Lightning Strikes TWICE- Charleston SLAVE Tag and Relics

Patriot Relics

Silver Member
Feb 6, 2014
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Golden Thread
Lowcountry, South Carolina / Richmond, Virginia
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
CTX-3030, Deus XP II
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hey guys,

After digging the 1837 Servant tag last month, I have been researching and reading every available resource I can get my hands on. This insight lets me share the history of slave hire badges in the low country while it accompanies me on group hunts...or dinner out with other history buffs. It is amazing to see other's reactions when holding a piece of American history rarely seen outside a museum. That being said, I never though I be posting "Charleston Slave Tag" ever again here on Tnet...until today. A bit of back story-I have a tried and true colonial trash pit that has turned up a variety of flat buttons and colonial relics. While the site has been pounded over the years, recent erosion had revealed a fresh layer of oyster shells and brick.

First out of the pit was 4 buttons, two of which still had the much of gold/silver wash intact.


Also managed a pair of buckles, the two piece with "PARIS" stamped on the base.


After a few hours of swinging along the salt flat, I got a strong deep signal. At the bottom of a 14 inch plug was this pewter spoon bowl with jagged design molded in.


Also managed another pewter handle and a more recent (19th Century) copper spoon.


Surface finds included a chain, musket/pistol flint and interesting glass cameo of a man. Any ideas on date?


Now for the title dig- my second Charleston Slave tag in 2 weeks. While this one is only a partial, it is almost certainly 1800-1810 given the shape and size. To all those wondering, I did excavate the pit for about 6 hours trying to recover the other half...although unsuccessfully.


The condition of this one is typical of those recovered in privys or trash pits. The slave owner was required by law to renew his slave's permit every year and appropriated another badge with another permit number. As such, expired tags were destroyed and discarded by wearer. Even as a partial, it is still a remarkable piece of history.


Hard to beat that lowcountry dirt and as always, thanks for looking!

Upvote 43
Congrats. Would you have recognized the partial tag if you hadn't found your first complete one or seen Big Al's?:tongue3: You had better hurry back to Carolina before those guys take complete advantage of your absence!

Exceptional recovery Jon! Your diligence has once again paid off.

Congratulations and best of luck to you!

Huge congratulations once again. I'm glad you got a perfect one first and then got this scrap. But you're right about the story this cut tag tells. In any of your research, did you find out how they were required to discard them? I would guess that one of those tags probably had 2 Large Cents worth of copper.... adjusting for inflation, $0.02 in 1810 would be equal to about $0.35 in 2016.... 1800's Wages and Cost of Living - Food Prices Looks like you could get some lard, coffee, kerosene, or tea for that amount. ha SO, I would think they would scrap them for $, rather then just cut them in half and throw them in a trash pit. Seems like they would be throwing out metal that had some value to it. However, I'm certainly glad they are turning up because we all get to enjoy them. Just awesome man! :thumbsup:

Huge congratulations once again. I'm glad you got a perfect one first and then got this scrap. But you're right about the story this cut tag tells. In any of your research, did you find out how they were required to discard them? I would guess that one of those tags probably had 2 Large Cents worth of copper.... adjusting for inflation, $0.02 in 1810 would be equal to about $0.35 in 2016.... 1800's Wages and Cost of Living - Food Prices Looks like you could get some lard, coffee, kerosene, or tea for that amount. ha SO, I would think they would scrap them for $, rather then just cut them in half and throw them in a trash pit. Seems like they would be throwing out metal that had some value to it. However, I'm certainly glad they are turning up because we all get to enjoy them. Just awesome man! :thumbsup:

I realized my math was backwards. haha In the cost of living link, that was prices in 1800 and not in todays money. SO in reality, I guess your couldnt get very much for $0.02 back then. haha


Congrats. Would you have recognized the partial tag if you hadn't found your first complete one or seen Big Al's?:tongue3: You had better hurry back to Carolina before those guys take complete advantage of your absence!

I am certainly more aware of what to look for when digging scrap copper so that may have saved this particular piece from the junk pile. Not much detecting where I'll be for the next month so I'll just have to live vicariously through the other Lowcountry diggers.

I realized my math was backwards. haha In the cost of living link, that was prices in 1800 and not in todays money. SO in reality, I guess your couldnt get very much for $0.02 back then. haha

Thanks OutdoorAdv, no additional info regarding the means of destruction, simply that the tags were reissued each tax year

That sure is a great second slave tag. I would not have had a clue

great fines (WOW to the 3rd power) the low country is great, it just keeps on giving back,

thanks for the pics. keep digging marion

Good job....i guess couldn't dig a full one huh? What a loser! Haha We will get back out there when you get done in OK Have fun drinking 3.2 Beer. SEEYAH!

Just goes to show you never throw anything away

Man no don't just throw stuff aside. I can't count the number of blobs that were in the WP that had Coins or buttons in them. It is OK to let Stef use your All Access Pass to WP2 since you won't be using it hmmmm?

sweet finds,there is no doubt in my mind you will end up finding another tag. would make me happy to have even a piece of one--HH

great fines (WOW to the 3rd power) the low country is great, it just keeps on giving back,

thanks for the pics. keep digging marion

Thanks Marion, I'll keep them coming as long as the dirt keeps producing-good luck out there

Wow you are on a hot streak man. You gotta be tenacious at this and you obviously are my friend

Wow you are on a hot streak man. You gotta be tenacious at this and you obviously are my friend

Thanks Abe, sadly the streak will have to cool for a month while I'm in Oklahoma training...although I did bring the Deus along to scratch the itch...:laughing7:

Thanks Abe, sadly the streak will have to cool for a month while I'm in Oklahoma training...although I did bring the Deus along to scratch the itch...:laughing7:

Are you still going to be able to make it over across the pond?

Also, congrats on the kickass finds. I'd be happy with just a sliver of a slave tag [emoji12]

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Dang buddy!!! Next time you mention going somewhere I'm calling out of work to go with you!!! Great finds!!! :) Is it wrong to be jealous??

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