LivWell pot shop is great!

Got a message from a friend who moved from Kansas City, MO to Colorado.
Both him and his girlfriend has health problems... that's the reason they moved to CO.

He said...

"Non THC Cannabinol and Indica strain vapor pen does an incredible good job on fibromyalgia pain, watching my girlfriend every day since we moved to Colorado, she has more range of motion, less difficulty sleeping, absolutely NO opiates or Oxy in her system anymore, she is even off Cymbalta & cut Wellbutrin in half, it is really a good thing for us living here now. She is lucid and enjoying life for the first time in years"

I've been trying to stay out of this thread because it's just not worth it (for me) to spend any energy convincing people of anything anymore but I will share my personal experience to show the fairness of what's accepted and what's not.
Although my immediate family seems fine with just the normal amount of dysfunction, a good portion of my extended family have been destroyed by alcohol.
I've watched a bunch of drunks "perform" their usual drama for years with consumption amounts exceeding toxic levels.
One uncle died after doing jail time for his 8th D.U.I. charge when he rolled his truck (drunk of course) and went through the windshield.
Thank God he did not take anyone with him! His other brothers continued drinking and driving and consuming insane amounts of booze, including my grandfather. (who is long deceased from excessive drinking and smoking)
On the other side of the family, my dad's twin brother who was an alcoholic, got diabetes around the same time as my dad.
He did not change his lifestyle and we watched a healthy man's legs shrink into toothpicks and he needed a cane because he had a body like an old man.
Uncle Don died before his 60th birthday from a disease called alcoholism.
My dad had the same demon but at least his family kept him from going off the deep-end and he has somewhat maintained his diabetic body.

Oh, now let's talk about cigarettes and how family members and friends died from those legal poison sticks.
Well, no point because the toll is still growing as we speak!
The only thing my family hasn't suffered from is prescription drugs but I'm sure y'all know what those can do to people!

When I graduated from high school, I spent every day getting drunk at the bar and was headed down the same path.
But then a harmless green herb entered my life and the rowdy drunk nights diminished.
Yes, the effects of that plant on me was to explore my brain and be a peaceful, loving, responsible young man.
I became a harmless hippy instead of an aggressive, reckless redneck like my uncles.
I haven't had a fight in 20 years but back in my drinking days, I may have been the first to kick your teeth in!
All the STUPID things I did under the influence of alcohol and all the pain my body went through the next day from consuming poison.
You could smoke your self silly with pot all night long and wake up the next day like nothing happened.
I become a more cautious driver when stoned then when I'm straight and inpatient.
I no longer smoke tobacco and rarely have a drink. I exercise both my body and my brain regularly.
At the end of the day when it's time to sit down and relax, I blaze and unwind.

For all of you who think I have a fried brain because I smoke pot, I challenge you to a battle of wits! That's right, a contest of intelligence.
In the old days when I was a drinker, I would challenge you with my fists but now, as an enlightened, part-time herb smoker, I will challenge you with my brain.
You think my brain is fried? eh? Bring it on!
How could some people be so against a plant that has done nothing wrong in comparison to legal tobacco, alcohol, prescription drugs, and processed food?
Smoke a joint and chill out! Or just simply live and let live.

I have no desire to convert any of you and try to accept everyone for who they are. I am not promoting pot.
It is what it is but I can't sit back and witness negative comments when FAR WORSE things are accepted and legal here in this continent.
It's typical for people to be against that which they do not understand.
Since your brain is not fried from smoking pot, then why don't you educate yourselves a little more on the subject?
There just simply isn't any stats in comparison. Mary Jane is at the bottom of the list when looking at harmful substances.
Do it in moderation and there shouldn't be any problems....PERIOD!

The effects of using a substance, aren't always apparent until it is stopped!
Try discontinuing your use of all drugs and alcohol..then lets see what you have to say!

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Well squiggy, I completely quit smoking pot for 7 years with ease. No physical addictions, mental hang-ups, Nada. I still didn't get back into drinking but I couldn't quit tobacco during that period.
Now, the only thing I partake in is a little weed. I even watch what I eat, (processed foods) exercise, and refuse prescription drugs. Are you saying that a 41 year old should be an absolute puritan?
Is anyone these days?'s not my place to say...but thx for asking

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I started smoking pot in when i was 22, smoked constantly till i was 55, I haven't smoked in 10 years now. I simply stopped one day cold turkey because I was looking for a job and needed to pass drug test. I Even had some in house for 1st 5 years after I quit and I never touched it, had hunting partners who smoked on way to beaches and I still didn't smoke, have friends who smoke when I visit them now but I still dont...

