1) Mexicans had brought it over and were associated with it, and Hearst hated Mexicans.

2) Hearst invested heavily into the timber industry to support his newspaper business and he did not want hemp as a competitor.

3) Stories of marijuana making Mexicans rape white women made for riveting stories in his newspaper.

Here is more quotes made to try and get cannabis outlawed...

Here are some quotes from those files:
“This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and others.”
“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”
“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality and death.”
“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men”
“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”


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Here we go with the "free country and everyone has a right to an opinion" same old song and dance. This is now my third post in 21 pages.
Take a look how many times Squiggy's opinion had been freely expressed throughout this thread.
No one attacked her either. We are expressing our opinions as well, in this free country of yours.
Just to be fair, I'm going to make an equal statement to hers......
"Anyone who is opposed to Marijuana and posts on this thread is a fool."
WOW, I was still able to make this post even though my brain is fried, I'm a fool, and the smoke finally cleared from my eyes.
I'm done with this thread!

Well to steal a line from Mr.T.
"I pity the fool" Lol!

sent from a potato...

When "old hippies" know more about the medical benefits of cannabis than most doctors it's not hard to see why opinions can be far apart!
Doctors and people in the health care field base the use of drugs and medicines on past clinical trials and research.
When a drug is approved, the amount to prescribe for a condition is known, also the side effects which a percentage of patients
may have. They have a "standard" to go by, and as it stands now, cannabis has no standard!

With cannabis in the past being illegal world wide, it will take many years of research to change opinions! Many new studies are starting to be made in many countries, more so than any other time in history...
yes, even in Canada.


You are a fool if you use drugs or alcohol!
Yeah..looks like drugs helped you a lot..not!
And anyone that encourages you to use them is no friend!
Everything is filtered through the liver, herbs as failed to say what stage your liver disease is in,but I can tell you that if you ever need a transplant you won't get it if you have been using drugs recently. .nor should you..transplants are and should be reserved for those that are serious about recovery!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Sqiggy! Shame on you! But you are probably right. I probably am a fool. Don't tell anybody, though. Most likely, people know me as a fool as soon as I speak. And it is irrelevant as to whether or not I drink alcohol or smoke pot. As my father always said, "Drinking doesn't make a fool out of a man. It only brings the fool that is already there out into the open." A thorough look at what I've done in life might give the viewer a hint as to what my character is.


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