there is a better way than just high CBD and low THC, it is proven fact that when a plant has near identical levels of CBD and THC, the *high* effect from the THC is nearly or completely canceled out.
There may be more strains like this, but I have not studied it in 16 months or so, at that time there was one strain like that, at the moment I cannot remember what it is called, was either in high times magazine or skunk magazine.
My memory is shot, completely probably from all the grass I smoked in the 80's, I've only used it several times in the last two years and only for the intent of finding a strain that I pray helps ease my wife's pain from multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. No luck so far, but I hope.
I haven't read your link you posted but I really think that any foreign matter be it smoke(of any kind) or dust can contribute to the development of lung cancer. If I get some time later I'll look at your link...
sent from a potato...
That kinda changes things!That is correct!
No high from cannabis that's high in CBD and low in THC! The cannabis is a cross between marijuana and hemp.
What many people don't realize is the complexity of the plant.. far from just being a pain killer!
There are over 480 natural components found within the Cannabis sativa plant, of which 66 have been classified as "cannabinoids"
THC and CBD are only two.
If you watch the video I posted on page 13 it will show you the true medical side of the plant!
That kinda changes things!
I think...I mean I know...people whom disapprove of stoners, might just take a look at this. if there is no high...not really pot now is it?
Hell, hemp, which can not get you high...makes great lotions, cloths, rope etc. As far as doctors, politicians getting "stoned".....nope. They as do lawyers, like alcohol, cocaine and high powered pharmaceuticals.
I feel stoners get a bad rap. They stay at home. They don't fight. They don't steal....they can't They are stoned!!
meth heads, drunks junkies....they do things to other people that is unbelievable! Moderation is the key. Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia.
What?? But water is pure! See? I think the hippies in the 60's caused A lot of....don't like stoners attitude. I see that.
I have A friend that is a doctor. He tells me..we write prescriptions for each other! WTF?
The stoners? I view that as a heh heh kinda thing. The medical uses...benefits without the "high" ? That is great!!
From what I have read..Colorado is getting 10 times the taxes they predicted from pot. That seems like a plus.
And the pot makes you stupid thing. Yeh. But if you are already stupid....makes it worse! Studies claim....marijuana can lower your IQ by 3 points. So if your IQ is 170......does not make a difference.
Squiggy, point is it is my business and no one else what I or anyone does in the privacy of their home when they are hurting no one else, it is called freedom....Problem is TH, that people who use substances DO hurt other people!
Family suffers, traffic fatalities etc..
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That's not where I was going with that jamey,I was just having fun!I am kind of a compulsive poster myself sometimes."I don't think I thought that one throughyea digiron2 i should of said a man of color,the color of your skin makes no difference to me,just your actions.i admit im a compulsive poster and i should think things thru a little more
i would like to hear some thoughts about,what some say is that you can only get so high on that true?i know about the beer as i was once at a hank the third concert and thought i was doing fine,but still got kicked out
Problem is TH, that people who use substances DO hurt other people!
Family suffers, traffic fatalities etc..
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
quote all the stats you want,make all the excuses you want,tell of all the WONDERFUL times you had when high, its still STUPID AND WRONG!! one thing is clear,this country is run by old/ex pot heads,thats why it going down the TOILET! People with fried brain cells CANT understand it!
Pot is like different kinds of beer, some beer is 3.2 % and some is 10% alcohol, there are different levels of THC in different strains of pot, the highs vary.
So goes the world, under no circumstances and not just here can you talk about a pure subject such as God, but you can pay to talk politics if you choose, which always ends in wars and fighting, yet everywhere its perfectly acceptable to talk about and discuss a weed/drug that's still illegal at the federal level. personally I don't care if you smoke pot, its not addictive, it does not make you wreck your car..myths..but I still find it highly offensive that it can be discussed freely everywhere when so many are morally against it, it causes wars just as much as God and politics, so why exclude religion..and don't say religion causes worse wars, because only the ones against it say that!
My two bits.