Well squiggy, I completely quit smoking pot for 7 years with ease. No physical addictions, mental hang-ups, Nada. I still didn't get back into drinking but I couldn't quit tobacco during that period.
Now, the only thing I partake in is a little weed. I even watch what I eat, (processed foods) exercise, and refuse prescription drugs. Are you saying that a 41 year old should be an absolute puritan?
Is anyone these days?
I don't smoke cigarettes, don't smoke pot, and rarely drink alcohol. Does that make me a puritan?
I am of the opinion that its none of my business what someone does as long as it doesn't harm me. For me though I have no need for drugs...

sent from a potato...

i used to work for an ambulance service,seen people die cause the other driver was high on 60 yrs old now,and know alot of people( friends) who still smoke and cant carry on an intellagent conversation,cousins wife died early from smokin all the time.ive tried it myself years ago,dont like feeling" mellow" like WOW man!people who are fried dont know it! and niether do your friends cause there fried too!game of whits??sorry dont go against unarmed opponents.waite till you need some kind of surgery and the DR is stoned! or when you find out the school bus driver who takes yous KIDS to school is stoned!why do think nobody will hire you because you smoke pot?BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO WORK AROUND A POT HEAD! we want to go home ALIVE!! i knew i would catch some flak over this post! but..oh well! in the imortal words of forest gump (and he was ******ed) STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! ta ta for now ,peace maan.

oops i meant mentaly challenged!

Actually, there is a bill coming up in Ca, to drug test physicians. ..I may be wrong, but it's especially targeted toward surgeons!
I think it's a GREAT idea!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Got a message from a friend who moved from Kansas City, MO to Colorado.
Both him and his girlfriend has health problems... that's the reason they moved to CO.

He said...

"Non THC Cannabinol and Indica strain vapor pen does an incredible good job on fibromyalgia pain, watching my girlfriend every day since we moved to Colorado, she has more range of motion, less difficulty sleeping, absolutely NO opiates or Oxy in her system anymore, she is even off Cymbalta & cut Wellbutrin in half, it is really a good thing for us living here now. She is lucid and enjoying life for the first time in years"
So you are saying that they are being helped..but not getting high, non THC?

So you are saying that they are being helped..but not getting high, non THC?

That is correct!

No high from cannabis that's high in CBD and low in THC! The cannabis is a cross between marijuana and hemp.

What many people don't realize is the complexity of the plant.. far from just being a pain killer!
There are over 480 natural components found within the Cannabis sativa plant, of which 66 have been classified as "cannabinoids"
THC and CBD are only two.

If you watch the video I posted on page 13 it will show you the true medical side of the plant!

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I know a lot of people who do smoke and can carry on very intelligent conversations.

More doctors are alcholics and pill poppers than pot smokers...

A lot of misinformation and most because of our government over the last 80 years.

You can read many small articles and depending if they're "pro" or "con" it will be either right or wrong.
I read mostly research papers by scientist that are looking for the truth.. and not just money.

I've read several small news articles that say smoking pot will cause lung cancer...
the largest research study ever made says it doesn't. The study was by Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection

A lot of misinformation and most because of our government over the last 80 years.

You can read many small articles and depending if they're "pro" or "con" it will be either right or wrong.
I read mostly research papers by scientist that are looking for the truth.. and not just money.

I've read several small news articles that say smoking pot will cause lung cancer...
the largest research study ever made says it doesn't. The study was by Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection
I haven't read your link you posted but I really think that any foreign matter be it smoke(of any kind) or dust can contribute to the development of lung cancer. If I get some time later I'll look at your link...

sent from a potato...

there is a better way than just high CBD and low THC, it is proven fact that when a plant has near identical levels of CBD and THC, the *high* effect from the THC is nearly or completely canceled out.
There may be more strains like this, but I have not studied it in 16 months or so, at that time there was one strain like that, at the moment I cannot remember what it is called, was either in high times magazine or skunk magazine.
My memory is shot, completely probably from all the grass I smoked in the 80's, I've only used it several times in the last two years and only for the intent of finding a strain that I pray helps ease my wife's pain from multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. No luck so far, but I hope.


muddyhandz, me and you are alot alike on this subject,i read your post and could see myself saying the same thing.if some of the ones knew what the ones they confide in did once in a while wonder if it would change how they thought about is a beautiful plant,if not abused.

i like johnny walker,once in a blue moon,your right goober ones who smoke it all the time are fried,but i do not think Obama got in office smoking every day.think how hard it would be to be black and make it to be president in this world.i am not saying it is good to smoke for some,i know it helps many it has helped me it is not the dark drug that the gov has made many belive it is is all im trying to say,moderation is the key to it all.there is drugs that i can not stand though,and the fake weed that is legal to sell come on man we need to wake up
Obama's black:icon_scratch:I always thought he just kept a year round tan?I must have been burning entirely too much herb.

there is a better way than just high CBD and low THC, it is proven fact that when a plant has near identical levels of CBD and THC, the *high* effect from the THC is nearly or completely canceled out.
There may be more strains like this, but I have not studied it in 16 months or so, at that time there was one strain like that, at the moment I cannot remember what it is called, was either in high times magazine or skunk magazine.
My memory is shot, completely probably from all the grass I smoked in the 80's, I've only used it several times in the last two years and only for the intent of finding a strain that I pray helps ease my wife's pain from multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. No luck so far, but I hope.


Well here you go!

Quote Originally Posted by Number9 View Post
Got a message from a friend who moved from Kansas City, MO to Colorado.
Both him and his girlfriend has health problems... that's the reason they moved to CO.

He said...

"Non THC Cannabinol and Indica strain vapor pen does an incredible good job on fibromyalgia pain, watching my girlfriend every day since we moved to Colorado, she has more range of motion, less difficulty sleeping, absolutely NO opiates or Oxy in her system anymore, she is even off Cymbalta & cut Wellbutrin in half, it is really a good thing for us living here now. She is lucid and enjoying life for the first time in years"

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